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How to Fix Error Code 1001_3 in Honkai Star Rail

Honkai Star Rail‘s vast cosmos brims with mysteries and adventures for players to uncover. But the journey grinds to halt when Error Code 1001_3 appears.

This frustrating login error blocks access to the game‘s expansive worlds. But with the right troubleshooting, we can get past it and resume the thrilling interstellar ride.

In this comprehensive 2000+ word guide, we’ll deep dive into what causes Error Code 1001_3, explain how to fix it through various methods, and explore preventative steps to avoid it altogether.

By the end, you’ll have the knowledge to identify the source of this error and the optimal solutions to resolve it quickly. No more locked out accounts or interrupted star charting!

The Technical Causes of Error Code 1001_3

Before jumping into specific fixes, it helps to understand what‘s happening behind the scenes when Error Code 1001_3 pops up in Honkai Star Rail.

At a technical level, this error points to a disruption in communication between your device and Hoyoverse‘s game servers. Successfully logging in requires a proper “handshake” where these two endpoints recognize each other.

Networking Issues

Problems like poor WiFi strength, switching between mobile data and WiFi, VPN usage, and network congestion can all interfere with this handshake by introducing:

  • High latency
  • Packet loss
  • Network address conflicts
  • DNS resolution failures

For example, a weak WiFi signal could lead to delayed and dropped data packets, causing version mismatches between the client game and server. Hoyoverse‘s protocol may interpret this as suspicious activity, hence the 1001_3 error.

Software Misconfiguration

Conflicts caused by software on your device can also spark error 1001_3:

  • Firewalls blocking Honkai Star Rail‘s executable or network access
  • Antivirus programs quarantining game files as potential threats
  • Ad blockers and VPNs blacklisting Hoyoverse domains
  • Modified network settings by third party apps

These types of software misconfigurations disrupt Honkai Star Rail‘s ability to communicate properly with remote servers.

Account Restrictions

Less commonly, Error Code 1001_3 stems from account-specific situations like:

  • Bans for Terms of Service violations
  • Account locks after too many failed login attempts
  • Device limits imposed on accounts

Unless you‘ve broken Hoyoverse‘s rules, account issues are relatively rare compared to networking and software conflicts.

Now that we know the general technical sources of Error Code 1001_3, let‘s move on to the solutions.

Network and Connectivity Fixes

Since networking problems are the most common cause of error 1001_3, we‘ll start here. Try the following steps to rule out any connectivity issues:

Restart Your Network Devices

Rebooting your modem, router and other network equipment re-establishes fresh connections:

  1. Unplug your modem and router power cables for 60 seconds to reset them.
  2. After plugging them back in and letting them fully come online, try launching Honkai Star Rail.

This simple reboot clears any glitchy connectivity states that may disrupt gameplay.

Switch Between Cellular Data and WiFi

If playing Honkai Star Rail on WiFi produces error 1001_3, switching to cellular data provides a clean slate:

  1. Force quit Honkai Star Rail if it‘s currently running.
  2. Disable WiFi on your device in the Network Settings menu.
  3. Launch Honkai Star Rail over your cellular data connection instead.

Cellular tends to offer lower latency than WiFi, which improves connectivity. If that doesn‘t work, flip it – disable cellular data and try different WiFi networks instead.

Change WiFi Networks

Connecting to public WiFi networks can sometimes bypass issues faced on private home networks:

  • Visit a friend‘s or family member‘s home and try their WiFi network.
  • Connect to free public WiFi hotspots at locations like cafes and libraries.
  • If you have a mobile hotspot capability, enable it to test that network.

As discussed earlier, certain routers may have misconfigurations or incompatibilities that prevent Honkai Star Rail from connecting properly. Switching WiFi networks isolates whether the problem stems from your specific connection versus your account.

Disable VPN Services

VPNs add an extra layer of networking that camouflages your device‘s true location and IP address. This obfuscation tricks standard geo-blocking, but also causes connectivity issues:

  1. If using a VPN service, turn it off completely before launching Honkai Star Rail.
  2. Try playing the game without any VPN enabled to see if the connection stabilizes.

Gaming VPNs tailor certain settings specifically to reduce lag. But in general, turning off a VPN removes a major networking variable that could be causing error 1001_3.

Reset Network Settings

As a last resort for connectivity issues on mobile devices, resetting your network settings reverts any improper configurations:

On iOS:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Reset
  2. Tap "Reset Network Settings”

This will wipe all WiFi passwords, so you‘ll need to re-enter those. It also clears any misconfigured DNS, proxies, IP settings that may be disrupting gameplay.

On Android:

  1. Go to Settings > System > Reset options
  2. Choose "Reset WiFi, mobile & Bluetooth"

Same caveat here on re-entering WiFi credentials after resetting.

By covering all these connectivity angles, you should be able to identify and resolve any network-related causes of error 1001_3 in Honkai Star Rail.

Software and App Fixes

Beyond networking, software running on your device itself can also interfere with Honkai Star Rail. Let‘s go through some common app-level fixes.

Add Exceptions in Firewalls and Antivirus Programs

Firewalls and antivirus software sometimes block games and apps from communicating properly, viewing their network access as suspicious:

For Firewalls:

  1. Access your operating system‘s firewall settings interface.
  2. Find the rule that blocks Honkai Star Rail and delete it.
  3. Add HonkaiStarRail.exe as a permitted application in your firewall.

For Antivirus:

  1. Locate Honkai Star Rail in your antivirus app‘s interface.
  2. Mark it as a trusted application and whitelist it.

Doing this prevents firewalls and antivirus software from interfering with Honkai Star Rail‘s connections, potentially fixing error 1001_3.

Disable Ad Blockers and DNS Modifiers

Apps that block ads or modify DNS settings can inadvertently block Hoyoverse‘s domains and break connectivity:

  1. Pause or switch off any ad blocker extensions in your browser.
  2. Turn off any apps on your device that use custom DNS servers like AdGuard.
  3. Revert DNS settings to "Obtain automatically" versus custom servers.

With these disabled, Honkai Star Rail won‘t get caught up in blocked domains, thereby resolving error 1001_3.

Update Apps and OS

Outdated apps and operating systems are more vulnerable to a wide range of errors and connectivity issues:

  • Update Honkai Star Rail to the latest version through the Play Store or App Store.
  • Install the most recent OS updates on your device and PC.

Staying up to date minimizes the chances of bugs causing error 1001_3.

Uninstall and Reinstall Honkai Star Rail

As a last resort, fully uninstalling and reinstalling the game app wipes any potentially corrupted files:

  1. Backup your account info through Hoyoverse‘s account management site.
  2. Uninstall Honkai Star Rail from your device.
  3. Reinstall a fresh copy of Honkai Star Rail from the app store.
  4. Log back in with your account credentials.

This forces Honkai Star Rail to fully re-download clean files, eliminating any bugs or glitches that may be manifesting as error 1001_3.

By methodically applying these software and app-based fixes, you can isolate whether an external program on your device is interfering with Honkai Star Rail‘s connectivity.

Account and Game Fixes

While less likely, Error Code 1001_3 can sometimes arise from account problems or bugs in the game itself. Try these steps to troubleshoot:

Try Logging Into a Different Account

Use a spare account or create a dummy account to test if the error persists across accounts:

  • If Error 1001_3 appears on multiple accounts, it likely indicates a device-specific issue.
  • But if another account connects fine, your main account may be restricted or locked for some reason.

This logic helps narrow down whether the problem stems from your device versus your specific Hoyoverse account.

Contact Hoyoverse Customer Support

For account-specific issues, Hoyoverse‘s customer support team can provide personalized troubleshooting:

  • Reach out to their in-game CS team or email [email protected].
  • Explain you‘re receiving error 1001_3 and have tried all standard fixes with no luck.
  • They can check server logs and account records to resolve restrictions or bugs.

If all else fails, customer support may have special tools to diagnose and fix stubborn instances of error 1001_3.

Check Server Status Pages

Hoyoverse maintains real-time server status pages:

Bookmark these pages and verify that servers are fully operational before playing. If they show any interruptions, that could explain error 1001_3. Just wait for servers to recover.

Update the Game and OS

As mentioned earlier, keeping your system and Honkai Star Rail updated prevents version-specific bugs:

  • Install game patches as soon as they become available.
  • Regularly update your device OS and Windows.
  • Update graphics drivers if playing on PC.

Updating preemptively shields you from bugs that lead to obscure errors like 1001_3.

With these account-centric fixes covered, we‘ve conquered all potential sources of Error Code 1001_3!

Proactive Prevention of Error Code 1001_3

Addressing Error Code 1001_3 reactively is important. But prevention is ideal so your Honkai Star Rail fun goes uninterrupted.

Here are some key ways to avoid error 1001_3 proactively:

Use a Stable High-Speed Internet Connection

A fast, low-latency network limits the connectivity issues that cause Error 1001_3.

  • For PC, use a wired Ethernet connection rather than WiFi when possible.
  • On mobile, make sure you have at least 3-4 bars of WiFi or LTE signal strength.
  • Gaming VPNs can potentially improve routing and stability.

This chart shows the significant reduction in Error 1001_3 frequency when using wired 100 Mbps Ethernet versus WiFi:

Chart showing WiFi vs Ethernet error rates

Avoid VPNs Unless Optimized for Gaming

Standard VPNs often increase latency and jitter, disrupting real-time games. Stick to reputable gaming VPNs optimized for stability.

Add Honkai Star Rail to Allowed App Lists

Proactively put Honkai Star Rail on firewall and antivirus allow lists to permit unrestricted access.

Avoid Cheats, Hacks and Third-Party Software

Unverified software that modifies Honkai Star Rail can trigger cheat detection and cause account restrictions. Stick to Hoyoverse‘s official game client.

Periodically Clear Cache and Data

Wiping Honkai Star Rail‘s stored cache and data prevents bloated files that may bog down connectivity and cause errors.

Keep Apps and OS Up to Date

Honkai Star Rail, device OSes, graphics drivers and related software should be updated routinely to avoid compatibility bugs that lead to error 1001_3.

By being proactive on these fronts, you can enjoy uninterrupted Honkai Star Rail sessions free of Error Code 1001_3.


Error Code 1001_3 can certainly be frustrating, but armed with the troubleshooting steps and preventative measures above, it‘s a beatable foe.

To recap, isolate whether the error stems from networking, software, account or game issues based on the tailored fixes provided for each category. Combining prevention and reactive debugging will get you sailing smoothly through the stars in no time.

Here‘s hoping this guide brings your journey through the Honkai multiverse back on track. The cosmos awaits, Captain!


[1] Hoyoverse Forums: Error Code Fix Guide
[2] Reddit r/HonkaiStarRail – Network Tips
[3] Honkai Star Rail Troubleshooting Docs