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Mastering the Gold Chamber: An Expert Escape Simulator Walkthrough

Escape rooms have soared in popularity in recent years. These real-world adventured challenge players to uncover clues and solve puzzles in order to metaphorically break free of an enclosed space. Now with Escape Simulator, you can experience the thrill of escape rooms from the comfort of your home. This game offers a variety of themed challenges rooted in science fiction, history, and ancient mythology.

One of the most intricate Escape Simulator settings is Labyrinth of Egypt – drawing inspiration from the wonders and mysteries of ancient Egypt. The Gold Chamber level in particular provides a supreme test of patience and problem-solving prowess. With cryptic symbols, elusive artifacts, and illusory walls, freedom won‘t come easy.

Never fear! As a seasoned Escape Simulator veteran, I‘m here to illuminate the path ahead in this comprehensive Gold Chamber walkthrough. Follow along step-by-step to emerge victorious – and far more enlightened.


For those unfamiliar, Escape Simulator is a simulation game centered around escape room challenges. Using your mouse, you can interact with objects scattered around various puzzle rooms. The game physics allow you to grab, drag, shake, rotate, zoom, and more when inspecting these items for potential clues. Solving physical riddles and enigmas will ultimately unlock your escape…if you have the wits to do so.

Currently boasting over 20 unique escape rooms, there are mysteries suited for all difficulty levels and interest types. Will you uncover the secrets of a medieval tower? Investigate the hushed legends of Louisiana‘s bayou backwaters? Or explore an abandoned research base on a distant moon? The narrative possibilities are truly boundless thanks to the community creator program integration as well.


One especially immersive Escape Simulator environment is the Labyrinth of Egypt series. Spread across three themed rooms, you must navigate underground tunnels and temples buried for centuries, all while piecing together fragments of Egyptian lore. The Gold Chamber is the third and most challenging chamber within the Labyrinth – designed for experienced adventurers.

Before this walkthrough, I recommend attempting the First Chamber and Chamber of the Dead for some guidance easing into the Labyrinth of Egypt‘s distinct brand of puzzles. Note the symbols etched into artifacts and architecture, the connections between hieroglyphic messages, and the physical properties of this subterranean setting.

Now let‘s break open the sun-dried seals barring the Glittering Hall of Gold!


Your ultimate goal is retrieving five golden relics and placing them within a ceremonial vessel. Along the way, a few barriers and puzzles stand vigil over these valuables, demanding arcane payment before they budge.

Luckily, this walkthrough will impart the forbidden knowledge needed to bypass each obstacle. We‘ll tackle acquiring every artifact sequentially before handling the room‘s final secret.

Ankh Artifact

The first artifact takes a bit of lateral thinking to extricate. Locate the large ceramic vase in the room‘s southwest corner. Click and drag this directly beneath the wall-mounted button nearby. Positioning is key – ensure the vase handles align under the button‘s edges.

This pressure triggers the button, causing the vase to shatter dramatically! In the debris, you‘ll now find an ankh cross to add to your collection.

Goat Artifact

For the next artifact, shift focus to the three animal-adorned boxes adjacent to the hint button. Count the number of orbs decorating the small, medium, and large boxes respectively.

You should find:

  • Small box: 7 orbs
  • Medium box: 8 orbs
  • Large box: 3 orbs

Take these numbers over to the pyramidalCombination Lock near the ornate camel statue.
Enter 3-8-7 by rotating the lock faces. The puzzle will dispense a glowing goat icon – the second artifact!

Chalice Artifact

This artifact lies under lock and key, but some observant investigation can procure what we need to unlock it.

Approach the fancy engraved chest opposite the plain moving chest. Notice the locked padlock Emblem preventing us from opening it. We‘ll come back to this shortly.

First, let‘s take a look at the more innocuous moving chest. Running beneath it is a metal floor pin. Interacting with this pin pops open a hidden cache in the stone floor. Retrieve the ornate chest key inside.

Use this on the fancy chest‘s padlock to spring it open, allowing you to claim the glittering chalice artifact within!

Bird Artifact

Just when you thought you were done with those chests, another artifact emerges from their depths!

The moving chest‘s side panels depict groups of symbols. Note the pairs of icons that appear together:

  • Container and triangle symbols
  • Owl and leg symbols
  • Bowl and lion symbols

Head upwards to the six indentations on the ceiling, arranged in a circle. Select the matching pairs of symbols by clicking their respective buttons.

Once you‘ve chosen all three pairs correctly, the circle will transform into an Opening compartment. Snatch the key inside, then use it to unlock the moving chest itself.

A sleek falcon statuette waits within – grab this bird artifact on your way to the next treasure!

Anubis Artifact

Just when you thought the moving chest was emptied, those glittering gems prove otherwise!

Examine the stash of blue, gold, and red gems hidden beneath the bird artifact. Count each color and make note:

  • Blue gems: 2
  • Gold gems: 5
  • Red gems: 3

Move upwards again to the wall featuring blue, gold, and red buttons. Input the corresponding gem counts by clicking the correct numerals below each color button.

The wall sinks downward, unveiling one final artifact – a brilliant golden Anubis amulet! Only one trial remains…


Before acquiring the final puzzle piece, some housekeeping is in order. Around the room you‘ll notice two statues of the god Anubis. On each of their midsections is a horizontal red line.

These red lines indicate slider positions for the two wall panels with horizontal gaps in the southwest corner. Interact with each panel to shift the slots left and right.

The left panel‘s slider should be moved to align with the fourth slot, according to the Anubis statue on the same side. Similarly, the right slider should stop at the second slot.

If adjusted precisely, a loud clanging rings out! The wall between the two panels rumbles and sinks slightly. A secret altar has awakened!


This square-shaped altar bears an empty bronze bowl, surrounded by unlit braziers and framed by elaborate stonework carvings.

Here is where our hard-won spoils come into play! Click to place all five glowing Egyptian relics within the bowl‘s basin. Once full, vibrant light radiates outward – you‘ve awakened and completed an ancient magical ritual!

A glowing portal materializes atop the altar. Step through, and freedom awaits on the other side!

But before departing this lost realm, be sure to retrieve your gilded artifacts. Golden riches like these ought to be kept close after such astonishing adventure!


Hopefully this guide has illuminated solutions for even Escape Simulator‘s most perplexing chambers! Let me know in the comments if any puzzles still have you stumped. I‘m happy to lend additional direction to succeed in this engrossing game.

Looking ahead, Escape Simulator‘s passionate creator community keeps supplying innovative escape room concepts far exceeding the game‘s humble beginnings. These user-generated rooms deserve their own thorough walkthroughs – perhaps soon to come in a future post!

For now, go forth and seek more cryptic thrills within the Sphinx‘s Labyrinth of Egypt. And who knows which eerie corners of history you might explore next? The possibilities are infinite when teams of dedicating designers rally to craft brain-bending challenges.

That wraps up this master walkthrough for the Gold Chamber room in Labyrinth of Egypt! Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m always lurking about ready to discuss more gaming mysteries.