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What Does Fanum Tax Mean?

Fanum Tax is a popular internet meme that has taken TikTok and social media by storm. But what exactly is the Fanum Tax, and how did it originate? This in-depth guide will explore the meaning, origins, and usage of this viral meme.

Who is Fanum?

To understand Fanum Tax, we first need to know who Fanum is. Fanum is the online alias of Kevin Simmons, a YouTube personality and Twitch streamer based in New York City. With over 750k YouTube subscribers and 400k Twitch followers, Fanum has built a sizeable audience, especially among Gen Z internet users.

He rose to fame as part of the AMP (All Money In) collective of creators alongside Kai Cenat, Duke Dennis, ImDavis and others. Fanum is known for his massive food challenges, IRL streams exploring NYC, and comedy sketches. His energetic personality helped grow his fanbase.

The Origins of Fanum Tax

The Fanum Tax meme originated from a now viral TikTok video featuring Fanum and fellow creator Kai Cenat. In the video, Kai is seen eating french fries and then handing a single fry to Fanum as his "tax."

This absurd premise of having to pay a food tax to Fanum struck a chord with viewers. The video amassed over 4 million views on TikTok and kickstarted the meme. Fanum then played into the joke, claiming he charges a 1% Fanum Tax when people eat near him.

What Does "Fanum Tax" Mean?

When someone says they have to pay the Fanum Tax, they mean they have to give a small portion of their food to Fanum if he‘s around them while they‘re eating. The phrase implies that Fanum has jokingly imposed a tax on any food in his vicinity.

On platforms like TikTok, Twitter and YouTube, people use Fanum Tax to poke fun at the absurdity of this fictional tax. They‘ll make exaggerated statements like:

  • "Uh oh, just got my food, now I gotta pay the Fanum Tax"

  • "Ate my lunch today and almost forgot to pay my 1% Fanum Tax"

  • "Can‘t enjoy my meal in peace. Fanum Tax is stealing my fries again!"

So in essence, the Fanum Tax is a fictional meme tax that people reference humorously as if it were real.

How Fanum Tax Spread as a Viral Meme

After the original TikTok video took off, the meme spread rapidly across social media and the internet. Fanum and the AMP creators made it a recurring bit in their YouTube videos and vlogs. Fanum would show up suddenly while they were eating and demand payment of his fictional tax.

These entertaining videos went viral, exposing the meme to wider audiences beyond just TikTok. Fanum‘s fans also participated by using the #FanumTax hashtag and creating their own videos where they jokingly paid the tax.

The sheer absurdity and randomness of this made-up tax made it highly sharable and remixable as a meme. Soon, Fanum Tax was known across various online communities like Reddit, Twitter, Instagram and Discord.

Current Usage and Prevalence

The Fanum Tax meme exploded in popularity earlier this year but still remains a relevant internet subculture. These days, it‘s mostly used as a humorous meme reference.

People will make jokes about having to pay Fanum Tax in comment sections or chat rooms. The meme is also referenced through viral TikTok sounds and clips. Some fans even shout about paying Fanum Tax at real-life AMP events!

While the meme has peaked, it remains ingrained as an inside joke. When people mention Fanum Tax, it shows they‘re part of the internet culture that gave rise to this absurdist fictional tax.

So in summary, Fanum Tax is a viral meme tax imposed by Twitch streamer Fanum on food in his vicinity. Born online, it became an widely-known internet subculture and remains a humorous meme reference today.