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Deciphering the Puzzling Lost Spirits Room: An Expert Escape Simulator Walkthrough

As an avid escape room gamer, I was intrigued when the Lost Spirits room debuted in the acclaimed Escape Simulator series. This haunted setting dials up the challenge with perplexing puzzles to unravel before a soul-sucking spirit claims you forever!

Packed with cryptic clues to decipher and locks to crack, Lost Spirits proves one of the toughest rooms I‘ve encountered in 30+ completed escape games. But with this comprehensive walkthrough, I‘ll guide you to victory and vanquish those creepy ghosts!

Escaping 101: Understanding Escape Room Games

For newcomers, escape room games immerse players in themed environments full of hidden puzzles. The goal is to find clues, solve tricky brainteasers, and ultimately unlock your way out within the time limit!

Popular in real-world entertainment centers, online escape games like Escape Simulator bring similar adventures to your desktop. These PC/Mac titles present first-person point-and-click thrills combined with challenging puzzle-solving.

As the name suggests, Escape Simulator provides hyper-realistic simulated escape rooms to conquer. With photorealistic graphics and slick production values, each puzzle adventure makes you feel transported right into the eerie setting!

Inside Escape Simulator: Edgewood Mansion

The Escape Simulator series sets players loose in the creepy confines of Edgewood Mansion. This foreboding estate houses paranormal activity and puzzling secrets aplenty across different themed rooms.

With growing acclaim through titles like The Attic and The Library, Escape Simulator has cemented itself as a leader in immersive escape room games. To date, the series has sold over 300,000 copies worldwide.

Each accessible room in Edgewood Mansion features unique challenges players must face. Solving arcane puzzles and eldritch locks, you carefully uncover clues leading to escape.

Lost Spirits counts among the toughest offerings – earning a "Difficult" rating on the in-game machine. But with my expert guidance, escape is assured!

Inside the Haunted Lost Spirits Room

The chilling Lost Spirits room challenges players to collect spectral essences by capturing ghosts. Ethereal presences and puzzling mechanisms stand between you and victory however.

As the backstory goes, Edgewood Mansion once hosted many lavish gatherings before falling into disrepair. But legends say a secret society still gathers here to contact those passed…

Drawing power from the veil, shadow spirits now roam the area and cannot return to normal until properly banished. Finding yourself trapped among them, can you uncover the occult secrets needed to escape back to reality?

Puzzle Description
Mannequin Lock Arrange numbered figurines to open
Hands of Cosmos Position planets on an astrology device
Zoetrope Lock Spin to reveal numeric codes
Incense Lock Prepare ingredients based on clues
Tarot Card Lock Decode statements using cards
Board Pieces Assemble a puzzle to finish

With 6 main puzzles to overcome, Lost Spirits will test even seasoned escapers. Utilize these detailed solutions to achieve victory!

1. Mannequin Lock Solution

My first roadblock came at the mannequin combination lock inside this eerie séance room. Scouring the area reveals…

Figure 1.1 – Locations of the three essential mannequins

![Mannequin locations map]

…three limbless mannequins – each labeled with a letter. Interacting with the figures shows…

Figure 1.2 – Images of the number-resembling mannequins

![Mannequin number images]

…their contorted bodies represent different numbers. By cross-referencing the alphabet and numerals, I deduced the solution:

  • Mannequin A (1)
  • Mannequin B (8)
  • Mannequin C (2)

Inputting 1-8-2 into the lock slides it open, adding pieces for the next phase!

2. Hands of Cosmos Solution

This intricate wall fixture depicts left/right palms with slots for cosmic tokens. Scouring the room reveals planet models required to activate the Hands of Cosmos.

Figure 2.1 – Planet piece locations

![Planet locations map]

I retrieved:

  • Jupiter
  • Mars
  • Saturn
  • Earth

But what order should they be placed based on star chart clues?

Figure 2.2 – Hands of Cosmos reference guides

![Hands of cosmos papers]

Checking the guides reveals Jupiter and Mars belong on the left hand working inward. Saturn and Earth occupy the right palm instead. Inputting the tokens properly unlocks the compartment containing a key item.

3. Zoetrope Lock Solution

This spinning sculpture adds a twist by requiring numeric passcodes revealed through mesmerizing optics.

I collected 3 film strips around the room, each encoding symbols that display numbers when spun inside the zoetrope slot. But the trick is lining up your sight with the flickering images as each strip rapidly rotates.

Note down each code glimpsed through the viewfinder to input the full sequence. My decoded solution went as follows:

  • Red strip code = 8
  • Purple strip code = 6
  • Green strip code = 3

The completed sequence 8-6-3 opens a cabinet containing another clue essential for the final phase!

4. Incense Lock Solution

Preparing a "psychic incense" based on cryptic documentation unlocked this aromatic combinational padlock.

I gathered ingredients from the drawer according to matching visuals found in the Botany & Incense books. Grinding selected elements using the well-worn mortar and pestle contraption was oddly satisfying!

Figure 4.1 – Psychic incense recipe

![Incense book recipe]

With the mixture fully prepped, I arranged the components sequentially into the burning bowl as depicted:

  1. Purple morning bells flower (whole)
  2. Pointy leaves (whole)
  3. Crushed almonds

As smoke billows forth, the revealed ritual sequence reads:


Inputting the code lets you snatch another essential Canopic Vase piece!

5. Tarot Card Lock Solution

Mystic tarot cards combined with cryptic statements make unlocking this cabinet quite the metaphysical challenge!

I examined 9 illustrated cards bearing Roman numerals I-XXI along with a note detailing fateful events. The key is linking nouns from the sentences to matching cards from the deck.

"It was at the Emperor‘s ball when I saw her for the first time" = The Emperor tarot (XVII) = 5

Slowly matching terms, I extracted the sequence:

  • The Emperor = V
  • The Lovers + The High Priestess = VI + II = VIII
  • The Fool = 0
  • The World + Wheel of Fortune + Strength = XXI – X – VIII = III

The completed series V-VIII-0-III opens the antechamber holding my prize!

6. Board Pieces Solution

Fitting together collected wooden pieces displays candlelit letters spelling "VOID." Using the magnifying glass to select each one banishes specters for good!

My escape finally complete, the spirits now lie calm – their mysterious voids filled by cryptic ritual. While the exact nature of their spectral forms remains clouded, unraveling their occult puzzles proved reward enough!

Tips for Conquering Lost Spirits

After freeing countless anguished souls from escape rooms, I‘ve gathered some helpful pointers for success:

  • Read and analyze all materials carefully – environmental clues are key!
  • Attempt items without expectation – odd combinations sometimes work.
  • Draw your own maps noting locations of key objects.
  • Double-check puzzle solutions before final input.
  • Relax, reassess, retry! Escape is about the journey, not just the outcome.

I hope these secrets help you face the sinister spirits – and have fun escaping! Now let‘s explore more puzzle rooms that Edgewood Manor has in store…

Further Escape Rooms to Explore

Ready for more virtual escapades? Apply lessons learned from Lost Spirits to triumph over these Escape Simulator adventures:

  • The Library – Can you uncover the Castle family‘s hidden legacy?
  • Coven – Survive dark witchcraft and demonic forces!
  • The Attic – What secrets do dusty artifacts hold?

I‘ll be documenting walkthroughs and tips to conquer each available room in Escape Simulator. So bookmark my guides for ample ammo facing those creepy conundrums!

As environments expand through titles like Escape Simulator: New Rooms, I‘ll continue providing vital insights to lead you straight to escape every time! This eerie estate holds unlimited mysteries left to unravel…


I hope these comprehensive tricks and puzzle guides help you ultimately outwit the sinister Lost Spirits room! Let me know if you have any other questions escaping this complex stage or the Escape Simulator series in general.

Now enough reading – it‘s time to enter Edgewood Manor and let the puzzling begin! Just beware the voices whispering for you to join them for eternity…