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How to Disconnect Spotify From Discord

Have you ever noticed that "Listening to Spotify" status on your Discord profile revealing a bit too much about your musical tastes? As a social media expert, I‘ve helped countless users unlink Spotify activity updates they later thought better of sharing so publicly.

And if outgrowing the Spotify integration is sending you searching for a way to disconnect, you‘ve come to the right place. In this detailed guide, I‘ll provide every tip needed to sever ties for good.

Why You Might Want Spotify Gone

Before jumping straight to the how-to, it helps set the stage to understand why someone would want to remove Spotify in the first place.

Despite over 140 million global users finding community through Discord, even popular integrations sometimes end up doing more harm than good:

  • Privacy Concerns: Spotify statuses share listening activity with ALL mutual servers. For those valuing digital privacy rights, this data leakage often feels uncomfortably invasive.
  • Embarrassing Tastes: Your Discord friends may not truly appreciate your secret love for boy bands from the 90s.
  • Information Overload: Some users simply find constant status updates distracting or annoying after the novelty wears off.

Of course, the choice depends entirely on your comfort level. But for those seeking to eliminate Spotify status checks, either permanently or temporarily, this guide will unravel the intricacies of severing the tie.

Method #1: Full Disconnection

If completely blocking data transmission is your end goal, a full disconnect is required. Unlike simply hiding your status, this severs the backend sync allowing Spotify any access.

Step-by-Step Guide: Desktop

Follow these exact steps to initiate a full disconnect via the Discord desktop application:

  1. Click the gear icon by your profile to access User Settings
  2. Select "Connections" in the left sidebar
  3. Locate the Spotify connection
  4. Click the "X" icon to delete
  5. Confirm disconnection in the pop-up prompt

That‘s all it takes!

This fully revokes authorization and clears any lingering connections or cached credentials. You may need to restart your Discord client to see the change reflected immediately.

Method #2: Temporarily Hide Status

If completely unlinking Spotify feels too extreme, limiting visibility serves as the next best option…

Summing It All Up

Whether you value privacy, grew tired of the distraction, or simply changed your mind – gaining control over your listening statuses remains important.

So the next time that unwelcome "Listening to Spotify" indicator pops up, you‘ll know exactly how to show it the door for good. The power lies entirely in your hands.

Now get out there and rock whatever earworm track is your current guilty pleasure free from judgment! But do let me know in the comments if any aspect of banishing or freezing Spotify still remains unclear.