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How to Download Audio From Facebook Messenger (3 Steps)

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, with over 1.3 billion monthly active users. Its seamless integration with Facebook makes it easy for people to connect with friends and family.

One of Messenger‘s key features is the ability to send audio messages. These short voice recordings are convenient for quick updates when you‘re multitasking or on the go.

However, you may want to download these audio files to listen to later or share as actual sound clips. Unfortunately, the Messenger mobile app doesn‘t let you download audio.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to download audio files from Facebook Messenger in just 3 easy steps.

We‘ll cover:

  • Key reasons why you can‘t download audio on Messenger mobile
  • Using the Messenger desktop site to download audio files
  • A step-by-step walkthrough with images
  • Instructions for forwarding audio messages
  • Expert tips and recommendations

Let‘s get started!

– Research downloading audio on Messenger, including limitations on mobile
– Provide detailed steps for using the desktop site with screenshots
– Share analysis of why downloading isn‘t allowed on mobile
– Give recommendations for managing and sharing audio files

Why You Can‘t Download Audio on Messenger Mobile

When you receive an audio message on the Messenger mobile app, your options are limited:

  • ▶️ Play the audio
  • ❤️ React with an emoji
  • 💬 Reply to the message
  • ➡️ Forward it to someone else
  • 🗑 Delete the message

You may notice there is no visible “Download” button. The Messenger app intentionally does not allow users to download audio files directly.

If you tap and hold an audio clip, you‘ll see you can only react, reply, forward, or delete it. There is no way to download the file to your device storage.

Messenger mobile audio options

This limitation is likely intended by Meta to encourage sharing within the platform, rather than exporting content out of Messenger. Downloaded files also take up valuable storage space.

According to 2022 data from Oberlo, the average Messenger user sends about 39 messages per month. If all those included audio files, it could quickly eat up storage capacity.

So for now, downloading audio directly in the Messenger app is restricted. But don‘t worry — you can download audio by using Messenger on the desktop website.

Next, let‘s look at how to access those capabilities.

Use Messenger Desktop Site to Download Audio Files

To download audio files from Messenger, you need to use the desktop website in your mobile or computer browser.

Specifically, you have to use the mobile Facebook site at The regular Facebook website at will redirect you to the app, without downloading capability. gives you access to the full Messenger desktop experience, with additional options like downloading audio messages. Let‘s examine how to use it. vs.

You may be wondering — what‘s the difference between and is the mobile version of the Facebook website. It‘s designed to be faster and work better on phones, tablets, and mobile browsers.

Meanwhile, is the main desktop version of Facebook. It can be clunky and difficult to use on mobile devices.

Additionally, has exclusive features that the desktop site lacks, like downloading Messenger audio.

In summary:

  • Mobile site allowing Messenger audio downloads
  • Main desktop site that redirects to the app

For downloading audio files from Messenger, you need to use the mobile site.

Now let‘s walk through the full process step-by-step.

Step 1: Go to on Your Device

To get started, open your preferred browser on your phone, tablet, or computer. This can be Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.

In the URL bar at the top, type in This will bring you to the mobile Facebook login page.

Next, enter your Facebook login credentials:

  • Email address or phone number
  • Password

Hit enter or click the Log In button. login

You should now be logged into the mobile Facebook website, rather than the app. Do not go to, as that will open Messenger without download capability.

Step 2: Click the Messenger Icon and Navigate to Audio

After logging into, look for the Messenger icon at the top of the blue header bar:

Messenger icon on mobile Facebook

Click this icon to launch the desktop Messenger experience in your mobile browser. You should see your recent conversations.

Scroll and find the chat containing the audio message you want to download. Open the conversation thread by clicking on it.

Finally, navigate to the specific audio recording you want to save to your device. Now we can download it.

Step 3: Click the Three Dots and Select "Download"

When you locate the audio message, hover over it. Three icons should appear:

Messenger audio message options

  • ▶️ Play button – Plays the audio
  • 🔈 Volume button – Controls volume
  • Three dots icon – Opens more options

Click on the three dots icon to open a dropdown menu. Near the bottom, you will see a Download option.

Messenger audio download

Select Download and the audio file will automatically be saved to your device storage as an MP3 or MP4 file. The download time depends on the length of the audio message.

And that‘s it! By using the Messenger desktop site on, you can now easily download any audio files from your conversations.

Manage and Share Downloaded Audio

Once you‘ve downloaded an audio message, you can:

  • Listen to it offline when not connected to the internet
  • Share the MP3 file with friends via email, cloud storage, etc.
  • Archive important audio messages so you never lose them
  • Manage audio files like regular music/sound files

The downloaded audio will be saved in your device‘s Downloads folder, or wherever your browser saves files by default. You can move it to another location on your local storage or cloud drive.

Now let‘s look at how to forward audio files directly within Messenger.

Forwarding Audio Messages on Messenger

In addition to downloading for personal use, you may want to forward audio clips to other Messenger contacts. Here‘s how to do it:

On Mobile:

  1. Tap and hold the audio message
  2. Tap the Forward icon in the menu
  3. Select the contact(s) to forward it to
  4. Tap Send

The audio will be forwarded as a message to your selected recipients.

On Desktop:

  1. Hover over the audio message
  2. Click the three dots icon
  3. Choose Forward
  4. Pick the contact(s) to send it to
  5. Click Send

And that‘s all there is to it! Forwarding audio is a handy way to share voice messages with friends or groups right within Messenger.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

To recap this guide on downloading Messenger audio:

  • You cannot download audio files within the Messenger mobile app
  • Use the Messenger desktop website by going to
  • Click the conversation with the audio, then select the three dots > Download
  • Manage, store, and share downloaded audio messages
  • Also forward audio clips directly to contacts

My top tips are:

  • Bookmark to easily access Messenger desktop
  • Download important audio messages so you don‘t lose them
  • Share media outside of Messenger when appropriate
  • Monitor your device storage when saving multiple audio files

I hope this guide gives you a better understanding of how to download and manage audio files from Facebook Messenger! Let me know if you have any other questions.