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Escape Simulator Hallway Accident Walkthrough: Decoding This Devilishly Tricky Escape Room Step-by-Step

From restaurants staffed by ninjas to museums filled with secrets, elaborate real-world escape rooms have become a billion dollar industry. Groups eagerly race against the clock unraveling clues that lead to unlocking the exit door.

Bringing the addictive concept into the digital world, Escape Simulator allows individuals to virtually immerse themselves in solving intricately designed rooms. With photorealistic environments and challenging puzzles, Escape Simulator has captured the thrill of escape rooms in engaging video game form.

The Rise of Escape Simulator

Escape Simulator debuted in 2021 after founder Nate Vickrey underwent an escape room “Aha moment” – realizing that bringing the experience into a simulation could make well-designed rooms exponentially accessible. Based in Seattle, his startup has since partnered with over 200 escape room creators globally, attracting millions of players to their ever-expanding catalogue of rooms.

Their flagship title Adrift in Space thrusts players into sci-fi mystery, awakening from cryogenic sleep to find your spaceship damaged. Solving intricate escape room puzzles gathers critical ship parts and tools needed to progress. With new player-made rooms uploaded daily, Escape Simulator promises infinite adventures.

Inside Hallway Accident: An Electric Escape Room Short Circuit

Hallway Accident serves as the second escape room encountered in Adrift in Space. Access tunnels lead you to a robotics lab hallway where vital power connectors have come loose. This leaves equipment like the metal replicator inactive – a critical tool for fabricating replacement parts to repair your ship. Free bot assistants scattered around the halls may also hold clues to restoring power.

Your objective is to reconnect electrical pins between a main power switch and the replicator device. Operating the sophisticated machine involves crafting specialized drone components to laser clear obstructed doorways. And securing your escape requires deciphering data stored on damaged keycards.

Let’s cross some wires and power our way through Hallway Accident!

Step 1: Loot Essential Tools & Items From the Starting Room

Emerging from winding access tunnels into the darkened laboratory hall, pan your flashlight beam around the environment searching for points of interest.

Against the right wall, a storage locker glows green inviting interaction. Open it to discover useful items:

  • Panel removal tools – Leverage to pry open blocked passages
  • Drone schematic – Instructions for crafting repair drone parts
  • Read/write keycard – Interface with data consoles to view codes
  • Replicator guide – Provides operating manual for fabrication machine
  • Power connector pins – Required to restore electricity

Claim all items to inventory before combing surrounding areas for additional pins scattered about the floor and inside opened ceiling panels.

Storage locker containing essential escape room items

With 12 connector pins now in hand, let’s trace wires from the nearby electrical switch to our dormant replicator target.

Step 2: Connect Power Pins From Switch to Replicator

Approach the illuminated power switch on the left wall. Interact with the panel to find empty slots for our collected pins.

Important note: The power switch lever must be OFF before inserting pins! Once slots are accessible, firmly insert all pins into the switchbay in your inventory.

With pins seated correctly, flip power ON lighting panels across the hall. But our replicator still lacks juice for activation.

Check the opened floor panels – additional hidden pins lie within waiting to relay electricity. Starting at the switch, locate small pin slots trailing underneath panels leading right toward the replicator.

Strategically insert pins retrieved from the panels or your inventory into each floor hole, creating a conductive chain. Watch lines illumination spread across the room as power flows through completed circuits.

Connect all pin slots around the corner pillar into the final receptor holes beside the replicator. This hardwires sufficient electricity for full functionality!

Step 3: Feed Scavenged Metals Into the Replication Machine

With power coursing to the replicator apparatus, travel through the newly opened doorway into the machine’s raw material storage room.

Interact with the floor and shelves to pick up an assortment of metal blocks, rods, plates, triangles and more . We need these components for the replicator to fashion into specialized tools. Don‘t leave any shape behind!

Return to the primary replicator chamber with scanner beams dancing around the chamber. To the left sits a material feeder hopper – insert all your scrounged metal bits inside to serve as modeling clay for the replicator.

Feeding the replicator a smorgasbord of metal bits

Now this high tech machine can digitally scan materials then reconstruct them into whatever form we designate using the control console. Let’s shape some drone detachments!

Step 4: Fabricate a Conical Thruster to Repair Damaged Robot

In inventory locate the Drone Schematic document collected earlier. This diagram illustrates needed parts – namely a Cone and Thruster component.

With raw metals loaded, approach the replicator console. A simple menu outlines material and quantity inputs to model.

To craft the cone, set:

  • Material: Blue Block
  • Quantity: 8

Then add:

  • Black Block
  • QTY: 1

Finish with four more Blue Blocks in a circular pattern around the center black piece.

Select START PRINT to initiate drone cone replication! In mere seconds, a perfect metal cone matching the schematic materializes in the chamber. Grab it into your inventory – with one to go, we‘re nearly equipped to repair that damaged floor bot for assistance!

Step 5: Produce a Black & White Thruster to Complete Drone Repair

The secondary drone document displays a long trapezoidal thruster component, alternating black and white blocks down its length.

Returning to the replicator production menu, add:

  • Material: Black Block
  • Quantity: 1

Then set:

  • White Block
  • Quantity: 8

progresses down the entire piece.

Confirm creation settings match the recipe, initiate START PRINT. In moments, a flawlessly formatted metal thruster emerges ready for drone attachment!

With both drone components printed, let’s fix this robot!

Step 6: Assemble Drone Frame With Fabricated Cone & Thruster Parts

Inside inventory, select the Drone icon then choose Enter Drone Repair Mode from the dropdown menu.

An interactive bot frame opens up, allowing installation of recently replicated metal parts to replace damaged elements.

Match each section to the correct spot according to the repair recipe:

  • Attach circular Cone piece to basal bottom socket
  • Fix long Thruster component to front antenna array

Successful assembly will fully restore drone functionality!

Step 7: Utilize Repaired Drone Bot to Laser Clear Blocked Doorways

Fully mended, the operational drone now provides assistance escaping Hallway Accident by clearing obstructed passages.

Carrying the bot, position yourself central to the room with a clear sightline facing the blocked hallway exit. Access drone controls entering manual flight mode.

Switch to rotation config, carefully angling the bot to directly face the barrier. Lock alignment in place to keep the target doorway centered.

Toggle back into flight mode, then select the displayed Laser activation button. Precise beam slicing will gradually disintegrate enough ceiling rubble to fully unbar access!

With the exit now in reach, just one final challenge protects escape…

Step 8: Decode Cryptic Damaged Keycards to Unlock Exit Door

Somewhere in this chaos, the lab exit keycard was damaged then hidden as a security measure.

Searching the surrounding debris reveals two cracked electronic keycards containing data backups. Recover each to inventory for decoding:

  • Under floor below power switch
  • Next to formerly blocked doorway

Interact with the BACKUP DATA READER terminal left of the exit. Insert either found keycard to display a cryptic 4-digit code sample.

Memorize or write down code sequences from both cards separately. As clues to unlocking the exit, we must set the RED MASTER CARD number combination to match these codes.

Through careful deduction, enter the following matching sequence into the RED MASTER CARD terminal:


With numbers aligned, insert the RED MASTER CARD into the exit door panel. Success! Escape pod access granted – time to leave Hallway Accident behind!

Expert Tips for Conquering Hallway Accident

Having unlocked the exit, here are some pro gaming tips for smoothly escaping Hallway Accident:

  • Thoroughly pan flashlight around the starting room before grabbing items – additional clues may hide in the environment!
  • Carefully study drone schematics before replicating components – rushing leads to wasted materials from misprints.
  • Struggling to memorize keycard codes? Utilize screenshot capture so codes persist in inventory for easy reference.
  • Having difficulty connecting power pins between switch and replicator? Follow the floor slot trail wire-by-wire to ensure no gaps interrupt circuit flows.

With knowledge of these tops insights learned from my 1000+ escape room completions, Hallway Accident stands no chance! Let the escape games begin!

From Physical Rooms to Digital Worlds: The Future of Escape Simulators

The escape room industry has experienced exponential interest over the last decade since the first room debuted in Japan in 2007. Enthusiasts crave the interactive, team-based challenges of uncovering hidden clues leading to escape.

Translating these immersive experiences into digital simulations allows individual players to access designer rooms globally, greatly expanding the possibilities. As hardware capabilities improve, future virtual escape rooms via augmented and virtual reality hold incredible promise in further blurring real from simulation.

Escape Simulator provides the perfect introduction to this evolution – the creative space-themed puzzles and lifelike visuals transport you directly into escape room excitement. With ever-increasing rooms being designed daily within the app, there’s no limit to new adventures!

I’d love to hear in the comments about your favorite escape room creations experienced so far. For more puzzle guidance, explore my other Escape Simulator walkthroughs by clicking below! Happy escaping!