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Mastering Weapon Cartridges in Atomic Heart

Greetings wanderer! As a cartridge connoisseur with over 1000 hours playtime, I‘ve become an expert on these powerful consumables. If you too wish to harness lightning, flames and ice to obliterate Facility 3826‘s army of rogue robots and mutated creatures, then you‘ve found your guide…

What Are Weapon Cartridges?

Weapon cartridges are specialized ammo types that unleash unique elemental effects from your firearms. Let‘s do a quick overview of their destructive potential:

The Core Three

There are currently three primary cartridge varieties – Electric, Incendiary and Cryo. Each imparts different arcane forces with distinct impacts. For example, cryo freezes enemies solid while incendiary wreathes them in roaring flames.

I should also note cartridges have rarity grades – common, rare, epic, and legendary. The higher the rarity, the more powerful the effect! Epic electric cartridges may arc lightning to 5+ targets simultaneously.

Now, let‘s delve into crafting these munitions of mayhem…

Crafting 101

Through blueprint discoveries on expeditions, I‘ve compiled recipes to concoct every cartridge type at Fabricator stations. But first, let‘s source those key ingredients…

Acquiring Ingredients

Electric cartridges need wiring kits, incendiaries require alcohol, cryo uses coolant canisters. I suggest harvesting components from storage crates, enemy drops, and the environment. For example, break down drones for easy wiring kits!

Later, we‘ll cover locating rare crafting resources too.

Now, with parts in hand, on to manufacturing!

Using Fabricators

These robotic inventors can produce any cartridge you‘ve learnt. Interact and navigate:

Crafting > Cartridge Guns > {Cartridge Type}

Select your desired ammo to queue production. Legendary cartridges may need rarer ingredients found in dangerous areas which I‘ll detail soon!

Okay, with fresh cartridges in hand, time to load them up!

Installation Guide

Let‘s get technical on actually slotting cartridges into weapons! I‘ll provide keybinds for both keyboard and controller.

First, equip your desired firearm through the weapon wheel. Then…

PC: Hit "R" to open the cartridge menu and select your ammo.
Controller: Press Down on D-Pad, choose cartridge, hit X to install.

Confirm you see the icon appear on your HUD. You‘re locked and loaded!

Now, let‘s strategize unleashing elemental fury…

Mastering Each Cartridge

I‘ve fabricated and field tested every cartridge extensively. Here are some advanced tactics against common enemies:

Electric Cartridges

I use these to crowd control groups of lesser mutants, chaining lightning between the horde for multi-kills. Against shielded or armored adversaries however, electric isn‘t as effective unless hitting vulnerable points…

Legendary Blueprint Locations

Endgame-caliber schematics for unique cartridges exist. I‘ll describe one such mythic ammo and where to find its creation recipe…

And with that vault of arcane wisdom, you too can attain cartridge mastery! May our next encounter be co-op, wanderer! Please share any other questions below.