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How to Fix “Failed to Load the Main Menu from the Current Game Mod” in Baldur’s Gate 3

Have you found yourself staring at the dreaded "Failed to load the main menu from the current game mod" error in Baldur‘s Gate 3? As a passionate BG3 player myself, I know how frustrating this roadblock can be when all you want to do is journey through the Forgotten Realms.

Not to worry – in this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn exactly what causes this error, how to properly fix it step-by-step, additional troubleshooting tips, and best practices to avoid the issue altogether. Let‘s conquer this error together and get you back to enjoying the rich story and tactical combat of Baldur‘s Gate 3!

Symptoms of the "Failed to Load Main Menu" Error

Before diving into the solutions, let‘s quickly cover the common symptoms of this error:

  • The main menu fails to load, leaving you staring at a black or frozen screen.

  • You‘ll see the message "Failed to load the main menu from the current game mod. The main menu in that mod requires the level…"

  • Clicking buttons may cause the error message to reappear.

  • Saves cannot be loaded as the main menu is inaccessible.

  • Alt-tabbing out and closing/relaunching the game does NOT fix the issue.

This error completely blocks access to the main menu and save games. It‘s caused by a corrupted modsettings file as we‘ll explore next.

The Crucial Modsettings File for Baldur‘s Gate 3

The key to resolving this frustrating error lies in understanding Baldur‘s Gate 3‘s modsettings file.

This file contains critical information on all your installed mods, including:

  • Which mods are enabled/disabled
  • The load order of active mods
  • Any custom settings configured per mod

Modsettings file stores key mod data

The modsettings file tracks all mod data – from load order to settings

When this file gets corrupted, Baldur‘s Gate 3 cannot load the main menu or saves, since it no longer has access to vital mod data.

Deleting this file forces BG3 to generate a brand new modsettings file with clean data, fixing the error.

Step-By-Step Guide to Deleting the Modsettings File

Ready to banish that pesky error for good? Follow these steps:

Close Baldur‘s Gate 3 Completely

Ensure BG3 is completely closed before modifying any files. This prevents further data corruption.

Navigate to the Modsettings File Location

Use Windows File Explorer to get to:

AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur’s Gate 3\PlayerProfiles

Open Your Profile‘s Folder

Double click the folder with your BG3 profile name. This is where the modsettings file resides.

Open your BG3 profile folder

Open your specific BG3 profile folder

Delete the Modsettings File

Delete the file named modsettings. I recommend backing it up first in case you ever need to restore it.

Delete the modsettings file

Delete the modsettings file

Launch Baldur‘s Gate 3

Fire up BG3 again. A new modsettings file will be automatically generated.

Verify the Issue is Fixed

Load your save file and confirm you can now access the main menu successfully!

But Wait, There Are Other Options Too!

Deleting the modsettings file is the quickest and most effective solution for the "Failed to load main menu" error. However, you may be wondering – what about other options like reinstalling the game?

Let‘s do a quick comparison:

Fix Pros Cons
Delete modsettings Quick, resolves issue for most users You lose mod data
Reinstall the game Fresh BG3 install Time-consuming, lose mod data
Verify integrity of files Restores corrupted files Doesn‘t always work
Modify modsettings You can try to fix data High risk of further corruption

I don‘t recommend directly editing the modsettings file as this carries a high risk of making the corruption worse. Stick with fully deleting it so BG3 completely regenerates it.

Reinstallation is effective but time-consuming. I‘d try it only if deleting modsettings did not work.

Now let‘s talk about some additional troubleshooting tips in case you‘re still seeing issues after deleting the modsettings file.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

On rare occasions, deleting the modsettings file alone may not fix the error. Try these extra troubleshooting steps:

  • Verify integrity of game files through Steam – this detects and restores any corrupted game files.

  • Perform a clean reinstall of BG3 after backing up your saves.

  • Update graphics drivers if the error started after a driver update. Roll back if needed.

  • Disable all mods then enable one at a time to find conflicts.

  • Delete the registry keys for BG3 mods to fully clear cached data.

  • Contact Larian support to troubleshoot further if the error persists.

Reports of the error have increased over time

Reports of "Failed to load main menu" spiked after Patch 4

Based on community reports, this error seems to have become more common after recent major game updates like Patch 4. But with the right troubleshooting, you can get past it.

Avoid Future Errors Through Careful Modding

Once you‘ve fixed the "Failed to load main menu" issue, use these best practices to avoid future mod-related errors and corruption in BG3:

  • Install mods one at a time instead of bulk installing.

  • Use a mod manager and launch the game through it.

  • Check for mod conflicts and compatibility issues.

  • Change mods gradually rather than radically.

  • Properly uninstall mods through the manager.

  • Update mods regularly. Outdated mods cause problems.

  • Make backups of game files and mod data.

Take things slowly and steadily with mods. Unexpected chaos like random deletions or radical load order changes can destabilize your mod configuration.

Let‘s Recap

Few errors are as disruptive in BG3 as the "Failed to load main menu", but now you‘re armed to troubleshoot it:

  • The error is caused by a corrupted modsettings file.

  • Deleting this file forces BG3 to generate a clean one, fixing the issue for most users.

  • Alternative fixes like reinstallation take more effort but may be needed in rare cases.

  • Avoid future errors by managing your mods carefully and consistently.

I hope this guide served as a helpful troubleshooting reference as you journey through the wonderfully complex world of Baldur‘s Gate 3. Mods make the experience richer, but can come with technical challenges at times. With the right strategic approach, you can overcome issues like the pesky main menu error.

Now get back to exploring the Forgotten Realms and continuing your epic adventure! Let me know if you have any other questions.