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Ethereum vs Polygon: Which Blockchain is Better for NFT Projects?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) exploded onto the crypto scene in 2021 with over $17 billion in trading volume according to market data site DappRadar. This momentum is likely to continue in 2022 with innovations across gaming, metaverse and digital collectibles.

As an NFT creator, one of your most important decisions is choosing which blockchain network to build on. The two leading options are Ethereum and Polygon. This in-depth guide will compare Ethereum vs Polygon specifically from an NFT project perspective so you can determine the optimal platform.

We examine factors like fees, security, features, adoption, community support and more across both networks. We also provide example use cases, creator interviews and data-backed adoption metrics to substantiate our analysis.

Ethereum vs Polygon at a Glance

Ethereum Polygon
Avg Fee Per Transaction $20-$200 $0.001
NFT Transaction Volume Q4 2021 $12 billion $400 million
Interoperability Native Via Bridges
Max TPS 15 7,000+

Let‘s explore some of these differences more deeply:

Fee Structures

On Ethereum, users pay gas fees on every transaction like minting or transferring NFTs. Gas refers to unit of computation, and gas fees fund the work by miners to execute transactions and secure the network.

Due to limited throughput and overwhelming demand, gas fees on Ethereum trend high – often over $50 per transaction and sometimes into the hundreds for popular NFT mints.

Ethereum Average Gas Fees Over Time

On Polygon however, gas fees are so negligible as to be almost non-existent. Transactions cost just fractions of a cent regardless of network activity. This makes scaling NFT projects far more affordable…

Adoption and Developer Mindshare

As the first smart contract platform with a 5 year headstart, Ethereum boasts deeper liquidity pools and a more established network effects. Over 250,000 developers build on Ethereum according to Electric Capital.

NFT pioneers like CryptoPunks brought Ethereum NFT capabilities to the forefront…