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How to "Explore the Sets" in Dead Island 2: An Expert Guide

Dead Island 2 throws players into the zombie-ravaged city of Los Angeles with the goal of simply staying alive. While battling the undead hordes with visceral, melee-focused combat, you‘ll also need to complete story objectives tied to the game‘s quirky characters. One early mission called "Michael Anders and the Holy Grail" tasks you with gaining access to a movie studio backlot‘s temple set, teaching some key lessons in exploration.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share expert strategies for completing the "Explore the Sets" objective, drawing on my experience fully mastering this quest. You‘ll learn step-by-step techniques, gain deeper insights into Dead Island 2‘s design, and finish equipped with the knowledge needed to survive this thrilling but challenging game.

Overview of Dead Island 2

Before jumping into the guide, some context on Dead Island 2 will help set the stage. This long-awaited sequel to the fan-favorite Dead Island series pulls players into a quarantined Los Angeles overrun with zombies. You take on the role of one of six diverse playable characters trying to stay alive in this chaotic apocalypse.

The game stands out for its visceral, melee-focused combat. With intense dismemberment and a new FLESH (Fidelity Loss Energy Shift) damage system, you won‘t just be slashing but hacking enemies to pieces in gory detail. Combat combines speed, momentum, and impact for thrillingly brutal encounters.

Dead Island 2 also features an open world packed with side quests, characters, and secrets. The zombie-filled Los Angeles provides diverse locales, including beaches, suburbs, and in this case, a movie studio backlot. With parkour movement, you‘ll traverse these environments fluidly while confronting the threats within.

Now let‘s dive into mastering the temple set objective.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Here is a complete walkthrough for exploring the temple set during the "Michael Anders and the Holy Grail" quest:

Stage 1: Reach the Left Platform

After the initial cutscene outside the temple set piece, you‘ll find yourself surrounded by zombies on the studio backlot. I recommend equipping a long-reach, heavy-damage weapon like a sledgehammer or fire axe to clear them out.

Once the immediate area is safe, locate the raised platforms flanking the temple entrance. Climb onto the left platform – watch for zombies climbing up behind you. There are also some crates you can smash for crafting ingredients.

The player climbs onto the left platform while fighting off pursuing zombies.

Climb onto the left platform, battling zombies along the way.

Stage 2: Grab the Circuit Breaker

Now on the platform, look for the circuit breaker lying near some film lights and cables. Pick it up – this key item is needed to open the temple later.

Be sure to explore the rest of the platform, as I found some useful loot here during my playthrough, including sensor modules for crafting shock weapons. There‘s also a chest with a high-rarity Dismembrall baseball bat that delivers extra damage.

The player collects the circuit breaker and loots a nearby chest.

Collect the circuit breaker and search for loot atop the platform.

Stage 3: Install the Circuit Breaker

With the circuit breaker in hand, drop down from the platform and return to the temple entrance. On the right, you‘ll find a breaker box. Interact with it to install the circuit breaker, which will power the temple effects.

Watch out for more zombies that may emerge from the temple corridor or climb onto the platform. I‘d recommend using firearms or thrown weapons to engage them at a distance while occupied with the breaker box.

The player defends against approaching zombies while inserting the circuit breaker.

Fend off zombies as you install the essential circuit breaker.

Stage 4: Activate the Temple Effects

After installing the circuit breaker, move left toward a lever labeled "Temple Doors FX." Interact with this lever to activate the temple‘s special effects and open the entrance.

I found it useful to employ area-of-effect attacks or molotovs here to wipe out groups of zombies trying to swarm me while I operated the lever. The lever animation takes a few seconds, so be prepared to defend yourself during this vulnerable period.

Explosions take out zombies as the player activates the lever.

Use AoE attacks to fend off zombies while activating the temple lever.

Stage 5: Enter the Temple

Once activated, the immense temple doors will slowly open, providing access inside. Pass through the towering doorway, staying alert for more zombies.

Inside you‘ll face another large group of undead. I switched to a bladed polearm here to dispatch them rapidly in the tighter interior space. There are also some hazardous pits, so watch your footing as you clear out the room.

The temple‘s lavish decorations hide lootable urns with crafting resources and health items. Be sure to explore thoroughly before proceeding to the next area.

The player fights zombies within the temple then investigates the elaborate decor.

Fight your way into the temple interior and search for hidden loot.

Additional Tips and Strategies

While following the steps above will get you through this temple-exploring objective, I wanted to offer some additional expert tips to master this quest:

  • Manage your inventory – Your limited inventory fills fast, so craft aid items and equipment upgrades early on rather than hoarding materials. Sell unused weapons and gear for extra cash.

  • Use momentum – During combat, build momentum by linking attacks together. This deals extra damage and lets you smash through crowds.

  • Aim for limbs – Dismembering zombie limbs cripples their attacks. Go for arms first, then legs to leave them crawling.

  • Keep moving – Stay on the move during fights to avoid being surrounded. Backpedal while attacking to mitigate damage.

  • Elemental effects – Fire, electricity, and toxic weapons are very useful against groups. Don‘t just rely on physical damage.

  • Stealth kill – Stealthily assassinating lone zombies conserves health and resources. Sneak up or strike from behind cover.

Mastering these tips along with the outlined steps will help you adeptly explore the temple set while surviving the challenges within.

Unlocking the Temple: Key Takeaways

Through my extensive experience guiding players through this quest, here are the key lessons I‘ve found:

  • Carefully survey environments before engaging – use elevation and cover.

  • Manage inventory wisely – don‘t hoard unneeded items.

  • Balance offensive and defensive tactics – don‘t get swarmed and overrun.

  • Dismember limbs to impede zombie attacks.

  • Exploit elemental and area-of-effect damage against groups.

  • Search thoroughly for hidden loot and resources.

This walkthrough provides everything you need to successfully unlock the temple set in Dead Island 2. With these tactics, you‘ll be well equipped to explore further and master the game‘s intense blend of strategic combat, rewarding exploration, and memorable storytelling. Let me know if you need any other Dead Island 2 tips during your journey through zombie-ravaged Los Angeles!