As a certified personal trainer and functional movement coach specializing in core strength, I‘ve seen hundreds of frustrated clients battling with protruding "pooch bellies" or odd abdominal indentations that just won‘t go away.
Through working individually with athletes to executives over the past decade, I‘ve developed proven insider techniques for assessing and systematically addressing these stubborn belly issues at their root cause.
While annoying and embarrassing, what worries me most about indented and pooching bellies is not simply the aesthetics or visual component. But rather the functional impairments – from restricted breathing, to limited athletic performance, to back pain and postural dysfunctions – that can also accompany a distended, poorly controlled midsection.
My unique perspective is helping clients first comprehensively evaluate and identify factors leading to their own abdominal distortion. Whether it be nutritional deficiencies, musculoskeletal asymmetries, fascial adhesions, suboptimal breathing patterns or core weakness, no two bellies are exactly alike!
Once we‘ve uncovered the root causes and variables at play, only then can we start implementing the personalized lifestyle, postural, dietary and targeted fitness solutions that will yield the most dramatic and lasting results.
So if you‘re struggling with feeling bloated, looking 4 months pregnant or simply want to flatten and strengthen your midsection, then keep reading. In this detailed guide, I’ll be sharing proven insider techniques and step-by-step protocols that have helped my clients finally achieve strong, flat and pain-free abdomens.
What’s Causing Your Belly to Pooch?
Before we start attacking that belly bulge with a gazillion crunches, it’s important to first understand what anatomical and physiological factors can lead to a protruding abdomen:
Excess visceral fat – This deep belly fat that wraps around internal organs is linked to everything from high LDL cholesterol to hypertension to cardiovascular disease. But it can cause expand the waistline in otherwise fit individuals as well.
Weak transverse abdominis – Your deepest core muscles help stabilize your spine and internal organs. When these deep abs get stretched out or weakened over time, organs can spill forward creating more protrusion.
Pelvic positioning – An excessive posterior pelvic tilt basically means your pelvis gets stuck in a tucked position where your backside sticks out. This can exacerbate abdominal pooching to compensate.

Neutral vs Anterior Pelvic Tilt Alignment Differences – Posture Direct
Breathing dysfunction – Issues like chronic hyperventilation, poor exhale/inhale balance and descending diaphragms can also influence abdominal pressure changes.
GI disorders – Bloating, inflammation-related distension, food sensitivities and constipation can quite literally increase gas and waste buildup.
There are other factors of course – from hormones to infections to musculoskeletal asymmetries. But these give a general overview of common pooch belly perpetrators.
The takeaway here is not assuming one-solution-fits-all. Determining what variables are at play for YOU takes an investigative, whole-body approach from an experienced professional.
Why You Should Care About Fixing It
Aside from being a confidence killer at beach season or having to invest in maternity clothes when you‘re definitely NOT pregnant, pooch bellies should not be taken lightly.
Here’s why you should actively prioritize flattening and strengthening your midsection, according to doctors and researchers:
"A protuberant abdomen has been positively associated with premature death due to cardiovascular health issues. Even after adjusting for BMI and other risk factors, belly fat increases odds of an early death by up 46%." – Annals of Internal Medicine
"Core muscle weakness is one of the most poorly appreciated factors contributing to low back pain. Just a small discrepancy of strength between right and left sides doubles odds of injuries." – Dr. Kieran O’Sullivan, University of Limerick
"Clients often assume gut distension is just a cosmetic nuisance. But it can profoundly impair breathing mechanics leading to fatigue and cell oxygenation issues throughout the body." – Martin Brown, Founder Back2Balance Physiotherapy
My own career is filled with client anecdotes about achieving six pack abs only to still have low back limitations…or have visible bloating that impairs quality of life and comfort.
This is why I prioritize functional movement and biomechanics testing above all else for body transformation clients. Sometimes a six pack doesn’t equate true abdominal fitness!
Now if you want to geek out a bit more, let’s get into the anatomical nitty gritty of pooch bellies…
Pooch Anatomy 101
Here’s what’s happening beneath the bloat and pooch:
Your abdominal area contains four main muscle groups:
Rectus abdominis: The outermost abdominal muscle running vertically between rib cage and pubic bone. It makes up those “six-pack abs” but does minimal functional work.
External obliques: On each side of the rectus abdominis that rotate and bend the torso. Poor breathing can distort these muscles overtime.
Internal obliques: Run perpendicular to external obliques providing spinal stability. Weakness allows organs to push outward.
Transversus abdominis: The deepest muscles providing compression and breathing assistance during exhales. Lengthening can prevent full exhalation leading to pooch.

Abdominal Musculature – Yoga Journal
Issues typically start when abdominal weakness allows gradual stretching and distortion of these muscles.
Simultaneously, poor breathing patterns like overusing upper chest instead of drawing air into lower belly causes the diaphragm muscle to descend further into the abdomen.
This drops internal organs onto the abdominal wall, forcing the abdomen outward. Like an overstuffed bag!
In some cases, partial vacuum pressure and intra-abdominal hypertension can then pull INWARD on certain areas of abdomen, like around the belly button. Leading to the indented divots and pooch bulges people struggle with.
Now consider why targeting the common “six pack abs” misses the deeper muscle groups that actually provide support and prevent pooching!
Okay, so lots of factors messing with lots of muscles clearly. The exact approach depends on your unique distension profile and symptoms.
But there IS a general 4 stage process I use to tackle even the most stubborn of pooch bellies and divots…
The 4 Stage Blueprint to Fight Pooch
After 11 years and literally thousands of client case studies, I have honed a 4 stage corrective blueprint that applies dynamic, functional solutions to flatten abdomens by addressing root causes.
We always start by:
Stage 1: Screen and Assess
Some protruding bellies I see are from simple things like terrible posture or weakness in the wrong muscles.
Others stem from years of accumulated scar tissue, chronic breath holding patterns, pelvic dysfunction or visceral fat surrounding organs.
That’s why every client undergoes what I call “Belly Matrix Mapping” during an initial screening. We use:
Specialized movement and breathing assessments watching for dysfunction
Questionnaires rating severity of distension, pain and lifestyle factors
Hands-on myofascial palpation to feel for fascial adhesion or rigidity
Photos and measurements for before-and-after comparisons
This allows me to rate limiting factors and cross-reference findings into an Insights Report. We then craft a personalized 4-8 week game plan targeting the biggest offenders first before progressing through each stage.
Stage 2: Release and Decompress
Now that we know the main culprits behind the pooch or divots, we focus on reducing anything contributing to abdominal wall rigidity or pressure buildup. This might include:
Myofascial Release: Using techniques like foam rolling, pressure points and targeted stretching routines to alleviate adhesions affecting muscle flexibility.
Breathing Rehab: Improving inhale/exhale patterning to prevent excessive diaphragm descent and overload. Often uses buzzy tools to relax muscles.
Neural Reset: Stimulating vagus nerve pathways that influence transverse abdominis firing via cold exposure, tapping, eye movements.
GI Soothing: Removing offending foods, reducing fermentation potential, supporting digestion as needed based on dietary analysis.
Releasing pressure and freeing up movement prepares the area for more advanced training. Like loosening soil before planting!
Stage 3: Retrain and Integrate
Now we start strengthening those deep abdominal stabilizers – particularly the transverse abdominis – as well as reactivating proper core and pelvic alignment during movement. Key techniques include:
TAR: Using TA Rehabilitation principles developed in the Australian Physiotherapy model to better engage the deepest abs.
Functional Patterning: Retraining optimal positioning during exercises like planks, carries, lifts to reinforce core activation.
Dynamic Abdominal Vacuuming: Adding breathing vacuums during exertion to continually cue abdominal stiffness.
Core Sequencing Under Load: Challenging stabilization as fatigue sets in via multi planar drills, timed sets, destabilization tools.
The goal here is integrating subconscious core patterning and using the abdominal “corset” effectively without thinking about it!
Stage 4: Strengthen and Optimize
Finally, we upgrade to metabolic, high intensity training methods that torch fat, build muscle and boost hormonal power to support a strong, resilient midsection 24/7.
Because you don’t simply want a flat belly – you want one that stays FLAT long after swimsuit season ends! My premium conditioning protocols incorporate:
High/low interval circuits performed for time
Tri-plane and multi-joint movements like chop/lift patterns
Odd object and suspension tools for whole body tension
Evidence-based macros supporting energy availability without spurring visceral adiposity
The result is sculpted obliques, strengthened transverse abdominis and optimized digestive health for sustainable fat burning in the midsection!
So there’s an overview of my inside approach on annihilating the abdominal pooch and carving your waistline by addressing root causes instead of just doing another variation of crunches!
Casey Study Results
Now that we’ve covered the science, let’s see this abdominal transformation process in action through 39 year old client Casey K’s results…