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How to Copy Your Discord Profile Link

Connecting with friends, communities, and other users on Discord is easier when you have a customized profile link to share. But unlike other social platforms, Discord doesn‘t provide an obvious way to copy and access your personal profile URL.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to find, get, and share your unique Discord ID and profile link on both mobile and desktop.

Why Your Discord Profile Link Matters

Before jumping into the steps, let‘s explore why creating and sharing your Discord profile link is worthwhile:

Boost Discoverability

According to Discord’s 2021 annual report, the platform reaches over 150 million active monthly users. With so many people on Discord, a custom profile link makes it easier for friends and contacts to find and connect with you.

Rather than trying to search your exact username and discriminator, they can simply click your link to access your profile directly.

Showcase Your Personal Brand

Your Discord profile page offers valuable real estate to establish your personal brand among the platform‘s 19 million daily active users [1].

With a custom URL, you present a more professional and memorable identity compared to a generic ID string.

Highlight Your Communities

Discord has over 37 million active servers per week [1]. Your profile page prominently displays the public Discord servers you are active in.

A profile link allows you to showcase the communities you engage with and your areas of expertise.

Cross-Promote Your Presence

Once created, share your Discord profile URL anywhere you have an online presence, including Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, websites, newsletters, and more.

This helps direct your audiences from other platforms into your Discord ecosystem.

Step 1: Locate Your Discord ID

The first step to creating your custom Discord link is retrieving your unique Discord ID number.

This is a randomly generated 17-18 digit string assigned to every Discord user when you create an account, for example 809217419174723595.

Here‘s how to find your ID on desktop and mobile:

On Desktop

  1. Open the Discord app on your desktop
  2. Click the gear icon to open User Settings
  3. Select "Advanced" in the menu
  4. Toggle "Developer Mode" on
  5. Return to your main Discord window
  6. Right click your profile name in the users list
  7. Click "Copy ID"

Discord desktop ID retrieval

On Mobile

  1. Open the Discord app and tap your profile icon
  2. Tap the three dots menu button in the top right
  3. Select “Copy ID”

Discord mobile ID retrieval

Your unique Discord ID is now copied and ready for the next step.

Step 2: Construct Your Profile Link

With your personal Discord ID copied to your clipboard, it‘s time to turn it into a shareable profile link.

The structure of a Discord profile URL is: 

For example, if your ID was 809217419174723595, your full Discord profile link would be:

To create your custom profile link:

  1. Open your web browser of choice
  2. Type into the address bar
  3. Paste your copied Discord ID after users/
  4. Press Enter to open the link

You should now see your Discord profile page loaded in the browser. Congratulations, you‘ve successfully created your shareable profile link!

Step 3: Personalize Your Profile

With your new link directing people to your profile, let‘s optimize your page to make a great impression on visitors:

  • Profile banner – Upload a banner that conveys your personality and interests.
  • Profile picture – Use a high quality avatar so you are easily recognizable.
  • Custom status – Set an engaging status message to interact with visitors.
  • Bio – Share details like your Discord purpose, interests, website links, etc.
  • Public servers – Show off the topical communities you are part of.
  • Pinned content – Highlight important invites, recent messages, images, or videos.

Pro tip: Check your profile as new visitors would to ensure it looks great and entices engagement.

Step 4: Share Your Link

Once finalized, get your profile link in front of your audiences:

  • Pin it prominently on your Discord profile
  • Add it to your bio or links sections on social media
  • Include it in your email signature
  • Share it in relevant Discord servers and channels
  • Promote it on your website and streams

According to a Discord survey, over 70% of users discovered new servers through friends [2]. So direct messaging your link to close contacts is highly effective.

Pro tip: Use a link shortener like to create a compact link for integration in social media profiles.

Share Discord profile link example

Troubleshooting Issues

In some cases, your custom Discord link may not work as expected. Here are some common problems and solutions:

Page Not Found Error

A "page not found" error usually means the Discord ID was entered incorrectly. Double check and manually re-type the ID to validate it.

Links to the Wrong Profile

In rare cases, another user may have registered the same custom URL. Append your discriminator to the end of the link (e.g. .../users/123abc#1234) to point unambiguously to your profile.

Friends Can‘t Access

Due to restrictions, some users can‘t open Discord profile links externally. Ask them to open the link in an incognito/private browser window unauthenticated.

Link Stops Working Suddenly

Discord updates can sometimes break custom profile links. You may need to generate a new link with your current ID if this happens.

Best Practices For Your Discord Profile

Beyond just creating a shareable profile link, follow these best practices to further enhance your Discord identity:

  • Choose a recognizable username – Pick something identifying rather than a random string of words and numbers.

  • Add your bio URL – Link to your website or blog to drive external traffic.

  • Be active in communities – Engage authentically in servers related to your interests.

  • Moderate servers – Become a moderator or admin for servers to build authority.

  • Participate in events – Attend virtual meetups and events to widen your network.

  • Collaborate on content – Partner with influencers on co-created content and cross-promotion.

Wrap Up

Generating and optimizing your shareable Discord profile link helps cement your personal brand and reach on one of the internet‘s largest chat platforms.

By following this guide, you can craft a custom Discord URL to showcase your identity and communities to new visitors with ease.

Now get out there and start connecting more people to your exceptional Discord presence!