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What Does Bump Mean on Facebook? And How to Use It

Have you ever scrolled through your Facebook feed or group and seen people commenting "bump" on posts? If so, you may be wondering what this means and why people do it.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep on everything you need to know about bumping on Facebook – what it is, how to do it, why it‘s used, best practices, and more. Read on for a detailed look at this popular Facebook commenting behavior.

– Research definitions and techniques for bumping posts/listings
– Analyze psychology and motivations behind bumping
– Outline step-by-step instructions for bumping in groups and Marketplace
– Share data points on increased engagement from bumping
– Provide specific examples of when to use bumping and how
– Contrast Facebook bumping to Reddit
– Include etiquette guidelines and troubleshooting tips
– Use subheads, lists, and emphasis formatting for scannability

What Does "Bump" Mean on Facebook?

Let‘s start with a clear definition:

Bump is a term used on Facebook to move a post or listing back to the top of the feed by commenting on it or renewing it.

When someone comments "bump" on a Facebook post or listing, it triggers an update that pushes that content back to the top of the News Feed or Marketplace.

Bumping is commonly used for a few key reasons:

  • To get more engagement – Commenting "bump" brings the post back to the top of the feed, allowing more people to see and engage with it. This is especially helpful for old posts in active groups.

  • To indicate a listing is still active – Renewing a Facebook Marketplace listing bumps it to the top, showing buyers it‘s still available.

  • To keep discussion going – Bumping an old post with ongoing discussion pushes it back up so the conversation continues.

Overall, the term signals that the content is still active and relevant. By bumping a post, the original poster is essentially saying "Hey, I‘m still here!" and prompting renewed attention.

How Does Bumping Work on Facebook?

To fully understand bumping, it helps to know how Facebook‘s algorithm works.

In Facebook groups, posts are sorted in reverse chronological order by default. However, groups have options to sort by "Top Posts," "New Activity," or "Most Recent."

The "New Activity" feed shows posts with the newest comments at the top. So when someone comments "bump," it triggers an update that pushes that post to the top of the "New Activity" feed.

  • For example, if Jane Doe comments "bump" on her post from yesterday asking for moving recommendations, that post will now appear first for members who have their group feed sorted by "New Activity."

For Marketplace listings, renewing the listing refreshes the date, pushing it back to the top of search results. Listings are sorted chronologically, so renewing bumps it up as if it‘s a brand new listing again.

  • When John Smith renews his Marketplace listing for his used bike today, it will now show up at the top of search results for buyers browsing bikes, since the renewal date bumped it to the top.

However, bumping does not work on your personal News Feed. The posts you see there are determined by Facebook‘s algorithm based on relevance. Unlike groups, you cannot manually sort your News Feed to see the newest updates.

So in summary:

  • Groups: Commenting "bump" pushes the post to the top of the "New Activity" feed
  • Marketplace: Renewing a listing bumps it to the top of search results
  • News Feed: Bumping does not change post ranking on your News Feed

How to Use "Bump" on Facebook

Now that you understand how bumping works, let‘s go over concrete steps for how to use it effectively on Facebook:

Bumping Posts in Groups

To bump a post in a Facebook group:

  1. Go to the post you want to bump
  2. Comment "bump" on the post
  3. The post will now be pushed to the top of the "New Activity" feed for others who have sorted by that option

Bumping is useful if you have a post that‘s fallen down the group feed and you want to bring renewed attention to it. Some examples include:

  • Asking a question and wanting more people to see it
  • Sharing an update and hoping for more comments/feedback
  • Promoting an event coming up and needing more RSVPs

Essentially any situation where you want your old post to get more visibility again. Simply commenting "bump" brings it back to the top.

For instance, if you posted in your neighborhood group yesterday asking for handyman recommendations, but only got 1 response, you could comment "bump" to bring that post back to the top of the "New Activity" feed so more neighbors see it and engage.

Renewing Marketplace Listings

To bump a Facebook Marketplace listing:

  1. Go to your listing
  2. Click "Renew"
  3. Your listing will now show at the top of search results as if it‘s a new listing

Reasons you may want to renew/bump your listing include:

  • Lowering the price to get more interest
  • Updating the photos or description
  • Marking it as sold but still wanting visibility
  • Indicating you still have stock available

Renewing brings the listing back to the top of search results and back onto buyers‘ radars. You can renew a listing up to 5 times.

For example, if you lowered the price on your furniture listing but it‘s now buried on page 3 of search results, click "Renew" so interested buyers see it‘s now more affordable.

What Bumping Does NOT Do

While bumping works for groups and Marketplace, remember that it does not affect your personal News Feed.

Commenting on an old post there will not make it appear at the top of your friends‘ feeds. Their News Feeds are still sorted algorithmically based on relevance.

So don‘t expect bumping on your own posts to suddenly give them more reach or engagement. It‘s only effective for group and Marketplace content where feeds can be manually sorted.

Why Do People Comment "Bump" on Facebook?

Now that you understand the bumping mechanism, let‘s explore the psychology behind why people use it.

Here are the main motivations for bumping content on Facebook:

1. Increase Engagement

A major reason to bump a post is to get more eyes on it and increase engagement. Facebook‘s algorithm buries older posts quickly, especially in busy groups.

Bumping brings the post back to the top of the "New Activity" feed where more people will see it right away. The original poster is likely hoping to get more comments, reactions, shares, etc.

For instance, someone may bump a post advertising their small business to continue driving traffic to their site or bump a post promoting their gofundme campaign to increase donations.

For Marketplace listings, bumping via renewing means more people will see it in search results, ideally leading to more inquiries.

A seller hoping to offload household items before moving may repeatedly renew their listings to keep them visible to local buyers and generate sales.

2. Keep Discussion Going

In ongoing discussions or conversations, bumping can notify others that the dialogue is still active.

For example, bumping an organizing post for an event reminds members that plans are still underway. Or bumping a post soliciting advice keeps the recommendations rolling in.

Bumping signals that the OP is still invested in the topic and encourages others to keep engaging.

In a local group‘s debate over a new parking ordinance, members may bump older posts to show discussion is ongoing as city council prepares to vote.

3. Indicate Listing is Still Active

In Marketplace groups, bumping communicates an important message – this item is still available! Renewing the listing places it at the top of search as if it‘s new.

For buyers, this signals that the listing is active and seller is still responsive. It‘s a quick visual confirmation that the item remains up for grabs.

A Marketplace seller who just restocked an item may renew the listing to indicate quantities are available so buyers don‘t assume it‘s sold out.

4. Social Recognition

Admittedly, some bumping behavior comes down to social recognition. In groups, members know that commenting bumps their post to the top.

It can be a play for visibility – making sure their voices are heard in an active stream of content. The psychology is similar to social media likes and shares.

A new member may use bumping tactically to ensure their posts get noticed in an established group.

Of course, social recognition should not be the only motivation for bumping. It works best when used intentionally for the reasons above.

Facebook Group Etiquette for Bumping

Bumping can be useful on Facebook groups, but should also be done respectfully. Here are some group etiquette tips for bumping:

  • Don‘t bump excessively – Once or twice is fine, but bumping endlessly comes across as spam.

  • Allow time between bumps – Don‘t bump your post multiple times in a row. Give it time for new people to see it.

  • Contribute value too – If you‘re going to bump, add something useful to the discussion rather than just commenting "bump."

  • Don‘t take over feeds – Be mindful if several group members are all bumping posts in quick succession.

  • Use with intention – Make sure bumping serves a specific purpose related to your post rather than just seeking attention.

Following basic group etiquette keeps bumping useful and effective for everyone. Of course, always adhere to each group‘s rules as well. Moderators may restrict bumping behavior if it becomes disruptive.

Best Practices for Bumping on Facebook

Here are some additional best practices to keep in mind when using bumping:

  • Sort your group feed by "New Activity" – This allows you to see the impact of your bumps in real time.

  • Space out your bumps – Don‘t bombard right away. Wait several hours or days between bumping a post.

  • Alternate bumping with other comments – Mix it up by adding something new to the discussion. Don‘t just comment "bump" repeatedly.

  • Renew sparingly – Marketplace guidelines let you renew a listing 5 times max. Use renewals judiciously.

  • Check group rules first – Some strict groups prohibit bumping. Respect each group‘s guidelines.

  • Use bumping strategically – Be deliberate in your reasons for bumping instead of just doing it randomly.

Following these tips will make you a more effective and considerate bumper!

Facebook Bumping vs. Reddit Bumping

For those familiar with Reddit, you may be wondering how Facebook bumping compares:

  • On Reddit, upvoting a post bumps it to the top of subreddit feeds. The more upvotes, the higher it ranks.

  • On Facebook groups, any comment bumps a post to the top of the "New Activity" feed. Upvotes don‘t affect ranking.

  • Reddit has time limits before you can upvote a post again. Facebook has no restrictions on repeated bumps.

  • Reddit‘s algorithm factors in upvote velocity, user karma, etc. Facebook simply sorts by most recent comments.

So while the term is used similarly, the mechanics differ quite a bit between platforms. The end goal is the same though – elevating posts for greater visibility.

Troubleshooting Facebook Bumping Issues

Bumping should be fairly straightforward. But if you‘re having issues, here is some troubleshooting advice:

  • Make sure to comment – On groups, you have to comment "bump." Simply reacting won‘t bump the post.

  • Check your sort filter – Ensure you‘ve sorted the group by "New Activity" to see the bumped post at the top.

  • Give it time – Note there is often a short delay before a bumped post moves up in the feed. Be patient.

  • Try again later – On rare occasions bumping may not work right away due to a glitch. Try once more after some time passes.

  • Renew if necessary – For Marketplace, remember you have to click "Renew" to bump a listing, not just comment.

  • Avoid excess bumps – If bumping the same post repeatedly, admins may mistake it for spam and remove your comments.

If issues persist, group admins should be able to assist. Bumping is designed to be simple, so complex problems are uncommon.

Key Takeaways on Bumping Posts on Facebook

To summarize this comprehensive guide on bumping:

  • Bumping pushes posts/listings back to the top of the feed by triggering an update through commenting or renewing.

  • It works by moving the post to the top of the "New Activity" sort filter in groups and search results in Marketplace.

  • People bump for engagement, visibility, keeping discussions going, and social recognition.

  • When used properly, bumping can be an effective tactic for renewed attention.

  • Follow etiquette guidelines and best practices to avoid abusing bumping behaviors.


Bumping on Facebook allows you to quickly push relevant posts and listings back into the spotlight. When used intentionally, it can increase engagement and visibility.

Now that you know what bump means, how to do it, and best practices around bumping, you can start putting this tactic to work if useful for your needs!

Just be sure to do so respectfully and strategically. The next time you see "bump" in the comments, you‘ll understand exactly why it was posted and how it works to gain more traction.

So get ready to give your own posts a helpful boost with bumping on Facebook!