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How to Fix Feedback Required on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1 billion monthly active users. But sometimes, even the most active users encounter issues on the app – like the dreaded “Feedback Required” error.

This frustrating error prevents you from logging in, liking and commenting on posts, and using other Instagram features. Essentially, Instagram has temporarily restricted your access.

Don‘t panic. In most cases, the “Feedback Required” error is temporary and can be easily fixed. Here’s an in-depth guide on how to resolve this issue, so you can get back to browsing your feed and connecting with friends.

What Causes The “Feedback Required” Error on Instagram?

Before diving into solutions, let’s first understand why you’re seeing this error in the first place.

The “Feedback Required” error typically occurs if Instagram detects suspicious activity from your account. This could happen for a few reasons:

  • You performed too many actions in a short time (liked hundreds of posts, followed thousands of users, etc.)
  • You violated one of Instagram’s community guidelines
  • Your account was compromised and used for spam/bot activity
  • There’s an issue connecting to Instagram servers

In most cases, Instagram blocks your access temporarily as a precaution, not because you did anything wrong intentionally. The system is just trying to prevent automation and spam.

You may also see variations of the error like “action blocked” or “server error feedback required.” Rest assured – the cause and solutions are the same.

– Research more reasons why the Feedback Required error occurs, beyond what‘s in the original information. Look into different variations of the error message.
– Provide statistics around how many accounts get temporarily blocked by Instagram for suspicious activity. This gives helpful context.
– Consider creating a table summarizing the different types of Feedback Required errors, their messages, and common causes. Make your content more visual.

How to Fix “Feedback Required” on Instagram

Luckily, there are a few straightforward ways to troubleshoot and fix this error on Instagram.

Method 1: Switch Between Cellular Data and WiFi

One simple fix is to switch between your cellular data and WiFi connection. Here’s how:

  1. If you’re on WiFi, turn it off and reconnect using just your cellular data.

  2. Force quit the Instagram app and restart it.

  3. Check if you can access Instagram normally again. The “Feedback Required” error should disappear.

  4. If it’s still not working, toggle WiFi back on. Connect to a different WiFi network if possible.

  5. Force quit and relaunch Instagram again.

Toggling between WiFi and cellular data works because it changes your IP address. Instagram uses your IP address to identify your account activity. By switching networks, Instagram gets temporarily “fooled” into lifting the restrictions.

– Elaborate on why changing IP address fixes the error. Explain more about how Instagram uses IP addresses to monitor activity.
– Consider adding a section on using a VPN to change IP address as another potential solution.

Method 2: Use Instagram on a Web Browser

If the first method doesn’t work, try accessing Instagram on a desktop web browser instead of the mobile app.

Go to and log into your account. Browse Instagram for a while as you normally would. Then go back to the app and see if the error persists.

Using Instagram on a browser resets your IP address. Doing this for a short time can essentially “trick” Instagram into giving you access again.

– Explain why using Instagram on the web sometimes fixes error issues in the mobile app. Expand on the details.
– Provide technical insight into how web browsers handle IP addresses vs. mobile apps.

Method 3: Uninstall and Reinstall the App

If all else fails, uninstall and reinstall the Instagram app. It’s an inconvenience, but should resolve any temporary restrictions on your account.

Before uninstalling, make sure you know your login details. Then download the app again from the App Store/Google Play Store after 24-48 hours and log back in.

– Explain how reinstalling the app fixes connectivity issues that may be causing the error message.
– Give advice on what users should do to prepare before uninstalling Instagram – back up photos, remember password, etc.

Method 4: Wait It Out

Here’s the easiest fix – just wait patiently! The “Feedback Required” error is temporary in most cases. Your access should be restored within a few hours or days.

Instagram imposes these short-term restrictions if there’s suspicious activity from your account. But normal access will return once the risk passes.

While waiting, make sure your Instagram password is secure. Enable two-factor authentication for extra protection. This keeps your account safe if it was compromised.

– Provide estimated timeframes for how long people need to wait before access is restored.
– Give additional tips for keeping account secure while waiting – change password, review settings, etc.

Avoid “Feedback Required” Errors in the Future

Once you’ve regained access to your Instagram account, be mindful of your activity so random restrictions don’t happen again.

Here are some tips:

  • Don’t overdo actions like liking, commenting, following or unfollowing. Always stay within reasonable limits.

  • Avoid third-party apps that automate Instagram activity. This raises red flags.

  • Don’t violate Instagram’s community guidelines with offensive, abusive or spam content.

  • Add a profile picture and bio info to appear more like a real person, not a bot.

  • Link your Instagram account to Facebook to validate your identity.

  • Use unique hashtags in posts instead of popular/oversaturated ones.

Staying mindful of your actions protects your account while keeping Instagram a positive place for everyone. The “Feedback Required” error is a simple reminder from Instagram to use the platform responsibly.

– Provide specific limits for likes, follows, etc. per hour/day to avoid restrictions. Give clear guidance.
– Suggest additional ways to appear "human" on Instagram – interactions, comments, Stories, etc.
– Compile a list of the most common community guideline violations that may trigger error.


The “Feedback Required” notification can be annoying, but resolving it is straightforward. Just toggle your internet connection, reinstall the app, or wait patiently. Instagram’s automated systems implement these temporary restrictions for good reason – to stop spam and abuse.

While it can be inconvenient, take it as a learning opportunity and adjust your activity going forward. With a few simple tweaks, you can avoid Instagram’s “Feedback Required” error and enjoy uninterrupted access.