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How to Get the Discord "About Me" Feature to Showcase Your Personality

Being active on Discord means having opportunities to connect with friends, join communities, and bond over shared interests. But on such a huge platform, how do you stand out so people can get to know the real you?

Personalizing your Discord profile is key. And the recently released "About Me" section offers the perfect spot to showcase your unique personality!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll demonstrate exactly how to access, edit, and optimize the "About Me" feature so you can upgrade from a bland default profile to an eye-catching page all about you.

Here‘s what I‘ll cover:

  • What is the Discord "About Me" Feature?
  • Benefits of Customizing Your "About Me"
  • Step-by-Step Instructions to Edit It
  • Tips for Writing a Compelling Bio
  • Advanced Formatting Options
  • Comparison to Other Social Media Platform BIOS
  • FAQs – Length, Discord Nitro, etc.

Let‘s dive in – your amazing new profile awaits!

What is the Discord "About Me" Feature?

In June 2021, Discord rolled out increased profile customization options including the "About Me" section. This can be accessed by any user for free directly within your user settings.

The "About Me" bio allows up to 190 characters of plain text where you can share info about yourself that will then appear publicly on your profile.

90% of Discord‘s over 150 million monthly active users are on mobile, so this feature lets you personalize without needing to be on desktop.

Discord app statistics - 150 million monthly active users

Having an customized "About Me" bio makes your profile stand out so you can give viewers a sense of your personality before they even chat with you. It‘s the perfect opportunity to showcase what makes you, you!

Benefits of Crafting a Compelling "About Me"

So why bother taking the time to set up your "About Me" instead of leaving your profile blank like most users?

Here are some major benefits:

Reveal There‘s a Real Person Behind the Username

Discord automatically assigns a random username when you join, which doesn‘t indicate anything about who you actually are. The "About Me" lets your unique personality shine through front and center!

Share Interests to Connect Over

See someone mention a hobby or fandom you also love? Your "About Me" provides natural conversation starters to bond over mutual interests.

Inspire Trust and Approachability

Opened by getting personal helps you come across more relatable. People will feel like they know you already, making chatting much more natural.

Directly State How You Use Discord

Do you mostly play PC games? Roleplay? Join hobby servers? Calling that out avoids assumptions and attracts likeminded connections.

Boost Credibility and Influence

Are you a Discord influencer, community leader or brand? The "About Me" demonstrates your expertise.

The benefits are abundantly clear. Let‘s get crafting!

Step-by-Step Instructions to Edit Your Discord "About Me"

Accessing your "About Me" only takes moments by following these simple steps:

Access User Settings

First, open the user settings panel:

On Desktop: Click the gear icon next to your username in the bottom left
On Mobile: Tap your profile picture then choose "User Settings"

Gear icon in Discord desktop app

Select "User Profile"

From the left sidebar menu, select "User Profile":

User profile option in Discord settings

Edit "About Me"

Under the "About Me" header, click the text field to type your custom bio.

Save Changes

Don‘t forget to press Save Changes before exiting to confirm your changes!

And that‘s all there is to it. Nice work – check out your profile to admire your new "About Me" section!

Next let‘s get into some pro tips for writing an engaging, effective bio.

Tips for Crafting a Compelling "About Me" on Discord

While you have up to 190 characters at your disposal, not just any old text will do.

Stand Out with Personality

Share your vibe, interests, sense of humor…anything to convey who you are as a complex human beyond a blank slate!

Win Hearts with Positivity

Avoid negativity or controversy – positivity fosters deeper connections.

Convey Purpose

Explain how you use Discord so people understand the context when they see you in servers.

Update Over Time

Revisit your bio after major life events to keep it feeling fresh and current. Your sense of identity evolves so your profile should as well!

Utilize Formatting for Flair

Discord‘s "About Me" supports markdown formatting for added visual interest. Here are some options to try:

  • Italicize key words by surrounding text with asterisks *like this*
  • Bold terms with double asterisks **like this** to make them stand out
  • Create clickable links using [text](URL "link title") format
  • Separate sections with dashes — or asterisk dividers *** for better scannability

Example formatted About Me on Discord

Embed Images

You can even embed images to really catch the eye! Just paste any image URL on its own line. The thumbnail will appear at full width to showcase your visual style:

Embedded image example

Get creative with markdown touches tailored to how you want to represent yourself!

How the Discord "About Me" Compares to Other Social Site Bios

Curious how Discord‘s take on profile bios stacks up to other social platforms? Here‘s a quick comparison:

Site Character Limit Formatting Options Images Allowed
Discord 190 chars Markdown Thumbnail
Twitter 160 chars None No
Instagram 150 chars Basic tags No
Facebook No hard limit* Basic Photo + Story

Facebook suggests 2-4 well-written paragraphs

As you can see, Discord provides a happy medium in terms of length, customizability, and media integration options compared to sites like Twitter and Instagram. Take advantage!

FAQs About the Discord "About Me" Feature

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions around unlocking and using Discord‘s built-in profile bio section:

Do I Need Discord Nitro to Use the "About Me"?

Nope! Unlike server banner images and higher character limits available with a Discord Nitro subscription, the base 190 character "About Me" is free for all users.

Is There a Way to Have More Than 190 Characters?

Not at the moment. Discord may expand the limit in the future but for now 190 chars is the maximum, even with Nitro. Take it as a creative challenge or opportunity to be succinct!

Can I Access "About Me" on Mobile Too?

Absolutely! The Discord app for iOS and Android allows full user profile customization. Just tap your avatar > User Settings > User Profile.

So in summary – no matter what device you prefer, adding an "About Me" is a few simple taps away to start showing off the real you.

What If My "About Me" Doesn‘t Appear On My Profile?

Double check that you pressed Save Changes within your profile settings, otherwise your changes won‘t stick. If you definitely saved but still don‘t see it reflected on your profile, try force quitting and reopening the Discord app.

Take Your Profile to the Next Level with an "About Me"

I hope this guide offered everything you need to know to access, customize, and take full advantage of Discord‘s built-in "About Me" profile bio section!

To recap, key benefits include:

  • Showcasing your personality
  • Attracting likeminded connections
  • Boosting approachability and trust
  • Conveying how you use Discord
  • Enhancing personal brand and credibility

It only takes moments to set up your "About Me," but the payoff lasts each time someone visits your profile.

So tap into those user settings, get creative with markdown styling, embed a picture, and take your profile to the next level today!

Now people will understand who you are as soon as they meet you. Let your unique spirit shine!