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How to "Do a Barrel Roll 1 Million Times" on Google

Google has delighted users with hidden Easter egg surprises for many years now. These programmer inside jokes often reference pop culture phenomena or are included just for fun. Of all Google‘s eggs, the wildly popular "do a barrel roll" feature has brought joy to users for over a decade. While Google‘s official site can only perform a single 360 degree spin, I recently discovered an even wackier way to crank the rolls up to a stomach churning one million spins. Intrigued? Read on and I‘ll guide you through the entire dizzying process!

A Brief History of Google Easter Eggs

Google‘s longstanding tradition of hiding Easter eggs offers a fun glimpse into the playful company culture. Software engineers insert these secret surprises on special occasions, new product launches, or simply for smiles.

Some well-known examples over the years include:

  • Google Gravity – alters search results page physics
  • Askew – tilts page orientation askew
  • Anagram search – jumbles and animates letters
  • Breathing exercise – leads you through soothing deep breaths

Metrics show "do a barrel roll" as one of the most widely activated Easter eggs still today. First unveiled in 2011, it impressively garnered over 500,000 searches in the first 4 days!

All About the "Do a Barrel Roll" Easter Egg

The barrel roll egg has its origins in the popular 1990s Nintendo video game Star Fox 64. Characters would encourage lead pilot Fox McCloud to "do a barrel roll!" by hitting Z or R twice, causing a quick rotating trick.

Google software engineer Florian Kiersch decided to pay homage to this iconic moment in 2011. When users search the exact phrase “do a barrel roll”, Kiersch animated the page to smoothly spin 360 degrees.

This clever trick delights people to this day across Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge and other major browsers. However, the standard Google page can only perform a single simple flip. An external site called Elgoog takes things exponentially further…

Elgoog’s Extreme 1 Million Rolls

While Google keeps spins limited, Elgoog throws off the restraints for an extreme barrel rolling experience!

Elgoog’s sole purpose is to resurrect beloved Google Easter eggs that are no longer functional on the standard Google page. The site mirrors the classic Google homepage layout for seamless Easter egg triggering.

When you search "do a barrel roll 1 million times" and hit "I‘m Feeling Lucky", Elgoog treats you to a barrage of up to 1 million consecutive rolls in a few minutes! The rapid spins made me dizzy in the best possible way. Once the counters hit 1 million, the page finally cracks and breaks apart in dramatic fashion.

I’m thrilled Google’s OG Easter egg has been preserved and amplified in such an ambitious way. Elgoog also contains options for those who don’t want to risk nausea — try 20, 5.6, twice, 100 or 10,000 spins instead.

Step-by-Step Guide to 1 Million Rolls

Want to experience an exhilarating million barrel rolls yourself? Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Type "do a barrel roll 1 million times" in the search bar
  3. Click the lucky "I’m Feeling Lucky” button
  4. Hang on tight — the rapid spinning takes a few minutes!
  5. Enjoy as the page ultimately cracks and disintegrates at 1 million rolls!

Be sure to drop a comment letting me know if you were able to make it through the full dizzying million spins! This Google Easter egg definitely let me channel my inner 90s Nintendo kid once again. I bet developers are dreaming up even wackier surprises for us as we speak!