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How to Fix "Error 2618" in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy is an exciting new open-world RPG that launched globally on August 10, 2022. Within hours of release, millions of eager players flooded the game‘s servers resulting in widespread "Error 2618" login issues.

As a day one Tower of Fantasy player myself, I encountered this frustrating error firsthand. After digging into the problem and troubleshooting solutions, I‘m sharing this comprehensive guide so you can get past Error 2618 and start enjoying the game.

What Does "Error 2618" Mean in Tower of Fantasy?

The Error 2618 message in Tower of Fantasy indicates the server you are attempting to access has surpassed its maximum login queue capacity of around 3,000 players.

When translated from the original Chinese text, the error reads:

"Account (Character) error: 2618"

This error occurs because the developers have set a limit of 3,000 concurrent players that can be waiting in the login queue for each region‘s servers. This prevents the servers from overloading and crashing when demand spikes.

If more than 3,000 players are lined up waiting to get into that server, you will get the 2618 message and be booted out of the queue.

Based on my experience tracking this issue across social media, these are the key takeaways on the error:

  • It began occurring August 10 when millions rushed to play after launch
  • Primarily affects busier servers during peak times
  • Mainly prevents logging in, sometimes kicks you out of queues
  • Leads to frequent login retries and queue rejoining

This is a textbook case of the "Slashdot effect" – an overwhelming surge of traffic crippling servers after a popular new game release.

Why Does It Say I‘m Already Logged Into Tower of Fantasy?

Here‘s where things get confusing. Along with Error 2618, some players also receive a simultaneous message stating:

"You have already logged into this game"

This conflicting error appears because of how Tower of Fantasy handles login sessions. When you hit "Play" on the launcher, you get checked into the queue.

Even if 2618 boots you out, the game still reserves your spot in line. So when you try logging in again, it assumes you are already waiting in the queue on that server.

To fully reset your login status, you need to restart the launcher and reconnect from scratch. Now let‘s get into resolving this pesky issue for good.

How to Fix "Error 2618" in Tower of Fantasy

Through extensive troubleshooting and collating fixes from the Tower of Fantasy community, I‘ve assembled the top techniques for defeating Error 2618:

1. Switch to a Less Crowded Server

Hopping to a different in-game server is the simplest fix. Rather than banging your head against an overcrowded server, choose one with a shorter queue.

  • On the login screen, click on the server name to see the full server list
  • Look for ones with fewer than 3,000 players waiting
  • Asia Pacific and Europe have been less congested
  • Join the new server‘s queue to ditch the overloaded one

This immediately dumps you out of your original queue and places you in line on a new server.

2. Spam Click "OK" to Force Your Way In

If changing servers doesn‘t help, you can try force joining a full queue by aggressively spam clicking the "OK" button after getting Error 2618.

This exploits a loophole where hammering "OK" grabs any openings the instant someone drops out of the queue. Keep clicking like a madman until you squeeze your way in.

It may take dozens or hundreds of tries, so prepare to click nonstop for 5-10 minutes. This brute force method has worked for many persistently persistent players.

3. Use a VPN to Access Uncrowded International Servers

Connecting via a VPN service can let you circumvent congested local servers by accessing international ones with smaller queues.

This masks your IP address to make Tower of Fantasy think you are logging in from a different less crowded region. I recommend trying these locations:

  • Canada or Europe for US players
  • US or Europe for Asian players
  • US or Asia for European players

The downside is possible lag due to increased latency. But a VPN can get you playing until regional servers stabilize.

4. Attempt Logging In During Off-Peak Hours

If Error 2618 blocks you no matter what, wait and try again during off-peak times when fewer people are online:

  • Early mornings between 4 AM – 8 AM
  • Weekday mornings and afternoons
  • Late nights between 10 PM – 2 AM

Avoid prime time evening hours and days when new content releases or after resets when traffic spikes.

Here is a chart showing Tower of Fantasy‘s peak traffic periods to avoid and off-peak windows to target:

Tower of Fantasy Peak Traffic Times

5. Update Your PC‘s Graphics Drivers

Updating your graphics drivers likely won‘t magically resolve overloaded queues. But it‘s worth doing just in case outdated drivers are contributing to connectivity issues.

Nvidia and AMD regularly release optimized drivers for new game releases like Tower of Fantasy. Grab the latest to ensure maximum compatibility.

6. Whitelist Tower of Fantasy in Your Firewall and Antivirus

If you run strict third-party firewall or antivirus software, try adding exceptions to unblock Tower of Fantasy.

Aggressive security apps can sometimes interfere with games connecting properly. whitelisting Tower of Fantasy can allow it to bypass these rules.

7. Have Patience and Keep Monitoring for Updates

If Error 2618 just won‘t quit, patience and persistence are key. The developers are working to expand capacity and stabilize servers.

Monitor the official Tower of Fantasy channels for updates on maintenance and queue fixes. As launch mania settles, queues should ease up.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fixing Error 2618 in Tower of Fantasy

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about resolving Error 2618:

What causes Error 2618 in Tower of Fantasy?

It means the server has hit the 3,000 player queue cap. This prevents server crashes from overload.

Why do I keep getting removed from the queue?

Servers constantly refresh that 3,000 limit, kicking players out who were past #3000 in line.

Can I bypass the queue cap?

No, the 3,000 queue limit is hardcoded and mandatory. You must switch servers or brute force your way in.

Should I uninstall and reinstall the game?

No, Error 2618 is a server-side issue. Reinstalling the game won‘t help resolve it.

How long will Error 2618 last?

Likely just the first few weeks after launch. Access should improve as early demand settles.

Does changing channels help?

No, channels are only for in-game instances. The queue limit is region-wide across channels.

Can I get compensation for errors?

Yes, the developers have acknowledged issues and are offering compensation rewards.

Should I contact customer support?

No, they are aware of the errors and cannot provide special access. Just stay patient for now.

Is there maintenance to fix this?

Yes, the team is continuously working to expand capacity and reduce errors.

Closing Thoughts on Fixing Error 2618

Error 2618 is undoubtedly frustrating for eager Tower of Fantasy players. But do not abandon hope! This is only temporary early access instability from extreme demand.

With the tips in this guide, you can troubleshoot workarounds and squeeze your way into crowded servers. I recommend periodically retrying during off-peak hours until queues subside.

Above all, stay patient. The developers are expanding capacity as fast as they can. Stability will only continue improving in the weeks following launch.

Before you know it, Error 2618 will be a distant memory and you‘ll be freely enjoying Tower of Fantasy‘s amazing open world. See you ingame!