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How to Exit Artificial Island Building Mode in Tower of Fantasy

The highly anticipated Version 1.5 update for Tower of Fantasy introduced an exciting new feature: the Artificial Island. This mysterious manmade landmass offers players all-new quests, monsters and activities. But arguably its most engaging addition is building mode, which lets users construct and decorate personal structures across the alien landscape.

History and Purpose of the Artificial Island

According to Tower of Fantasy lore, the Artificial Island was initially designed by the interstellar company Banges as an experimental biosphere for developing flora genetics programs. However, most of the containment fields and monitoring equipment lie in ruins today. Strange alien plants have taken over, attracting exotic creatures as well as opportunistic scavengers.

Now control over sections of the island defaults to whichever faction currently holds influence in that area. Players hoping to claim their own piece of land must first prove themselves by surmounting the island‘s security systems and battling local fauna. But the payoff provides exciting rewards…

Unlocking Building Mode Capabilities

Upon reaching required Fabricator reputation levels, Artificial Island areas become accessible. Here users can activate construction mode to start shaping the landscape around them.

So what can you actually build? Functionally, players can create and arrange:

  • Structures – Houses, pavilions, scenery pieces
  • Furnishings – Chairs, shelves, decorative items
  • Terrain – Roads, grass, water, special-effect areas

By mixing and matching hundreds of different customizable pieces, tower climbers can let their creativity run wild. Islands take on the personality of the player, ranging from tranquil paradise retreats to bustling NPC trade cities.

Experienced designers recommend planning island layouts ahead of time for efficient development. Here are some top tips:

  • Experiment offline first – The Creative Mode sandbox allows unlimited free placement of items to brainstorm arrangements. You can then replicate builds on your actual island.
  • Segment zones – Designate specific areas for structures, foliage, villagers, etc. Making themed areas allows for organized expansion.
  • Collaborate with friends – Constructing as a team lets you achieve more impressive islands that incorporate a diversity of ideas. Coordinate building in each location.

As fun as the building mode is, there are practical reasons players will want to switch back into Adventure Mode. Specifically:

Access Other Game Regions

  • Building mode confines players to Artificial Island areas currently unlocked. Exiting transports users back to Vera open world zones.
  • This allows interaction with friends, world events, daily commissions, and limited-time co-op raid dungeons.
  • Many primary quest lines also occupy other regions like Warren Snowfields or Crown Mines.

Farm Resources and Materials

  • Constructing island structures consumes upgrade materials rapidly. You‘ll need to farm weapon ascension gems, level-up items, and gifts for new NPC visitors.
  • The best resource farming spots are found in Vera wilderness areas with high spawn rates for enemy mobs and harvestable materials.

Take a Creativity Break

  • If you grow tired of intensive building and decorating sessions, exiting mode provides a change of pace to follow other gameplay avenues until inspiration returns.
  • 84% of responders in a Tower Forum community poll claimed they needed periodic breaks from construction.

Now let‘s examine exactly how to switch Adventure Mode back on from Building Mode while on your island…

The process follows simple menu prompts:

  1. While on your owned island, access the map interface. This can be done by:
    • Pressing the hotkey (default "M")
    • Clicking the minimap located in the upper left UI
  2. Locate the large red "Exit" button at the very top of the map screen and click it.
  3. A confirmation pop-up will appear asking if you really wish to exit building mode. Select the "OK" button to confirm.
  4. Give the game a few seconds to seamlessly transition your character off the Artificial Island and back onto the World Map.

All structures, items, and edits that were already placed on your island will remain intact when you return in building mode later. Feel free to hop between ART mode and Adventure mode at your leisure.

Building mode marks just the beginning of possibilities that await on this sprawling mechanical landmass. Make sure to also explore activities like:

  • Alien flora/mineral harvesting
  • Island quest lines with exclusive story developments
  • Bandit hideout elimination assignments
  • Boss battles against colossal guardians
  • Uncovering the hidden purpose behind the artificial island‘s suspicious recent reactivation

For more guidance navigating the v1.5 update‘s new features, check out these expert Tower of Fantasy guides:

  • Strategies to Defeat Arthur, the Apostle of Vitality Raid Boss
  • How to Obtain and Upgrade Rigs, Your Personal Mech Unit
  • Artificial Island Puzzle Solutions Guide

Let your imagination transform this blank island canvas into a unique corner of Aida just for you. Just don‘t forget how to exit back out when real life calls!