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How to "Escape from Khaj-Nisut" in Genshin Impact

Khaj-Nisut, the subterranean mausoleum housing the remains of King Deshret, is one of Sumeru‘s most complex and challenging dungeons. As the resting place of an ancient ruler tied to Scarlet King lore, escaping Khaj-Nisut‘s forcefield maze and antechambers is key to lifting the mysteries surrounding this sand-swallowed structure.

In this comprehensive 2004 word guide, I‘ll equip you to traverse Khaj-Nisut using optimal strategies, no matter your Adventure Rank or roster. Follow these expert tips to swiftly escape the mausoleum‘s traps and puzzles. Let‘s shed light on this buried secret of the desert together!

Overview: Inside the Sand-Shrouded Halls

Before tackling the labyrinth itself, it helps to understand Khaj-Nisut‘s origins. This mausoleum was erected millennia ago by King Deshret‘s priests to honor his expansive reign. Carved into a natural cave system beneath the sands, its architecture mirrors the geo-focused crafts honed by the citizens of the King‘s court.

Passageways twist deep underground through a mosaic of antechambers, tunnels, and forcefields designed to deter grave robbers. Four lockstones seal the inner burial chamber, each attuned to a different element and its respective magistrate under the King‘s rule. Solving the mausoleum‘s puzzle mechanisms is the only way to pay respects at Deshret‘s sarcophagus and claim the relics interred alongside him.

But first, we need to escape! Let‘s break down how to navigate out of this puzzlesome pit.

Step-By-Step Escape Guide

The route through Khaj-Nisut‘s forcefields is intricate but consistent once learned. Follow these steps closely to find the exit:

Phase 1: Descend the Initial Holes

From the mausoleum entrance, walk forward into the first chamber and drop down the hole in the floor to reach the second basement level.

Turn right at the corner of the room below, then head straight until you see another hole at the end of the hall. Jump down to the third basement floor.

Phase 2: Navigate the Forcefields

After the second hole, you‘ll need to pass three forcefields that block your path:

  • Proceed straight and drop down through the first forcefield. Be ready for constant DoT damage.

  • Turn right and descend through the second forcefield immediately ahead.

  • Go straight past the pillars and down through one final forcefield barrier.

Phase 3: Exit Khaj-Nisut

Once you drop down the third forcefield, you‘ll reach the mausoleum‘s lowest floor. Make your way around the left side of the room and exit through the doorway ahead to complete the escape.

The full route is straightforward with good preparation – now let‘s ensure you have the right party and tools to overcome all obstacles!

Recommended Team Composition

Khaj-Nisut‘s maze requires a mix of exploration skills and survival capability. Here are the roles I recommend filling in your party:

Geo Constructs: Zhongli, Albedo, Geo Traveler

Constructs like pillars are indispensable for bridging gaps, blocking laser beams, and accessing pressure plates.

Albedo‘s Solar Isotoma can tick damage plates without staying in one place.

Anemo Skills: Venti, Kazuha

Grouping enemies and lifting yourself over forcefields and pits without taking DoT damage.

Venti‘s hold E bypasses barriers entirely when aimed properly.

Electro Triggers: Fischl, Dori, Lisa

Quickly activating distant electro totems, mechanisms, and plates.

Oz‘s consistent electro application lets Fischl trigger plates with ease.

Sustain/Healing: Kokomi, Prototype Amber Catalysts

Constant healers like Kokomi help counteract the steady DoT damage inside forcefields. Prototype Amber users like Nahida can also provide sustainability.

With one character from each category above, you‘ll be equipped to handle every type of obstacle Khaj-Nisut throws at you. Adjust based on your available characters and weapons!

Minimum Viable Low AR Escape Team

If your roster is limited, you can get by with:

  • Anemo Traveler: Lifting and forcefield crossing
  • Lisa: Electro application
  • Barbara: Healing
  • Noelle: Shielding and geo constructs

Pack food for emergency healing, use the Seed Dispensary gadget for remote plate activation, and don‘t be afraid to co-op with a friend if you get stuck! The core of escaping is understanding the route.

Gadget Recommendations

Besides your party lineup, equip these gadgets to make navigation smoother:

  • Seed Dispensary: Allows remote activation of pressure plates
  • Windsphere: Creates an updraft for mid-air traversal
  • Parametric Transformer: Provides healing and buffs in a pinch

Proper use of gadgets can help overcome a less-developed roster. Test them thoroughly to find creative solutions!

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

It‘s easy to go astray in Khaj-Nisut‘s dim, maze-like halls. Here are common missteps to avoid:

  • Overlooking the second hole – Keep an eye on your mini-map to track your location. Don‘t miss this essential descent!

  • Losing direction – Orient yourself using the in-game compass and objective markers. Don‘t hesitate to re-consult the map and this guide.

  • Premature teleporting – Teleporting or leaving the dungeon resets all barriers and forcefields! Only do so after fully escaping.

  • Forgetting sustain – The constant DoT damage from forcefields really adds up. Keep healing and shields active at all times when inside them.

  • Missing pressure plates – Thoroughly scan floors near electro totems and doors to locate any blended-in plates. Activating them removes barriers.

With care and attention, you can recognize and avoid situations that lead to backtracking. Patience and prep are key to a smooth run!

Mobile vs. PC/Console Differences

The main distinction between platforms is control limitations. On mobile, precise movement and camera control are more difficult:

  • Use walk mode to avoid running into holes or traps.
  • Pre-position your camera before descending ledges. Falls are harder to recover from.
  • Characters with placement skills like Zhongli shine on mobile for their accuracy.
  • Co-op helps mitigate control issues since you can divide technical tasks between players.

With some adjustments, mobile players can conquer the escape just like PC and console. Prioritize stable characters that don‘t rely heavily on aiming.

Unlocking Sumeru‘s Desert

Why is this mazemandatory for progression? Escaping Khaj-Nisut is instrumental to unlocking the full Sumeru desert overworld map.

Clearing this dungeon opens up additional Archon and World Quests across the desert, many directly tied to King Deshret‘s legacy. The surrounding sands hide precious chests, time trials, and domain challenges as well – but only accessible after lowering the barriers around Khaj-Nisut.

Think of this maze as the gatekeeper to fully experiencing Sumeru‘s mysteries under the scarlet dunes!

Lore Relevance and Story Impact

King Deshret‘s sprawling reign is deeply entwined with Sumeru‘s history – and the gods themselves. His artifacts and memory texts found within Khaj-Nisut provide rare narrative insight into:

  • The succession following The Scarlet King‘s defeat
  • Relations between archons and mortals during the Sumeru period
  • The extent of knowledge and technology developed in Deshret‘s era
  • Desertification turning flourishing forests into arid dunes

By piecing together Deshret‘s testaments, we gain a wider understanding of how celestia, archons, and humans intersected in generations past. Khaj-Nisut holds profound lore significance far beyond its puzzles and perils.

Key Takeaways

Escaping Khaj-Nisut relies on:

  • Carefully descending the two initial holes

  • Following the forcefield route of straight, right, then straight

  • Using constructs and anemo skills to bypass barriers

  • Keeping your eye on the mini-map and objective markers

  • Bringing sturdy constructs, electro application, anemo lifting, and sustenance

  • Equipping gadgets like the Seed Dispensary for added utility

With these tips, your party can conquer the maze efficiently. Soon the desert‘s mysteries will unfold before you!

The trials of Khaj-Nisut are challenging but eminently rewarding, both in loot and narrative significance. For more help tackling Sumeru‘s puzzles and hidden stories, stay tuned for my upcoming guides. The journey has just begun across the sands! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions escaping this subterranean labyrinth.