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F-18 Hornet vs F-18 Super Hornet: A Naval Aviator‘s Comprehensive Analysis of Key Capabilities

As a former F/A-18 pilot with over 800 carrier landing qualifications, I am intimately familiar with the original Hornet‘s strengths as well as limitations that the Super Hornet program sought to address. In this article, I will compare flight characteristics, avionics systems, carrier integration, maintainability metrics, and more between the two aircraft generations. You will see why the Super Hornet deserves recognition as one of the most versatile and technologically advanced fighter jets serving naval aviation today.

Evolution of Role Requirements for Navy Strike Fighters

During the Cold War when the F-14 Tomcat held the air defense role and A-6 bombers handled strike missions, the original F/A-18 Hornet was designed specifically as an affordable complement – a lightweight multirole jet that expanded the carrier‘s tactical envelope without demanding significant resources. By the 1990s however, evolving missions and deteriorating fleets required a new fighter capable of excelling across the full spectrum of maritime and joint operations rather than filling a niche capability.

The Super Hornet emerged from this necessity for well-rounded excellence rather than specialization, offering advanced strike, interdiction, escort, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare capabilities in a single formidable package. Alongside reliable performance and easier maintenance, it brings improved situational awareness through cooperative engagement networking with surface combatants and other aircraft. This force multiplication elevates what is possible for 21st century carrier air wings prosecuting complex missions.

Flight Performance Evolution from Hornet to Super Hornet

While retaining dimensional similarity for carrier compatibility, the Super Hornet introduces noticeable aerodynamic enhancements like leading edge extensions on upper fuselage and wings. Coupled with more powerful F414 engines in the 22,000 lb thrust class, this airframe generates excellent thrust-to-weight ratios supporting a 60,000 lb maximum takeoff weight. Useful load factors are also improved over the Hornet’s 50,000 lb envelope.

Let us delve deeper into the flight credentials – note the substantial boost in lift capacity, maneuverability parameters, acceleration, climb rate, and overall energy addition at both low speeds and high speeds:

Performance Parameter F/A-18 Hornet F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
Thrust-to-Weight Ratio 0.96 1.13
Wing Loading (lb/ft2) 94 88
Instantaneous Turn (deg/sec) 21 23
Sustained Turn (deg/sec) 11 13
Max Speed (knots) 920 1,190
Stall Speed (knots) 106 110
Climb Rate (ft/min) 41,400 49,000
Ceiling (ft) 50,000 >50,000

You can see why Super Hornet pilots praise the aircraft’s get-up-and-go energy, tighter turning radius, quicker roll rates and enhanced high angle-of-attack (AOA) maneuverability for aggressive air combat tactics. Make no mistake – this is not merely an upgraded airframe, but a next-generation machine purpose-built for absolute dominance.

Range, Endurance and Carrier Suitability: Vastly Improved Efficiency

A key objective for the Super Hornet program was significantly extending the mission range, endurance, and carrier recovery characteristics over preceding platforms like the notoriously tank-thirsty Tomcat. Engineers accomplished this through evolutionary airframe shaping for lower drag and crucially, over 3,000 lbs more internal fuel capacity. Now able to haul 14,400 lbs of gas on typical missions, range jumps by 41% while time-on-station is boosted by a whopping 50% over the Hornet’s capacity.

Furthermore, the hardy F414 engines tolerate hot exhaust gas re-ingestion during carrier takeoff runs far better than earlier powerplants. This allows higher fuel loads for departure without risk of compressor stalls. For recovery, the larger wing surface area, gentle stall characteristics, and leading edge slats enable smooth glide slope corrections from the ship’s meatball optics to touchdown. Maintaining adequate approach speed is also less challenging owing to the jet’s robust low-speed handling.

Altogether, the Super Hornet sets new benchmarks for efficient range utilization, heavy weapon loadouts on 6 to 12 hour missions, sufficient reserves for multiple approach attempts, and weather-resistant carrier ops with deck-friendly attributes. These factors translate to unparalleled tactical agility and options for strike group commanders, perfectly suiting the contemporary mission scope facing naval air wings.

Sensor and Avionics Suite – Situational Dominance Through Technology

While the original F/A-18 Hornet pioneered modern digital architecture and sensor fusion when initially deployed, rapid advances in microelectronics quickly outpaced its capabilities. The APG-73 radar, ALR-67 threat warning system, and Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS) it carried were cutting-edge for the early 1980s. However no longer competitive against modern threats, they sorely required upgrading.

The Super Hornet corrects this via the incredibly capable AN/APG-79 AESA radar designed by Raytheon. Utilizing over 900 miniature solid-state transmitter/receiver modules, this sensor provides class-leading sensitivity and resistance to jamming. It introduces features like interleaved surface/air search modes, high resolution Synthetic Aperture Mapping (SAR), multiple target tracking, and dedicated maritime patrol functions.

Working in conjunction with the modernized communication systems, data links, electro-optical targeting pods, and updated countermeasures suite, this sensor fusion present aircrew with unprecedented situational awareness. Data compiled from the radar, missile warning sensors, infrared search/track (IRST) pod and fuselage cameras stitches together a live threat envelope covering full spherical detection range. This complements the advanced cockpit architecture – large color multi-function displays tied to hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls keep vital switches/options within easy reach.

Overall, the Super Hornet’s interwoven avionics and sensor capabilities amplify pilot expertise with information access and options for swift, decisive action. From long-range threat identification to closing target acquisition, this aircraft enables full spectrum dominance.

Growler Variant – Denying the Electromagnetic Spectrum to Adversaries

The EA-18G Growler derivative fulfils a critical force multiplier role – waging information warfare by jamming enemy radars, data networks and communications to enable friendly operations. Built as an electronic attack platform rather than just a passively defensive package, the Growler carries external wing-mounted jamming pods instead of heavy air-to-air missiles or bombs.

Each pod houses numerous transmitters sending high-powered signals across defined bands to disrupt adversaries using associated radio frequencies for coordination. This electromagnetic blinding and deception occurring on a massive scale denies situational awareness to opponents, crippling command hierarchies. By filling the electromagnetic spectrum with “noise”, Growlers thus clear the arena for friendly aircraft ingress and surveillance.

With dedicated operators aboard to rapidly reprogram jamming assignments, these aircraft screen entire carrier strike groups transiting contested regions. They also provide close-range protection during air wing attacks, escorting fighters past anti-aircraft missile sites to preserve the element of surprise. Relying on partial stealth qualities to survive initial enemy radar lock-ons before jamming takes effect, Growlers are critical to seizing air superiority.

Maintenance Metrics – Reliability and Savings Through Smart Engineering

Given their complexity, it would be reasonable to assume modern jets like the Super Hornet require considerable higher servicing hours and sophisticated equipment over preceding platforms. However, careful reliability-centered design innovations by Boeing engineers debunk that notion. Despite the substantial capability growth, maintenance costs per flight hour dropped!

By harnessing emerging aircraft health monitoring systems, damage tolerant materials, advanced anti-corrosion treatments and model-based diagnostic software, Super Hornet squadrons achieve far greater mission availability. Compare the maintenance man-hours per flight hour (MMH/FH) needing expenditure:

Aircraft MMH per Flight Hour
F-14D Tomcat 52
F/A-18 Hornet 19
F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet 9.5

These efficiencies translate into tremendous savings given the aircraft’s average annual utilization rates. More importantly, improved reliability keeps fleet-wide aircraft availability and mission readiness at impressive levels. Considering that an air wing with less than 70 percent of its jets flyable suffers severe degradation in combat effectiveness, this consistency is invaluable.

Such metrics cement the Super Hornet’s reputation as the Navy’s true workhorse platform – exceeding performance expectations while requiring far less logistical upkeep than forebear stalwarts. Engineering advances have bolstered capabilities without incurring a maintenance penalty.

Interoperability Today and Tomorrow – Networked Integration

A final point worth noting is the Super Hornet’s seamless interoperability alongside legacy Hornet jets, despite its sensors and systems being a generation ahead. This commonality was deliberately cultivated by Boeing to ease integration challenges during the Navy’s transition toward an eventual pure Super Hornet fleet. Pilots converting over need minimal additional training given similar handling qualities, cockpit layouts, and role approach. Maintenance crews benefit from uniform diagnostics architecture and many parts commonality.

This forward-compatibility also ensures that future Block III upgrades align smoothly with existing assets. Addition of conformal fuel tanks for extended range, enhanced network gateway connectivity allowing multi-ship sensor fusion, improved signature reduction, and even unmanned teaming are all under development. Yet carriers will absorb these next-gen jets without logistical headaches or reworking communications infrastructure. It is a testament to the original engineering foresight that capabilities continue growing tremendously while fleet integration complexities have been minimized.

Summary – A Formidable Strike Fighter Built for Versatile Naval Excellence

In closing, I hope my expert pilot perspective has clarified the tangible benefits delivered through methodical evolution from the F/A-18 Hornet to the Super Hornet. Make no mistake – while dimensional similarities exist for carrier suitability, the latter aircraft represents a phenomenal capability jump in the same proven airframe.

Its superior speed, maneuverability, range, payload capacity, reliability metrics, and interoperability illustrate an integrated strike fighter ready for 21st century missions. It consolidates the strengths of numerous specialized predecessors while avoiding any serious deficiencies. Backed by continual upgrade roadmaps, this naval aviation workhorse will credibly uphold American air power for decades more.

The Super Hornet deserves immense respect as an economical acquisition success. It has overcome early critics of projected cost overruns or delays from 1990s-era bureaucracy. Instead, Boeing has delivered a potent, carrier-friendly strike jet proving its worth daily through excellence across flight operations, sustainability and networked battlespace integration. In my years of Hornet experience, I have seen how seamlessly its next-generation successor handles the full gamut of naval aviation challenges – that is the hallmark of outstanding engineering.