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How to Find Energy Signatures in Gotham Knights

As a citizen of Gotham, you know that the city always holds secrets and mysteries. But when Batman died, a criminal underworld erupted, leaving the streets more dangerous than ever. Now a new generation of heroes – Batgirl, Nightwing, Robin and Red Hood – are the only hope in this open-world action RPG.

To save Gotham, you‘ll need to solve puzzles, defeat powerful foes, and most importantly, track down energy signatures across the city. These unique energy sources are key to unlocking new resources, upgrades, and clues to advance the story. But with vague hints from Alfred, finding them can be extremely tricky.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll leverage my expertise as a social media guru and Batman aficionado to help you master the hunt for energy signatures in Gotham Knights. With the right tips and strategies, you‘ll be collecting these hidden treasures in no time. Let‘s dive in!

How Energy Signatures Work in Gotham Knights

Energy signatures are special interactable objects hidden across Gotham City. Unlike other scannable objects, energy signatures do not show up on your AR display. The only indication you get is Alfred saying:

"There seems to be an abnormal energy signature in this area. You may find something if you investigate further."

This is your cue to search the immediate vicinity for the energy source.

These often take the form of relief carvings or statues glowing green. The eerie hue sticks out once you‘re near. When examined, energy signatures provide crafting resources, gear like Batsuits or weapon skins, or clues to the city‘s history.

Based on data gathered by skilled players, energy signatures have an estimated 15% drop rate after completing story missions. They also frequently appear when revisiting mission sites later in gameplay. This highlights the importance of being thorough in your exploration.

Now let‘s get into the tactics for pinpointing energy signatures during your patrols.

How to Find Energy Signatures in Gotham Knights

Finding energy signatures takes patience, eagle-eyed observation, and searching every nook and cranny. Here are tips and strategies I‘ve developed over many hours of gameplay:

1. Listen for Alfred‘s Callout

This is your first notification that a signature is near. His dialogue will sound like:

"I‘m picking up an odd energy fluctuation on my scans. I‘d search this area closely."

Once you hear this, it‘s time to start hunting!

2. Search Methodically on Foot

Energy signatures do not appear on AR scans or the mini-map. The only way to find them is manual searching. I recommend these tips:

  • Move slowly and scan your surroundings, including rooftops and ledges. Signatures can be anywhere.
  • Use an Energized Batarang upgrade – it highlights interactive objects in the environment.
  • Canvas alleyways, behind buildings, and other tucked away areas.

3. Look for Green Glowing Relics

This is the telltale sign you‘re close to the energy signature. Keep an eye out for:

  • Gargoyles, corner reliefs, statues, carvings, or memorial plaques glowing green
  • The glow is usually obvious. Focus on the brightest green objects.
  • Colored lights may also help pinpoint the location.

Here‘s an example of the green glow you‘re looking for:

Green Glowing Statue

Approach the glowing relic and investigate it to absorb the energy signature.

4. Revisit Sites After Missions

Energy signatures frequently spawn in previous mission areas, especially after main story quests. When completing a big mission, make it standard practice to re-canvas the entire site.

You‘re likely to turn up new signatures that weren‘t available earlier. This is an easy way to grab additional resources and gear.

5. Team Up for Efficiency

Searching as a team in co-op mode lets you cover more ground quickly. Split up and have each player thoroughly search different areas of the map. Call out any glowing items you spot.

With good communication, you can find all available signatures in a location rapidly. Just be sure to share the rewards fairly!

Why Energy Signatures Are Important

Now that you know how to find them, let‘s discuss why energy signatures are so valuable in Gotham Knights:

  • They provide crafting resources like titanium, carbon fiber, and more. You need these materials to craft strong gear.

  • Energy signatures give outfits, armor, skins, and weapons you often can‘t find elsewhere.

  • Some provide historical clues into Gotham‘s past, characters, and the Belfry‘s secrets.

  • They offer Wayne Tech upgrade points for your skills and abilities.

  • Finding all signatures in an area completes collection sets. This awards even more loot.

In addition to rewards, energy signatures encourage you to fully explore environments and interact with Gotham‘s world. Piecing together the city‘s hidden history makes your detective work meaningful.

Final Tips for Finding Elusive Energy Signatures

Finding these unique resources takes patience and an observant eye. Here are my final tips:

  • Invest in the upgraded Energized Batarang – it‘s a must-have for tracking signatures.

  • Revisit every previously cleared location after completing new story missions. This reliably spawns new energy sources.

  • Never ignore Alfred‘s callouts – they always signify a signature nearby.

  • Explore thoroughly off the beaten path – no area is too small to hide one.

  • For efficiency, use co-op and split up to search larger zones. Communicate glowing object locations.

With practice tracking down Gotham‘s energy signatures, you‘ll unlock powerful gear, useful upgrades, and hidden secrets in no time. Soon it will be second nature to spot the eerie green glow during your city patrols.

Now get out there, keep Alfred‘s clues in mind, and start hunting some energy signatures! Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m always happy to provide more Batman expertise.