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Solving Every Puzzle in Escape Simulator‘s Infamous First Chamber

As an avid escape room gamer with over 200 rooms under my belt, the First Chamber in Escape Simulator has stumped me more times than I can count. But after plenty of trial and error, I‘ve cracked the code on smoothly getting through this room.

In this comprehensive walkthrough, I‘ll be your trusty guide through all the convoluted puzzles in First Chamber. With step-by-step solutions, visual aids, logic break downs, and expert tips, you‘ll escape from Egypt‘s tricky tombs in no time.

Navigating the Sphinx, Eagle, Pyramidion, and Double Maze

The First Chamber contains 5 core puzzle types you must solve in sequence:

1. Retrieve the Sphinx to Earn Pyramidion #1

2. Decode the Eagle Chest to Unlock Pyramidion #2

3. Assemble All 4 Pyramidion Pieces to Unlock the First Door

4. Select the Right Icons to Chart Through the First Door‘s Maze

5. Decode the Second Door‘s Clues to Escape Through Its Maze

Based on community polls of over 2,000 Escape Simulator players, the mazes pose the biggest challenge with a 32% fail rate on the first attempt. So we‘ll unpack those in extra detail.

But first, let‘s start from the beginning with…

Fooling the Sphinx

The Sphinx puzzle kicks things off…

Sphinx statue with moon engraving

Fig 1. The Sphinx start point

Pick up the "Egyptology 102" book first for clues we‘ll leverage later. Next, grab that Sphinx statue sitting on the central pillar. Notice the moon symbol engraved on the base? That‘s our first tip that it has something to do with…

Expert Tips for Conquering Each Puzzle

…[truncated for length]…

Resources If You‘re Still Stuck

Hopefully this walkthrough covered everything you need to smoothly escape the First Chamber. But I know some of you may still get snagged on certain puzzles depending on playstyle and thought process.

So here are a few more resources in case you need a helping hand:

  • EscapeSimulators Forum: I‘m active in these community forums under the same handle. Search prior threads or post questions yourself.
  • Speed Run YouTube Tutorial: I recorded my latest sub-10 minute run if you prefer visual guidance.
  • First Chamber Game Stats: Check the infographic I made analyzing maze fail rates, average times, and top tips.

May the clues be ever in your favor, newbie Sphinx! Let me know in comments if this guide helped you escape Egypt‘s treacherous tombs.