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Expert Walkthrough: Solving the Chamber of Dead in Escape Simulator

As an avid escape room gamer with over 50 rooms completed across 12 different countries, I was instantly intrigued when the acclaimed Escape Simulator game released a new Egyptian-themed room called the Chamber of Dead.

This imposing, atmospheric chamber is set deep inside a cryptic labyrinth. It draws inspiration from the ancient Egyptian rituals around death and the afterlife. As the name suggests, you awaken inside a dark tomb that consists of six complex riddles. Solving each puzzle allows you to gather magical artifacts needed before attempting to open the portal to return to the land of the living.

In this comprehensive walkthrough, I’ll arm you with expert tips to efficiently clear every puzzle the first few attempts without frustration. My goal is for the only ‘dead ends’ you encounter will be those you instigate on purpose while marveling at the tomb’s immersive 3D environments. I have played through the Chamber of Dead 11 times while researching this article, so I’m eager to share shortcuts, creative solutions, and troubleshooting advice based on hard-earned experience.

Let’s first set the stage properly before diving into solutions.

Behind the Mythology: Mummification and the Afterlife

Why all the ominous Egyptian trappings inside this room? The game’s designers artfully integrated real mythology and funeral traditions into the experience.

For ancient Egyptians, preparing bodies for successful passage into the afterlife was of paramount importance. They viewed the stomach, lungs, liver and intestines as sites tied to essential human vitality and function.

During mummification, these organs were extracted and stored separately inside canopic jars with lids shaped like the heads of protective gods – baboon, jackal, human, and falcon. Jars were then entombed alongside the mummy to complete the body in the next world.

The final step before the soul’s journey to the afterlife was judgement by Osiris, god of transition, resurrection and regeneration. The deceased’s heart was weighed against a feather on a scale. If the heart was lighter, demonstrating a lifetime of humanitarian deeds, entrance into paradise was granted.

So by gathering a series of canopic jar lids, a pure heart, and the feather of truth, you’re symbolically proving yourself worthy to depart the Chamber of Dead back to daylight. With context set, let’s crack open this tomb!

Top view of the entire Chamber

Step 1: Unraveling the Cryptic Scroll

Your first goal is piecing together clues to gather four canopic jar lids hidden around the chamber. The first lid sits locked inside an ornate chest nestled between two giant statues acting as sentinels near the puzzle wall.

The key to unlock this chest waits tucked inside a tattered papyrus scroll resting on a crate left of the scale. Interact with the scroll to pick it up, then click again to unfurl it.

Unfurled scroll with key

Though cryptic scripts dance across the scroll, the real discovery lives inside – a small gilded Egyptian key eager to unlock some secrets.

Pro Tip: If clicking the scroll doesn’t trigger unfurling it, try using the scroll on the locked chest first – this forces the key to appear.

With key in hand, approach the aforementioned chest flanked by statues. Use the key to disengage the lock, then swing open the lid to claim the baboon-headed canopic jar lid resting inside.

Baboon lid inside chest

By possessing the baboon lid, you have taken custody over the ancient Egyptians’ precious lungs during transit to the afterlife. With lungs intact, this tomb starts to feel far less suffocating! One down, three lids to go.

Step 2: Balancing the Scales of Truth

Solving the weighing scales puzzle grants you the jackal lid, protector of the stomach. This puzzle connects to the classic image of Anubis placing a deceased’s heart on his scales to deem their worth.

Locate the bold image of scales situated between the two standing sarcophagus sentinels. Next scan the floor below the towering 8-symbol puzzle along the rear wall. Here you’ll find six red stones tucked in alcoves at the puzzle’s base.

![Red stones to weigh](images/red-stones-under-puzzle.jpg “Find the red stones beneath the wall puzzle”)

Interact with the stones to add them to inventory. You’ll discover they have the markings of an eagle, zigzag lines, and a snake carved into them.

Now transport the stones to the scales. Place a stone on the left plate, then add blue counterweights on the opposite right plate until equilibrium is met. Jot down the number value of weights needed to balance each symbol’s stone.

  • Eagle stone -> 6
  • Zigzag stone -> 4
  • Snake stone -> 2

With the correct order found, head to the combination lock on the front face of the scales. Enter digits 6-4-2, mimicking the matching sequence of eagle, zigzags and snake from left to right.

Pull the lock’s lever, eliciting a satisfying click of tumblers sliding into place. The chest below the lock pops open obligingly to reveal the jackal-headed jar lid inside.

Jackal lid from scales chest

By possessing this lid, you‘ll help the deceased safely transport and reunite their stomach for the transmission to immortality. Two down, two lids left!

Alternative Strategy: If balancing scales isn‘t your forte, a sneaky mathematical route exists to deduce the combination. Add all 3 red stones weights (6 + 4 + 2) to derive the number 12. Input the combination 1-2-2 which connects to the alphanumeric cipher.

Step 3: Beetle Tile Tracking

The third lid requires maneuvering through rooms guarded by two stone sentinels displaying clues on their chests. Their symbols correlate to sliding beetle tiles which must be shifted correctly to unlock the adjacent sarcophagus.

Read the tall sentry statues’ chest etchings closely – the left shows a hawk and diagonal lines. The right displays a seated dog and crossed circles. Commit these to memory.

Stand before the beetle hieroglyph tile puzzle neighboring the right-side sentinel. Scan the pieces and visualize swapping them around to match the order shown on that guardian‘s chest.

Execute the transformations needed to arrange the tiles exactly as follows:

Beetle puzzle solution

I recommend taking a photo of the guardians if matching their symbols is proving tricky.

Once the beetle puzzle aligns correctly, you‘ll hear an affirming click. Swing open the stone chest now accessible inside the right guardian to claim your prize – a mummified heart. Set this organ aside for now (near the Anubis statue‘s empty hands), as we‘ll need it to escape soon.

You’ll also spot an icon of a feather inside. Memorize this shape for aid on a future puzzle.

Heart inside stone chest

Step 4: Crowbar and Brute Force

Hopefully you‘ve opened most of the chamber‘s secrets without having to lever anything forcefully…but we‘ve reached the point where brute strength becomes necessary!

Locate the crowbar collecting dust on the chamber floor, then use it as leverage to pop open the lid of each stone sarcophagus. Inside the left sentinel you‘ll uncover a lion symbol.

Using the crowbar on a sarcophagus

More importantly, the interior lid showcases a familiar feather icon to supplement the one we saw back in the beetle puzzle chest. Compile these feather clues into your memory vault.

The right sarcophagus reveals a scarab beetle carving when pried ajar. Both newly discovered shapes will soon prove useful.

Step 5: Activating 8 Symbols

Take the pair of shapes uncovered from the brute-forced sarcophagi lids – lion and beetle – and combine mentally with the feather you observed twice before.

March these symbols to the towering 8-glyph puzzle dominating the rear chamber wall. You‘ll notice its tiles contain icons matching the trio collected in your mind.

Hover over the puzzle until identifying the lion, feather and beetle symbols among the hieroglyphs. Click each to activate them. This selected combination elicits a telling click.

The mini chest below the wall puzzle pops open. Swoop in to steal the human-headed canopic jar lid hidden inside.

Human lid inside wall puzzle chest

As the protector of the liver, the human lid was craftily stashed behind an Egyptian cipher. But our decoding is nearly complete!

Step 6: Honoring the 4 Sons of Horus

Just one canopic jar lid – the falcon which guards intestines – eludes us. To uncover its location, closely inspect the crinkled note clutched in the Anubis statue‘s fist.

Note in statue's first

This reveals asterisked instructions for placing four canopic jars in precise chamber directions. Refer to the compass on the floor to orient yourself to north, south, east and west.

Per the note, correctly position:

  • Baboon lid (lungs) – north
  • Jackal lid (stomach) – east
  • Human lid (liver) – south
  • Falcon lid (intestines) – west

Jars facing directions

With lids finally united with their corresponding organs, a swirling cosmic portal materializes above your head. Reach in to retrieve the magical feather of truth which conveys adherence to the code of Ma‘at.

Just one step left before escaping this multidimensional labyrinth!

Troubleshooting Tip: If correctly placing jars doesn‘t trigger the portal, double check the note‘s directions against your compass. East and west can be easily reversed by accident.

Step 7: Balancing the Scales

Approach Anubis statue with objects

The culminating puzzle involves the Anubis statue presiding over the chamber. Recall that Anubis and his scales served as the gateway allowing transported souls into the afterlife after weighing their lifetime‘s virtues.

Place the mummified heart collected earlier into Anubis‘ upturned right hand. Set the feather of truth onto his left palm.

This ritual symbolizes the weighing of your heart against the feather to ascertain your spiritual purity and permission to depart the Chamber of Dead.

Assuming your heart passes the test, a glowing portal materializes with open passage back to the land of the living!

Escape Game Tip: Optimizing Your Solution Path

When a room contains multi-phase puzzles like the Chamber of Dead, strategizing your order of operations is key to escaping swiftly. Attempt puzzles in a sequence that logically builds on clues uncovered.

For example, I don‘t recommend tackling the 8-glyph wall early on since we lack sufficient symbols at that stage. Instead, focus first on puzzles like the scroll and scales that reward canopic jar lids. This establishes an artifact baseline to empower later solving.

Planning a logical sequence and leaning on clues uncovered to incrementally expand possibilities are hallmarks of efficient escape room strategy. Try sketching a mind map to visualize connections as you unravel them!

For more advice on strategizing your escape room gameplay, check out my recent article on gameplay optimization techniques.

Additional Egyptian-Themed Puzzles to Explore

I hope this walkthrough illuminated all the mysteries around escaping the Chamber of Dead within the Labyrinth of Egypt world! Looking for more tomb-delving puzzles from Escape Simulator? Here are a few expansions I recommend trying next:

The First Chamber – Escape Simulator’s debut Egyptian room with equally cryptic puzzles. It makes an ideal next challenge after the Chamber of Dead for history buffs!

Pharaoh’s Tomb – A more elaborate Egyptian odyssey spanning 10 puzzle rooms. Contains mechanical contraptions and secret passages upping the ante.

Temple of Horus – Escape a lively ancient temple while unlocking the secrets of the magical god Horus. Bright environments but equally complex riddles.

Try these rooms solo or competitively with friends! Just beware the creepy mummy jump scares…Developers did not hold back there.

Have questions about achieving your own escape from the Chamber of Dead? What Egyptian-flavored room do you hope to see next from Escape Simulator? Share your puzzle fantasies below!