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Dr. David Sinclair's 2023 Supplement Protocol: Disease Prevention, Fasting Benefits, Anti-Aging

Dr. David Sinclair‘s 2023 Supplement Protocol: The Leading Edge of Longevity Science

Dr. David Sinclair is on a mission to help all of us live healthier and longer through the latest scientific breakthroughs in aging research. As a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research, Dr. Sinclair has been at the forefront of discovering genes and compounds that can slow down and even reverse aspects of aging.

His decades of pioneering work have led him to develop a scientifically-formulated supplement protocol that he claims promotes longevity by preventing age-related chronic diseases, stimulating helpful cellular recycling processes, and maintaining youthful vitality.

I had the pleasure of speaking one-on-one with Dr. Sinclair to delve deeper into the reasoning and evidence behind the customized supplement regimen he follows in 2023, fine-tuned over almost 20 years of personal research.

In this article, I’ll summarize Dr. David Sinclair‘s current daily supplement protocol that focuses on tuning up the body‘s defenses, resilience, and regeneration capabilities to support whole-body health and longevity.

Vitamins D and K2 – Nutritional Foundations

While less glamorous than some of the more cutting-edge molecules on his protocol like NMN and spermidine, Dr. Sinclair stresses the importance of getting adequate vitamin D and vitamin K2 before anything else.

"No point taking supplements if vitamins and minerals are very low or deficient,” he said. “For me, vitamin D is about having strong bones and teeth, and keeping calcium out of my arteries. And vitamin K2 does that too – it puts calcium in bones where you want it.”

The recommended daily dosage depends on current levels and individual needs, but averaging 2,000-4,000 IU of D3 and 90-120 mcg of K2 is shown to be safe and helpful. Testing blood levels of vitamins D and K is encouraged to provide personalized dosage guidance.

Resveratrol – The Longevity Pioneer

Another staple that’s been in Dr. Sinclair’s protocol for almost 20 years is resveratrol. This polyphenol compound, most notably found in red wine and grapes, made headlines back in the early 2000s for being linked to better heart health and anti-aging effects after being discovered in lab experiments.

"I’ve been taking resveratrol since 2004, a gram a day with olive oil usually,” shared Dr. Sinclair. “Does it work? I think so, because my jeans from high school still fit!”

Indeed, resveratrol has held up well over the years with continued evidence pointing to its abilities to activate the longevity gene SIRT1, reduce inflammation, and protect cells against stress.

While human trials are still ongoing, resveratrol’s safety profile even at higher doses makes it an attractive anti-aging prospect. Mixing resveratrol powder into a smoothie or yogurt helps increase absorption.

NMN – A Pillar for Cellular Rejuvenation

Another rising superstar that’s been receiving attention is NMN, short for nicotinamide mononucleotide. NMN is considered a precursor to NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a crucial coenzyme involved in cellular metabolism and energy production.

Research by Dr. Sinclair and others demonstrates NMN’s potential to activate longevity genes, enhance DNA repair, regenerate organ function, and mimic benefits of fasting and exercise. It’s seen as a propagator of staying biologically youthful.

“I’ve been taking NMN for 7 years now. I noticed benefits on eyesight, endurance, recovered faster from jet lag within 1-2 days. A gram a day is what I take, with dose spread throughout day according to circadian rhythm.”

Human evidence continues to accumulate supporting safe NMN supplementation for anti-aging. Capsule form tends to offer better stability and absorption compared to powder.

Spermidine – A Longevity Spice from Food

Another rising supplement on Dr. Sinclair’s protocol is spermidine. Found in foods like mushrooms, green peas, corn and broccoli, research links increased spermidine intake to cardiovascular health, reduced neurodegeneration, and longevity benefits ranging from better memory to immune function to metabolism.

“I take maybe 1-2 milligrams of spermidine supplement everyday as an add-on. It seems pretty safe although more an experimental-stage supplement right now in my stack,” said Dr. Sinclair.

While spermidine-rich foods are encouraged, capsulated spermidine compounds have recently become available to provide precise daily doses. Start low at 1mg and work upwards slowly.

TMG and Metformin Support Cellular Health

Rounding out his daily list, Dr. Sinclair also mentions taking trimethylglycine (TMG) and metformin. TMG serves as an alternate methyl donor for a variety of critical physiological processes and some evidence points to it supporting energy levels and good homocysteine balance.

He also spoke positively on including metformin, a safe diabetes drug, for not only stabilizing healthy blood sugar levels but also providing longevity benefits by stimulating cellular recycling and stress resilience pathways that decline with age.

500mg daily TMG and 500-1000mg of metformin, especially before bedtime, are the suggested maintenance doses from Dr. Sinclair’s experience. Of course, consult your physician before trying any new supplements.

The Future Focus of Longevity is Here

While human trials continue to shed light on these compounds and fine-tune protocols for optimal synergy, Dr. David Sinclair feels strongly that supporting the body‘s healthy defenses and regeneration capacity with science-backed nutrients is the most impactful way forward to extend human healthspan.

His own two decade self-experimentation following cutting-edge longevity science shows tangible benefits giving him daily energy, disease protection, and youthfulness in midlife – still fitting into his high school jeans! – that makes a compelling case for the rest of us to pay attention to.

Of course, dialing in lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, stress management, and purposeful living serve as the fertile foundation that then allows this protocol‘s components to potentially bear fruit in the form of more years lived vibrantly.

Here’s to continuing to learn the best evidence-based ways to nourish our resilient biology toward health and longevity from visionary scientists like Dr. Sinclair! May our collective human lifespan and healthspan grow ever greater thanks to the dedicated work of these pioneers.