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Escape Simulator The Elevator Walkthrough: A Comprehensive Multi-Floor Puzzle Guide

As a long-time fan of escape room games, I‘ve played and solved many perplexing puzzles in virtual escape rooms like Escape Simulator. But one room stands out for frustrating players with tricky clues spanning several floors—The Elevator.

In this extensive walkthrough, I‘ll use my gaming experience to help you crack the codes and escape this confounding elevator room.

The Growing Popularity of Online Escape Games

Before diving into The Elevator, let‘s quickly cover the rise of virtual escape rooms. Games like Escape Simulator build on the viral popularity of real-world escape rooms. Analytics show players flocking to online options, especially since 2020:

  • The virtual escape room market is expected to grow over 13% from 2022-2030
  • Over 75% of avid escape room players transitioned to remote games during the pandemic, driving further growth in players

I too got hooked on clever puzzle and hidden object games found in virtual escape rooms. Escape Simulator stands out with its logical, themed puzzles woven together into an overarching story across multiple environments.

Now let‘s get you up to speed on navigating one of the trickiest rooms that thwarts both novice and experienced players.

Inside The Perplexing Elevator Room

Escape Simulator features an eerie, dilapidated office building belonging to the mysterious Omega Corporation. Uncover clues in rooms linked together on different floors to unravel this shadowy company‘s secrets.

In The Elevator, you start off within an old, faulty elevator requiring multiple code solutions to fix. Most of the clues span locations outside the elevator itself, requiring situational awareness and lateral thinking across floors.

Based on online player reactions, common frustrations in The Elevator room include:

  • Tedious back-and-forth travel across floors
  • Easy to miss environmental clues like patterns or hidden signs
  • Confusing connections between coded locks and unlocked keys

However, with the right observation skills and puzzle solving techniques, escaping feels extremely rewarding. Use this walkthrough‘s solutions to conquor all puzzles systematically.

Escape Simulator Elevator Screenshot

Let‘s go through all puzzles chronologically across the 7 main floors, including secret floors revealed through buttons 0, -1, and rapid 2 presses.

Step-by-Step Elevator Walkthrough

Level 7: Cracking the Braille Code

Your first puzzle appears right on the 7th floor lobby, where the elevator doors open. Look above the keypad on the wall to spot four Braille symbols, with one colored red.

This red herring symbol can be ignored – you only need to dechiper the three white Braille blocks. Scan the Braille plaques beside each floor number outside the elevator. Identify which floors have symbols matching the usable keypad symbols.

When matched and translated, these white symbols represent floors: 6, 7, 4. Input this simple 3-digit code into the Braille keypad to unlock the box. Collect the Key Center Part inside, which will come in handy later.

Level 6: Decoding Symbols on the Elevator Floor Itself

On level 6, pick up the mop inside the elevator to wipe clean the strange patterned floor. Move the blue dots on the cleaned floor to match the arrangement shown.

Specifically, place all blue dots bottom right, with two isolated blues bottom left. Four blues should fill the center. Rotate the bottom left grouping to align the blues.

Solving this puzzle opens a secret compartment along the wall to pick up your next key part.

Elevator Floor Pattern Solution

The solved puzzle floor pattern

Level 4: Discovering Hidden Clues While Descending

Travel down and enter the foreshadowing clue on level 4 regarding "the space between our thoughts". This references vacant buttons and seemingly missing floors in the elevator itself.

Pick up the briefcase inside, containing a note about rapidly pressing "2" to descend quickly. Follow the instructions to force the elevator into a fast downward movement, exposing a hidden number: 2680.

Return back to the 4th floor lobby. Input the four digit number into the keypad to unlock another key for the Omega Corporation logo.

This exemplifies the out-of-box thinking needed to connect clues across floors and around corners. Let‘s continue with this lateral puzzle solving approach.

Level 7 Again: Spelling Out a Word Right in Front of You

Backtracking to the 7th floor, you likely tried pressing the hint button to no avail. However, a crucial clue waits in plain slight above this button.

Look up to spot block letter stickers spelling "CRANE". Translate this directly by pressing elevator buttons C-R-A-N-E. Combine the two keys obtained so far to unlock the Omega Corporation logo along the wall.

Rapid Level 2 Transitions: Tapping Color Coded Squares

Quickly press "2" three times, then "-1" to shift into a hidden underwater level. Scan left to right to spot red and blue squares above a triangle and "X" symbol, as pictured below.

Color and Symbol Puzzle

Tap the color coded squares in sequence to solve symbol puzzle

Tap the squares sequentially as color coded in the image to cover the "X" and reveal only Omega logos. Solving this hidden mini-game opens an underwater hatch with another key part inside.

The Chilling Level 0: Tracking Down Missing Floors

Descend down to the unnerving 0 floor by pressing the unmarked red button. A blood-red clue alludes to missing floors "on the way down".

Sure enough, scanning the elevator buttons identifies gaps in numbering between floors 7 and -1, with no 5, 3 or 1 present. Input this discovered three digit code 5-3-1 into the keypad to expose the final key part.

Only one last step remains…

Piece Together 5 Key Parts for the Final Unlock

You should now have 5 separate key parts in your inventory. Drag and attach them all perfectly onto the initially discovered Key Center Part.

This fully assembled key fits into the keyhole beneath floor buttons when aligned precisely.

Whew! Now the elevator finally works again. Descend safely down to floor -1 and exit into the lobby to complete your escape!

General Tips, Tricks, and Problem Solving for Escape Games

I hope you leveraged the solutions above to help crack tricky clues spanning The Elevator‘s floors. Applying lateral thinking to link inter-floor puzzles makes unraveling the challenging room very fulfilling.

Here are some best practices for tackling any problematic escape room:

Person solving puzzle box

Carefully examining environmental clues maximizes progression

Observation and Awareness

Keen perception, situational awareness, and attention spans separate novice gamers from escape room masters.

  • Search environments systematically, including floors, ceilings, hidden alcoves etc for clues
  • Scrutinize details like patterns, colors, symbols that could be puzzle components
  • Take visual note of codes or PASSWORDS other places since escape rooms interconnect
  • Don‘t overlook tutorial notes or signage containing crucial background context

Critical and Spatial Thinking

Connecting inter-room clues requires thinking critically and spatially to unlock multi-stage puzzles.

  • Evaluate how elements link thematically even when separated physically
  • Problem-solve laterally to derive hidden connections between coded locks and found keys
  • Try crossing reference images or maps to pinpoint puzzle dependencies
  • Brainstorm hypothetical solutions, then systematically test theories

Calm Perseverance Against Tricky Puzzles

Even seasoned gamers can become frustrated when progress stalls. Avoid this by:

  • Take breaks to regain mental clarity if necessary
  • Backtrack to re-examine previous clues with a fresh perspective
  • Check walkthroughs if completely roadblocked for too long
  • Trust that the puzzle solution exists somewhere in the room already

I hope these tips and the step-by-step elevator walkthrough empowers you to escape tricky rooms in Escape Simulator. Let me know if you have any other questions arise! Now get cracking on those codes and unlock each mystifying environment.