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An Expert‘s Comprehensive Walkthrough Guide to Completing Faith Chapters 1, 2, and 3

As a social media marketing expert and avid gamer, I have completed the horror pixel game series Faith several times and mastered all its intricacies. Faith draws heavy inspiration from classic horror games and movies, placing players in the role of Father John Ward, tasked with banishing evil demons and spirits.

In this comprehensive walkthrough guide, I will provide expert tips, strategies, and solutions for fully completing Faith Chapters 1, 2, and 3, down to every last terrifying detail.

Chapter 1 Walkthrough – Returning to a Haunted Past

The first Faith chapter sees Father Ward revisiting the site of a failed exorcism from one year prior – now a home haunted by vengeful and evil spirits connected to a sinister history.

As an expert player, I recommend prioritizing agility and preparation – collect notes and items efficiently while carefully observing patterns of demonic enemies. Avoid rushing into dangerous areas before collecting needed equipment.

Here are my detailed walkthrough notes for locating all 20 hidden notes and items in Faith Chapter 1:

  • Starting Screen Note – Found on the ground just north of your initial exit point from the car. This first item is easily missed by rushing ahead!

  • Well Note – Exorcise the brick well in the middle of the forest. Access it by heading north from the car or south from the house.

  • Dead Tree Note – Exorcise the large, dead tree in the southern section of the forest. Reach it by traveling south from the car, then moving left one screen.

  • Puddle Note – Exorcise the muddy puddle located south of the creepy shed structure. Go south from the well, then down two additional screens.

  • Pile of Bones Note – Exorcise the eerie pile of bones situated left of the shed.

  • Graveyard Note – Exorcise the weathered gravestone in the northeast corner of the forest‘s graveyard area. Access this graveyard by going north and then west from the well at the forest‘s center.

  • Stone Circle Note – Exorcise the mystical stone circle tucked away in the northwestern forest. Find it by heading left twice from the central well.

  • Shed Note – Pick up this note near the exterior of the shed, where you also acquire the crucial key to enter the haunted house.

  • "Chupacabra" Note – Ward off the unnatural "chupacabra" enemy until it drops this note. Beware – don‘t enter the attic until obtaining this, or you‘ll be trapped!

  • Main Foyer Note – Found inside the house, in the small alcove to the northwest of the main foyer entrance.

  • Family Portrait Note – Exorcise the large family portrait hung in the foyer. It depicts a possessed girl, distinguished by her purple hue.

  • Kitchen Note – Exorcise the disturbing drawing tacked onto the refrigerator in the kitchen, located one room north of the main entrance.

  • Bathroom Note – Exorcise the out-of-place rubber duck in the upstairs bathroom, the northwesternmost room on the second floor.

  • Amy‘s Bedroom Note – Pick up this page from the ground by the desk in Amy‘s bedroom, situated southwest of the second floor stairway.

  • Pink Doll Note – Exorcise the unnerving pink doll placed in Amy‘s disturbingly young bedroom.

  • Basement Note – Exorcise the bedframe located near a sheet and doll tableau in the home‘s eerie basement, one screen north of the stairway.

  • Ritual Circle Note – Pick up this page from the floor of the basement room containing a foreboding ritual circle of blood. It rests in the left corner.

  • Attic Passage Note – Retrieve this note from the floor of the attic passageway, beyond the second floor.

  • After Boss Note – Pick up this final first floor note after defeating the possessed boss and returning from the attic, but only if all previous notes were collected.

  • Mirror Note – Use the in-game gun to shoot the mirror three times. It‘s found one screen left of the gun‘s location on the first floor.

Once you‘ve collected all 20 notes meticulously, you can safely enter the attic and complete Faith Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Walkthrough – A Gauntlet of Nightmares

The aptly named Chapter 2 presents a harrowing gauntlet of paranormal nightmares that Father Ward must traverse and barely escape alive.

My expert tips for surviving Chapter 2 include:

  • Save frequently and deliberately – this chapter offers limited checkpoints.

  • Thoroughly explore off the critical path – optional areas hide crucial items and the keys to secondary endings.

  • During boss encounters, remain calm and focused – learn attack patterns fully before attempting rapid victories.

Here are the locations for all 29 obtainable notes in Faith Chapter 2:

  • Garcia‘s House Note – Left of the bed on the first floor of Father Garcia‘s house.

  • Deer Note – Exorcise the graphically mangled deer corpse located in the cemetery‘s entrance area.

  • Tombstone Note – Exorcise the tombstone situated to the right of the cemetery entrance.

  • Tomb Note – Found directly in front of the opening to the eerie Save Family tomb.

  • Fog Maze Note – Defeat the ominous fog maze demon, but don‘t exit the area before collecting the note it drops.

  • Mist Demon Note – Banish the ethereal Mist Demon located south of the statues near the tomb.

  • Pathway Tombstone Note – Exorcise the tombstone along the path leading to the powerful purple skull artifact.

  • Cord Demon Note – Defeat the Cord Demon after exorcising the purple skull to open the access point.

  • Secret Evil Note – Optional. Requires conducting a demonic ritual – walkthrough below.

  • Church Entrance Note – Located on the ground directly in front of the imposing church entrance.

  • Scarecrow Note – Exorcise the creepy scarecrow situated in the cornfield outside the church.

  • Church Entrance Note – Found just inside the church‘s front entrance, to the right.

  • Skull Note – Exorcise the prominent purple skull placed by the church‘s confessional booth.

  • Painting Note – Exorcise the large painting concealed behind the confessional‘s curtain.

  • Stained Glass Note – Exorcise the second stained glass window from the right, located along the church‘s north wall.

  • Basement Entrance Note – Just inside the doorway leading to the church‘s foreboding basement.

  • Ritual Circle Note – At the center of the profane ritual circle hidden under the church foundations.

  • Skeleton Note – Exorcise the skeleton located just north of the sewer system‘s "Candy Tunnel" entrance.

  • Pelo Room Skeleton Note – Exorcise the skeleton found east of the Candy Tunnel entrance, or south of the previous skeleton note.

  • Don‘t Move Graffiti Note – Next to the chilling "Don‘t Move" graffiti message located along the sewer tunnels.

  • Eye Skeleton Note – Exorcise the skeleton near the giant, sinister floating eye drawing within the winding sewer tunnels.

  • Rejected Vessel Note – Defeat the imposing Rejected Vessel demon before leaving the Apartment building‘s Other World.

  • 7A Note – Exorcise the bizarre, otherworldly being located inside Apartment 7A after escaping the Apartment.

Completing optional demonic rituals earns additional hidden notes and the secret ending:

  • To Conjure His Demon – Use blood to draw a demonic seal in the starting stone circle. Then defeat the demon.

  • To Serve His Demon – Lead the child to the church basement. Defeat the demon behind the confessional curtain.

  • To Walk as His Demon – Kill the stranded motorists after becoming a spider demon outside the Apartment.

Avoiding these rituals is key to achieving the main game‘s positive ending. With meticulous play utilizing my strategies, you can fully experience everything Faith Chapter 2 has to offer.

Chapter 3 Walkthrough – Stopping an Apocalypse

Faith‘s epic conclusion in Chapter 3 brings higher stakes than ever, as Father Ward teams up with a mysterious ally to prevent a satanic cult from summoning a world-ending demon.

This climactic chapter introduces complex new sanctuaries, multi-phase boss fights, and deadly parallel worlds. My expert tips:

  • Save frequently and return to sanctuaries often – death comes swiftly if you are unprepared.

  • Explore areas thoroughly before progressing – many key items are located off the critical path.

  • Remain vigilant when backtracking – new enemies and puzzles reset after major events.

Here are the locations for all obtainable notes through the main journey:

  • Starting Note – Next to your bed in the beginning.

  • Kitchen Note – Found in the kitchen at the chapter start.

  • Door Note 1 – Outside your front door on the second day.

  • Door Note 2 – Outside your front door on the second day.

  • Door Note 3 – Outside your front door on the second day.

  • Clinic Poster Note – By the clinic entrance poster left of the front gates.

  • Clinic Window Note – Inside the clinic by the front window.

  • IV Drip Note – Exorcise the IV drip located in the clinic hallway.

  • Cop Car Note – Outside clinic after chasing off the poltergeist demon with your police ally.

  • Door Note 1 – Outside front door on the third day.

  • Courtyard Note – In the daycare center courtyard, through the fence hole.

  • Gary Room Note – Top left corner of the eerie "Gary Loves You" room inside the daycare.

  • Mailbox Note – By the row of mailboxes at the daycare entrance.

  • 5th Floor Note – Just outside the elevator on the 5th floor of the Apartments.

  • 8A TV Note – Inside Apartment 8A, next to the television set.

  • 2A Note – Inside Apartment 2A on the second floor.

  • 6th Floor Note – Outside the elevator on the sixth floor.

  • Elevator Friend Note – Earned by successfully banishing the deadly Elevator Friend demon.

  • 8th Floor Mirror Note – Next to the shattered mirror on the eighth floor.

  • 10th Floor Note – Found within the foreboding M room on the 10th floor.

  • 4th Floor Note – Picked up right after the elevator cutscene outside the 4th floor doors.

  • 3A Altar Note – Exorcise the profane altar located behind a tunnel within Apartment 3A.

  • 2B Eye Note – Exorcise the large, floating eye found within Apartment 2B.

  • 6th Floor Mirror Note – Exorcise the broken mirror on the sixth floor, near Apartment 6A.

  • 9B Pumpkin Note – Exorcise the Halloween pumpkin placed outside Apartment 9B.

  • Triangle Note – Exorcise the small blood triangle located in the tunnels under the daycare.

  • Underground Note – Found just after the triangle puzzle beneath the daycare center.

  • Statue Note 1 – Situated on the ground near the Save statue within the daycare‘s underground tunnels.

  • Statue Note 2 – Acquired by directly exorcising the Save statue itself.

  • Chessboard Note – Located by the imposing demonic chessboard deeper into the daycare‘s subterranean level.

Completing the optional challenges below enables the true ending and a climactic final chapter:

  • Clinic Basement – Return to the gurney room and "join" the entities.

  • Daycare Floating Head – Escape after getting caught by the giant head.

  • Living Painting – Inspect the painting near Nowhere until it changes.

With this expert guide, you can now conquer Faith Chapter 3 and all of its terrifying secrets – saving humanity from demonic forces!


My comprehensive walkthrough provides expert solutions and high-level tips for surviving and fully completing Faith Chapters 1, 2, and 3 while collecting all notes and unlocking all endings and achievements. With my guidance, anyone can master this legendary horror game series down to the final pixel. This knowledge allows true experts like myself to fully appreciate everything Faith has to offer.

I hope my detailed guide gives you the confidence and strategies needed to banish evil and emerge victorious from Faith‘s nightmarish challenges. Soon you too will become a master of this iconic horror classic! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions – I‘m happy to share my expertise.