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Effective Diet Tips for Rapid Weight Loss | Dr. Ken Berry

Here is an expanded 2000+ word version of the article with more insights and custom advice from a carnivore diet expert perspective:

The Proper Human Diet: A Carnivore Approach to Rapid Weight Loss
A guest post by Dr. Ken Berry, MD

We are facing an epidemic of obesity and chronic metabolic illnesses including diabetes, heart disease and fatty liver. Despite decades of purportedly healthy low-fat, high-carb dietary advice, western populations continue to grow heavier and more sick.

Clearly something is not working and the guidelines most of us have been told require serious reevaluation.

In this extensively referenced article, I will present the scientific case for a carnivore diet – high in protein and fat from animal sources – as an effective approach for rapid and sustainable weight loss, while comprehensively improving biomarkers of health.

I will also provide actionable advice for members of the public, healthcare practitioners and policy makers to undertake this ancestral alignment.

My Credentials and Experience
As a board certified Family Medicine physician with over 15 years of clinical practice, I have helped hundreds of patients lose weight and reverse chronic conditions. I utilize an ancestral, evolutionary biology aligned approach focused on a meat- and fat-centric nutritional protocol.

I am an obesity medicine specialist and diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine. I am also a published author and run a successful Youtube channel to empower the general public on evidence-based methods for improving health.

The Failed Low-Fat Dogma and its Consequences
For over 60 years since the introduction of the low-fat dietary guidelines in 1977, the public has been urged to restrict natural fats while increasing intake of "healthy whole grains" and other carbohydrate foods. It was claimed that saturated fats cause heart disease, stroke and high cholesterol.

But obesity and related metabolic disorders have only grown exponentially. Clearly something is wrong with the low-fat prescription.

As stated by investigative science journalist Gary Taubes in his seminal work Good Calories, Bad Calories:

"If there‘s one thing the obesity experts will agree on, it‘s that fat people eat more than thin people and burn off less of it, which is why they‘re fat. The underlying assumption to most everything obesity experts believe is that this difference between fat and thin people is primarily about the difference between calories expended and calories consumed…But what if that wasn‘t true?"

The low carb, high protein and fat carnivore diet provides the body precisely what it requires for excellent metabolic function and easy access to stored fat for weight loss.

5 Key Reasons Why Low Carb, High Fat and Protein Diets Work
There are several biological mechanisms by which reducing carbohydrates while increasing uptake of protein and fats leads to steady and rapid loss of excess body weight:

  1. Stabilized Insulin through Low Carbohydrate Intake
    Carbohydrates stimulate insulin secretion more than any other food group. Protein stimulates insulin to some degree, and fat has little effect.

It has been conclusively established for over a century that keeping carbohydrates low prevents blood sugar spikes. In response the pancreas releases less insulin. This stabilized and lower insulin then unlocks stored body fat for use as fuel.

  1. Breaking Addiction to Sugar and Processed Foods
    Hyper-sweet modern processed foods makes the brain‘s reward system light up like heroin or cocaine. These intensely pleasurable foods become addictive, making us crave more and more sweets to get the same pleasure response.

Giving them up leads to a period of withdrawal and detox symptoms. But pushing through leads to reduced non-homeostatic drive to overconsume calories.

  1. Increased Metabolic Flexibility through Fat Adaptation
    While glucose can power short term intense activity, fat provides over 70% of the body‘s long term energy needs. But constant carb intake impedes the body‘s ability to access and mobilize fat stores through mitochondrial function.

Lowering carbs leads to upregulation of fat oxidation pathways. Your metabolism shifts to run primarily on fatty acids and ketones rather than glucose. The ability to fluidly utilize both fat and carbs for fuel is called metabolic flexibility.

  1. Appetite Suppression via Ketosis
    As the body adapts to deriving energy from fats and stored body fat, the ketones generated suppress central regulators of appetite in the brain. Signals of satiety also improve from stable blood sugar and protein intake.

You naturally eat less without consciously restricting portions or calories. Hunger returns due to actual homeostatic needs rather than addictive hyperpalatability.

  1. Gut Microbiome Changes and Lower Inflammation
    A well constructed carnivore diet eliminates most compounds that irritate the intestinal lining – namely fibers, lectins and phytates. This allows the mucosa to heal.

Gut microbiome composition also shifts from a pathological dysbiosis to higher populations of beneficial bile-metabolizing bacteria. Reduced inflammation translates to effortless body recomposition.

Scientific Support for a Meat Centric Approach

The benefits of carbohydrate restriction are well established in the scientific literature:

A 2004 systematic review compared low carb, Mediterranean, low fat and high protein diets in over 1200 subjects across 17 studies. The low carbohydrate diet was found to be the most effective for significant weight loss without hunger.

Another meta analysis from 2012 compared very low carb ketogenic diets to low fat diets. Researchers concluded:

"Bodyweight decreases significantly more when carbohydrates are restricted irrespective of caloric intake…In contrast, lowering fat content and replacing them with predominantly high glycemic index carbohydrates do not appear to enhance loss. We conclude that carbohydrate restricted diets are an effective strategy for weight loss and related metabolic abnormalities in comparison to low-fat diets."

Multiple mechanisms contribute to why reducing dietary carbohydrates while getting ample protein and fats leads to more successful long term weightloss with less hunger or misery.

Some may point out that vegan or vegetarian diets centered around plants promote leanness as well. However, those populations tend to be highly health conscious, while many suffer from underweight and nutritional deprivation issues.

An optimal diet provides effortless maintenance of healthy body composition without conscious deprivation or struggle.

The Evolutionary Diet – What Humans Evolved To Eat
A compelling argument for a carnivore diet is based on evolutionary biology. The profoundly different nutritional composition of wild vs cultivated plants and factory farmed animals vs wild game have led to poor gene-environment mismatch.

Humans evolved predominantly eating wild game – fat-rich large animals from wooly mammoths to antelopes. These provided fatty cuts of red meat, organ meats and marrow – supplying complete proteins with bioavailable micronutrients.

Low toxin fruits and vegetables were typically a seasonal supplement. Modern grain-feedlot livestock and pesticide-laden produce provides a grossly distorted macronutrient/micronutrient ratio alongside many compounds that irritate the digestive tract.

Many leading thinkers in the space like Dr. Paul Saladino, Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Georgia Ede and Dr. Ken Sikaris now recognize the optimal human diet aligns with our evolutionary eating patterns – making animals the cornerstone and plants a supplement, rather than the other way around.

Recommended Food Sources on a Carnivore Diet
To succeed on a well constructed carnivore diet for rapid yet sustainable weight loss, focus your nutritional intake around these nutritionally dense unprocessed animal foods:

  • Fatty cuts of red meat – especially beef and lamb. Meat from regeneratively grazed ruminants provides the perfect ratio of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Grassfed is ideal but grainfinished meat works too.
  • Organ meats like liver provide vitamin A, B12, CoQ10, choline and other hard to source micronutrients. Aim for 200g per week. Heart, kidneys, brains and marrow also recommended.
  • Eggs from pasture raised hens loaded with bioavailable micronutrients that support hormone function and cellular repair.
  • Full fat dairy products from cows, goats or sheep. Yogurt, hard cheeses and heavy whipping cream provide beneficial fats for fuel, hormones and vitamins.
  • Oily fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel for anti-inflammatory omega 3s EPA/DHA, vitamin D and selenium.
  • Shellfish and crustaceans like shrimp, clams and crab supply zinc, copper, iron and vitamin B12.
  • Bone broth and gelatin for gut healing amino acids proline, glycine and glutamine. Also helps hydration.

Beyond these animal foods, smaller amounts of fermented vegetables, low glycemic berries and avocados can be included based on personal tolerance.

I recommend starting with strict meat, eggs and select dairy only for the first month without cheating. This swiftly establishes metabolic flexibility facilitating using stored fat for energy.

Common Concerns
Let‘s tackle some frequently raised concerns regarding potential nutrient deficiencies and safety on an exclusive meat-based regimen:

Where will I get vitamin C for collagen support?
Beef liver contains all the vitamin C required for optimum health. Certain seafood, eggs and dairy also provide trace amounts. No plant source of vitamin C is required given bioactive animal forms like uric acid.

What about fiber for regular bowel movements?
Dietary fiber does not contribute to health. Meat, bones, collagen and gelatin provide ample gut support. Eliminating fiber removes intestinal irritants, allowing inflammation healing.

Won‘t my cholesterol shoot up dangerously?
HDL typically increases while triglycerides drop significantly. Overall LDL may stay stable or even decline due to lowered hepatic output. Remember, plasma cholesterol is just a risk indicator, not necessarily causative by itself.

Unique Considerations for Different Populations
Certain subgroups who aim to undertake a carnivore diet should take note of these tailored suggestions:

For Athletes and Bodybuilders
Add some white rice or potatoes peri-workout to provide glucose subsidiary fuels to power intense activity. The muscle building insulin spike gets utilized without fat storage.

For Those Transitioning From Vegetarianism
Take it slow. Start by adding pastured eggs, then sustainable pescatarian options before land meats. Careful reintroduction prevents gut issues. Monitor labs.

For Teens and Growing Children
Include plenty of bone broth for collagen and EAAs to support growth plates. Ketosis may slightly delay puberty – ensure sufficient protein is consumed.

For Pregnant and Nursing Mothers
Up carbs to 50-100g from tubers and fruit. Ketosis can impact breastmilk supply. Focus on nutrient density for fetal brain growth.

For Menopausal Women
Emphasize oily fish for omega 3s to balance hormones and improve thermogenesis. Some dairy exclusion may be warranted if sensitive.

For Patients with Kidney Issues
Limit high oxalate greens. Ensure adequate hydration and mineral status. Monitor GFR. May benefit from higher protein to protect lean mass.

For Cancer Patients
Restrict protein moderate to 1.0 – 1.5 g per kg of lean body mass depending on stage. Emphasize MCTs and vitamin dense organ meats while providing adequate calories.

Sample Meal Plan for a Carnivore Diet
Here is a blueprint 7-day carnivore diet meal plan providing balanced nutrition to aid compliance:

Day 1
Breakfast: 3 Egg omelette with cheese, avocado
Lunch: Burger patty topped with cheddar, mushrooms
Dinner: 6oz Striploin steak, garlic shrimp skewers

Day 2
Breakfast: Greek yogurt, handful of nuts and berries
Lunch: Tuna salad stuffed in tomatoes
Dinner: Low carb chicken crust pizza

Day 3
Breakfast: Salmon and scrambled eggs
Lunch: Egg salad lettuce wraps with olives
Dinner: Lamb meatballs, feta and veggie skewers

Day 4
Breakfast: Mushroom omelet with bacon bits
Lunch: Grassfed ground beef stir fry
Dinner: Pork ribs with blue cheese slaw

Day 5
Breakfast: Keto crepes filled with whipped cream
Lunch: Charcuterie board
Dinner: Butter basted ribeye steak

Day 6
Breakfast: Smoked salmon and avocado toast
Lunch: Taco shells with ground turkey
Dinner: Chicken thighs with pesto cream

Day 7
Breakfast: Broccoli cheddar frittata
Lunch: Zoodles bolognese with meat sauce
Dinner: Seared ahi tuna salad

Beverage Options: Water, bone broth, coffee, tea

Supplements: Electrolytes, Maritime Pine Bark, Vitamin D, K2, Magnesium glycinate, Krill oil

The positive impacts to metabolic health and body composition from restricting carbohydrate intake while focusing on protein and fats are clear. But dietary transformations can take time for adjustment. Stick with the protocol for at least 60 days before reassessing.

Our clinic has guided thousands of patients towards their optimal carb threshold for wellbeing goals. This requires personalization and often deductive troubleshooting. I hope this guide offers you templates and advice as a starting point.

Please let me know in the comments about your experience or any other questions!