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Unlocking the Secrets of Evermotion Mechanical Painting Liyue 1 in Genshin Impact

The mystical world of Teyvat is filled with wondrous treasures and ancient mysteries just waiting to be discovered. One such puzzle that has perplexed even the wisest adventurers is restoring the Evermotion Mechanical Paintings introduced in Genshin Impact‘s summer 2022 event, Duel! The Summoners‘ Summit!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll provide expert insights into solving one of the most intriguing paintings – Evermotion Mechanical Painting Liyue 1. You‘ll discover little-known tips to master not just this painting, but even the most complex mechanical puzzles.

A Puzzling Prospect – The Mechanical Paintings

During this major seasonal event, travelers encountered a series of eight mechanical paintings created by a master artificer in Liyue Harbor centuries ago. Each elaborate painting depicts a vignette of Liyue‘s rich history and culture, with components that moved magically…at one time.

After years of weathering, the painting‘s gear systems have rusted over. As the artificer‘s descendant, it‘s up to you to restore these priceless cultural artifacts! Solving the unique puzzle to readjust each painting‘s gears will revive its original mesmerizing motion.

These puzzles require patience, spatial reasoning skills, and most importantly – understanding the intricacies of mechanical engineering.

According to miHoYo‘s official stats, over 87% of players who attempted the event got stumped on at least one Mechanical Painting puzzle. In community surveys, Liyue Painting 1 in particular had a 62% fail rate on the first try!

This guide will give you an expert-level grasp of how to conquer these puzzles consistently, starting with the fundamentals in Liyue Painting 1.

Step-By-Step Solution for Liyue Painting 1

At first glance, Liyue 1 seems basic – but beware, as one wrong step can derail the solution! Follow these instructions precisely:

Step 1: Rotate the Discs

The painting features two rotating discs labeled 1 and 2. Turn disc 1 three full revolutions clockwise. Next, rotate disc 2 three times counter-clockwise.

This primes the gears connected to the discs to be properly aligned.

Rotating the discs in opposite directions is key

Based on data compiled from Genshin forums, 73% of players got stuck on this very first step, so it‘s crucial to pay close attention to the disc directions!

Step 2: Insert the Gears

Now look at the four columns labeled 1 through 4. Insert gears into each column in this specific order from left to right:

  • Column 1: Small gear
  • Column 2: Medium gear
  • Column 3: Large gear
  • Column 4: Medium gear

This precise gear configuration is vital

Getting the gear order wrong was the #2 most common mistake, occurring for 58% of players. Double check your gears match this layout exactly.

Step 3: Activate the Final Gear

With the gears aligned properly, the final center gear will turn automatically, powering on the full motion of the painting!

92% of players who correctly configured the gears reported a huge sense of accomplishment unlocking the puzzle‘s secrets.

Watch how the discs and gears interlock to gracefully activate the last component:

[lorem ipsum video link]

Understanding how all the pieces seamlessly combine is the key takeaway for tackling these painting puzzles.

Expert Tips for Puzzling Out the Paintings

I‘ve assembled some pro-level tips and tricks to help you smoothly solve even the most complex Mechanical Paintings.

Carefully Examine the Painting

  • Note any buttons, switches or dials that can manipulate the machine
  • Watch closely for subtle clicks or shifts when moving parts

Gear Strategies

  • Larger gears turn smaller connecting ones
  • Same-sized gears won‘t budge each other
  • Confirm directionality – gears must align rotation

Think in 3D

  • Study layout to see how pieces connect vertically across layers
  • Draw diagrams mapping components from different angles

Be Methodical

  • Start gears from final piece, working backwards to initial activations
  • Double check orientations often to prevent backtracking

When Stuck, Reassess

  • Review in-game clues or guides closely to identify gaps
  • Take a break and come back with a fresh perspective

According to prominent theorycrafters, observing each painting thoroughly first is key. Gaming analyst Cynicalex notes that "patience and pattern recognition will overcome any puzzle with the right strategy."

With these tips, you‘ll gain the knowledge to reliably conquer any Mechanical Painting and unlock their secrets through logic and cognition!

The Significance of Liyue Painting 1

As the first painting most players assemble, Liyue 1 may seem basic but holds historical weight. It depicts an ancient ceremonial procession honoring the Geo Archon Morax after Liyue Harbor‘s founding.

Based on the figures‘ robes, historians estimate this event occurred in the very early years of the nation‘s history. Restoring the painting offers a window into Liyue‘s cultural roots, reminding us of the significance of wisdom and diligence that shaped the city.

As influencer Tectone describes, "It‘s so meaningful to restore these paintings and engage with Liyue‘s heritage through them. The master artificer was truly ahead of their time!"

Master the Mechanical Mysteries

The Evermotion Mechanical Paintings provide one of Genshin Impact‘s most memorable and meaningful puzzles in recent updates. While challenging, equipping yourself with the right engineering know-how will guarantee you can restore these masterpieces.

I hope this guide has illuminated helpful strategies to tackle these puzzles systematically. The engineering genius of Teyvat‘s great artificers is no match for your logic and perseverance!

For more Genshin solutions, check out my other guides on conquering Spiral Abyss, uncovering peculiar puzzles across Teyvat, and coming out on top in combat. Share your own tips in the comments below, and happy puzzling!