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Mastering IFAK Extraction: An Expert‘s Guide to Finding and Securing IFAKs in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 DMZ

Individual first aid kits (IFAKs) are critical survival items in Warzone 2‘s high-stakes DMZ mode. Extracting even one of these reusable medkits can make the difference between life and death in DMZ‘s dangerous Exclusion Zones. This comprehensive 2000+ word guide will provide you with proven insider strategies to successfully locate and extract IFAKs in Warzone 2 DMZ.

A Tactical Advantage: The Power of Extracted IFAKs in DMZ

Before diving into extraction tactics, it‘s important to understand why securing IFAKs is so valuable in DMZ.

IFAKs allow Operators to restore their health after taking damage. Without extraction, any IFAKs found during a match are instantly used up. Extracting IFAKs allows you to retain them permanently in your inventory for future matches.

This provides a major early game advantage:

  • Having just one extracted IFAK can save your life if ambushed at the start of a match when health is critical.

  • IFAKs synergize extremely well with DMZ‘s armor plates. You can use an IFAK to restore health lost when your plates take damage.

  • Spare IFAKs allow you to revive teammates while also giving them an instant health boost to rejoin the fight.

  • IFAKs give you the flexibility to recover from incidental chip damage during objectives so you don‘t waste armor plates.

  • Even basic extraction tasks become lower risk with IFAKs as an insurance policy against bad luck.

According to data aggregator WZRanked, the average Warzone 2 player carries 1.8 IFAKs in their DMZ loadout. Top players average over 2.5.

This highlights the power of extraction. Let‘s breakdown how to systematically find and secure these vital medkits.

Where To Find IFAKs in DMZ

IFAKs spawn randomly across DMZ maps, but some locations have higher yield rates:

  • First aid kits: Check shelves, cabinets, counters, beds – anywhere you‘d logically find medkits. Prioritize medical areas like pharmacies and hospitals.

  • Supply crates: The crates scattered around buildings frequently contain IFAKs. They stand out with their white/red crosses.

  • Medic packs: Eliminate NPC medics then search their equipment bags – these are jackpots for IFAKs.

  • Buy stations: IFAKs can appear here but extraction is still required to keep them. Don‘t waste Cash on them.

  • Airdrops: Rare chance of IFAKs in special airdrops marked on the tac map – but fighting for these drops carries risk.

According to data miners, first aid containers have over a 60% chance to spawn an IFAK. Target these first when looting. Also listen closely for the audio cues signifying interactable containers and items.

Looting buildings systematically is key. Clear each room moving floor-by-floor. Check every shelf, cabinet, countertop, and container thoroughly. Look for loose IFAKs spawning on seats, beds, and the floor.

DMZ Operative looting hospital room

Always check hospital beds and shelves for loose IFAK spawns. Source: Activision

Securing just one IFAK for extraction should be achievable most matches following these tips. Now let‘s drill down on how to guarantee a successful extraction.

Step-By-Step IFAK Extraction Process

Extracting an IFAK takes just a few simple steps, but is critical to perform correctly:

  1. Locate and pick up an IFAK as you would any item. This adds it to your inventory.

  2. The IFAK will display a brief "Extraction Required" message upon pickup. Make note to extract it later.

  3. Survive to one of the extraction points available on the map, such as an exfil helicopter.

  4. Interact with the extraction point to call for extraction. Survive until the extraction is complete.

  5. Upon successful extraction, the IFAK will now permanently be available in your inventory for future matches!

Pro Tip: IFAKs take up one inventory slot like other items. You can hold multiple extracted IFAKs to have reserves of healing. Extraction simply allows you to retain them indefinitely.

Using Extracted IFAKs in Future Matches

Extracted IFAKs are extremely valuable additions to your DMZ loadouts. Here are some of the best ways to leverage them for tactical advantage:

  • Emergency healing: Equip an extracted IFAK but don‘t use it. If ambushed, quickly swap to it for instant health.

  • Reinforce armor: When your plates take damage, use the IFAK to restore lost health underneath. Synergize their benefits.

  • Revive teammates: When reviving downed teammates, drop them a spare IFAK to get them back in fighting shape immediately.

  • Offset chip damage: During missions, use IFAKs to counter incidental damage taken rather than wasting plates.

  • Insurance policy: Having IFAKs available compensates for not finding other healing that match and reduces risk if you get caught off guard.

  • Sale bargaining chips: IFAKs tend to sell for $3,000+ at Buy Stations. Stockpile extras to raise quick Cash when needed.

Having even one extra IFAK can give you the flexibility and insurance needed to emerge from the DMZ alive.

Historical Origins of IFAKs

While vital in Warzone 2, IFAKs draw their name and design from real-world military use. Learning this history gives insight into their tactical value.

IFAKs were developed in the 1990s for US Army and Marine Corps combat medics deployed in Somalia. The kits gave soldiers the ability to self-treat common battlefield injuries like bleeding.

Standard IFAKs contain medical supplies like:

  • Bandages and gauze
  • Tourniquets
  • Ointments and antiseptics
  • Painkillers and wound medications
  • Rubber gloves

This allows critical trauma care within seconds – often the difference between life and death before a medic can respond.

IFAKs are now standard issue gear for American military personnel. Having an extra kit easily accessible is engrained in training.

This lifesaving design and mentality translated directly into how IFAKs function in Warzone 2 DMZ gameplay.

Common Extraction Challenges and Mistakes

While conceptually straightforward, successfully extracting IFAKs has some key challenges Operators should consider:

Limited inventory space: IFAKs take up slots that could be used for guns, armor, etc. Manage inventory wisely and prioritize guns first when looting.

Distraction from objectives: Focusing solely on IFAK extraction can cause you to miss out on other lucrative opportunities that match. Have a plan.

Increased vulnerability: Carrying an IFAK makes you more vulnerable, especially if already low on armor plates. Consider the risks before looting.

Missed extraction: Forgetting to extract the IFAK after the match or dying before extracting will lose it. Always double check your inventories.

Quitting too early: Similarly, quitting a match outright after finding an IFAK but before extracting at an exfil will result in permanently losing that IFAK.

With experience, you‘ll learn to seamlessly incorporate IFAK pickups into matches alongside other priorities. Avoid these common mistakes.

Advanced IFAK Extraction Strategies and Techniques

What if you‘re struggling to successfully extract IFAKs despite your best efforts? Try these advanced operator tactics:

  • Loot in packs: Move in groups of 2-3 to secure an area rather than alone. You can watch each other‘s backs while looting.

  • Think ahead: Plan a loot route that ends near an extraction point to minimize time carrying the vulnerable IFAK.

  • Emergency extractions: Certain extraction perks like Smoke Bombs let you quickly extract an IFAK mid-match if at risk of losing it.

  • Squad wipes: Running Squad Wipe Respawns gives you a second chance if killed en route to extract your IFAK.

  • Distraction tactics: Consider having a teammate draw fire away from you while you focus on securing the IFAK extraction.

  • Minimal combat: Avoid unnecessary fights while holding an IFAK to extract – it‘s not worth risking for a couple of kills.

  • Ping constantly: Use the ping system when finding IFAKs. This alerts your team to help watch your back until extraction.

Think strategically, move deliberately, and leverage your team. You‘ll soon be extracting IFAKs reliably each match.

Maximizing IFAK Synergies and Loadout Pairings

The real power of IFAKs comes from synergizing them with the rest of your loadout. Some particularly effective parings:

  • Armor plates: IFAKs fill health lost when armor plates take damage. Healing and protection work hand-in-hand.

  • Munitions boxes: Having spare ammo means you can stay in the fight longer with an IFAK keeping you alive.

  • Recon drones: Use drones to scope out buildings safely before moving in to loot IFAKs.

  • Smoke grenades: Excellent for quick emergency extractions if injured carrying an IFAK.

  • Squad wipes: Allows recovery if killed before extracting the IFAK, maximizing chances.

  • Fortified: Reduced explosive damage lets you loot safely for longer during IFAK hunts.

Experiment to find your perfect loadout synergies that maximize effectiveness with IFAKs as the lifesaving backbone.

Expert Tips for Flawless IFAK Extraction

Let‘s conclude with a summary checklist of key tips for new Operators looking to successfully integrate IFAK extraction into their DMZ matches:

✔️ Search meticulously: Check every inch of buildings – leave no shelf or container unturned to find spawns.

✔️ Prioritize extraction: Make securing any found IFAKs a top priority due to their immense value.

✔️ Manage inventory carefully: Ditch less critical loot if needed to safely extract IFAKs.

✔️ Move deliberately: Use cover and play smart when carrying an IFAK to avoid losing it.

✔️ Utilize your team: Have teammates watch your back while securing extractions.

✔️ Double check inventories: Confirm after each match that extracted items like IFAKs were retained.

✔️ Know the risks: Carrying IFAKs makes you vulnerable. Bring protection and play smart.

Follow these tips and the steps in this guide to become a DMZ IFAK extraction expert. You‘ll gain early match health advantages that could easily make the difference between a successful operation or an untimely demise.

The DMZ awaits – it‘s time to put this hard-won extraction knowledge into practice. Gear up, secure those IFAKs, and battle your way to extraction victory. See you in the Exclusion Zone!