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How to Disable DMs (Direct Messages) on Instagram

Direct messaging (DM) on Instagram allows you to communicate privately with other users. It‘s a useful feature for having one-on-one conversations outside of public comments.

However, DMs can also become a nuisance if you get too many messages from people you don‘t know. The constant notifications and unwanted advances can be draining.

If your Instagram inbox is filled with message requests you didn‘t ask for, it‘s time to take control. Disabling DMs completely will stop any new requests from coming in.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn:

  • The pros and cons of disabling DMs on Instagram
  • A step-by-step tutorial for turning off DMs from people you don‘t follow or everyone
  • How to re-enable DMs after disabling them
  • Expert tips for managing your Instagram messaging

As a social media marketing guru with over 10 years of experience, I‘ll provide my unique insights to help you take charge of your Instagram inbox. Let‘s get started!

The Pros and Cons of Disabling Instagram DMs

Before diving into the how-to steps, let‘s weigh the potential upsides and downsides of disabling DMs. As with most Instagram features, turning off messaging has both advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Disabling DMs

  • Stops unwanted messages from strangers, spam accounts, etc. A 2018 study found 80% of Instagram users receive unsolicited DMs. Disabling requests prevents this nuisance.

  • Creates a barrier so you only talk to people you want to talk to. You can dictate who interacts with you rather than passive aggressively ignoring unwanted requests.

  • Frees up mental energy from dealing with too many DMs. The constant notifications can be distracting and overwhelming. Disabling requests helps you focus without message anxiety.

  • Gives you a break from messaging if you‘re feeling overwhelmed. We all need a social media timeout sometimes. Disabling DMs allows you to take one without deactivating your account.

Cons of Disabling DMs

  • Prevents opportunities to connect with new people. Some users DM mutually followed accounts to start meaningful conversations.

  • Stops potentially interesting conversations from happening. You never know if a request could lead to something special unless you open it.

  • You may miss DMs from friends or connections. Not everyone you know already follows you. Some may try to DM you first.

  • People may message you on other platforms instead. Disabling Instagram DMs won‘t stop determined users from contacting you elsewhere.

Now that you know the potential upsides and downsides, you can make an informed decision about whether disabling messages is right for you. The choice depends on your messaging preferences and tolerance for incoming requests.

Step-by-Step: How to Disable DMs on Instagram

If you‘re ready to turn off DMs, either from people you don‘t follow or everyone, here is a simple step-by-step walkthrough:

To Disable DMs from Non-Followers:

  1. Open your Instagram Profile
  2. Tap the 3 Line Menu in the upper right
  3. Choose Settings
  4. Select Privacy
  5. Tap Messages
  6. Under "Others on Instagram", choose Don‘t Receive Requests

This will stop any users who don‘t already follow you from sending a DM. People you follow or who follow you can still message you.

To Disable DMs from Everyone:

  1. Open your Instagram Profile
  2. Tap the 3 Line Menu in the upper right
  3. Select Settings
  4. Choose Privacy
  5. Tap Messages
  6. Under "Message Controls", select Don‘t Receive Requests for all categories:
    • Followers on Instagram
    • People You Follow on Instagram
    • Others on Instagram

This blocks DMs from any user trying to message you for the first time. You won‘t get any new DM requests from anyone.

And that‘s it! The process takes less than a minute. Toggling off DMs is simple when you know where to look in the app settings.

Now let‘s go over how to turn messaging back on when you‘re ready.

Enabling DMs Again After Disabling

Did you turn off DMs but now want to reactivate messaging? Just reverse the steps!

Here‘s how to start receiving DM requests again:

  1. Open your Profile and tap the 3 Line Menu
  2. Choose Settings
  3. Select Privacy
  4. Tap Messages
  5. For each category under "Message Controls", switch from Don‘t Receive Requests to Receive Message Requests

Once you save the settings, DMs will be turned on again. Users will be able to send you new message requests that will show up in your inbox.

The ability to toggle DMs on and off is useful if you just need a temporary break from messaging. You can always enable it again later.

Expert Tips for Managing Your Instagram Messages

As a social media marketing expert who manages multiple Instagram profiles, here are my top tips for keeping your inbox under control:

  • Sort through your message requests regularly. Don‘t let them pile up to an overwhelming number. Checking and clearing requests weekly helps you stay on top of it.

  • Change your settings to filter unwanted requests. Use the steps above to disable DMs from people you don‘t follow or know. Only get requests from approved followers.

  • Reply to messages thoughtfully. If you do open a request, respond sincerely or not at all. Don‘t leave people hanging for weeks.

  • Set boundaries. Make your messaging availability clear. Use features like auto-replies to manage expectations about response times.

  • Don‘t be afraid to block or report. Don‘t tolerate bullying, harassment, or abuse via DMs. Block and report bad actors immediately.

  • Take breaks when needed. Temporarily disabling DMs for a 1-2 week social media cleanse can work wonders.

  • redirects unwanted requesters to other methods of contact. Kindly tell persistent DMers to email you instead of continuing to message.

Prioritizing your mental health and messaging preferences is key. Hopefully these tips help you take control of your Instagram inbox. Don‘t hesitate to disable DMs if you need relief.

Take Control of Your Instagram Inbox

Nobody should have to put up with constant, unwanted DMs if they don‘t want to. Disabling messaging requests allows you to dictate your Instagram experience.

Now that you know how to turn off DMs, both from non-followers and everyone, you have the power to manage your inbox. If you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed by notifications and messages, just flip the switch.

While disabling DMs can limit social opportunities, for some users, the benefits outweigh the costs. Do what feels right for your needs and boundaries.

Hopefully this guide gave you clarity on how to disable direct messages on Instagram. Take advantage of the settings to curate an Instagram experience that makes you comfortable. Don‘t hesitate to turn off DMs if that‘s what you need to take control of your inbox.