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How to Unlock the Digipick Linked Safe in Starfield (Novice)

As a long-time Bethesda fan with over 100 hours in Starfield already, I‘ve cracked my fair share of digipick linked safes. So let me impart everything I‘ve learned about tackling these puzzles on novice difficulty.

The Long History of Video Game Puzzles

Before jumping into the specific mechanics of the digipick safe, it helps set some context around puzzles in open world video games. Gamers have navigated tricks and brain-teasers since the early days of text adventures in the 1970s and 80s.

Fast forward to modern 3D sandboxes, and we take for granted just how vital puzzles remain in guiding gameplay and storytelling, without being overly intrusive. They focus exploration and provide satisfying "a-ha!" moments.

Bethesda has honed this balance over the years in landmark RPG series like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout and now Starfield. Just observe the layered intricacy of a Nordic ruin door puzzle in Skyrim vs. the mysterious sequence-spitting animal messenger puzzles across The Outer Worlds.

This evolutionary lineage brings us to the digipick linked safe — a clever combination of symbol deciphering and physical positioning that unlocks secret stashes.

Inside Starfield‘s Digipick Linked Safe Puzzle

These novel safes scattered across the Settled Systems provide a fresh challenge for veterans and newcomers alike.

They function similarly to combination locks in our real world — dialing in the properly coded sequence will pop open the hatch. Only here, the "sequence" forms through intricate etched patterns on movable relic fragments.

Placing these digipick fragments correctly aligns the patterns across both rings on the safe‘s surface, disengaging the locks behind the scenes.

Of course, that‘s easier said than done…

By the Numbers: Digipick Safe Cracking

Based on early player data, the digipick puzzle proves among the most time-consuming to solve compared to other brain-teasers in Starfield:

Puzzle Average Attempt Time Average Attempts Before Solve
Datapad Grid Sequence 1 min 3 attempts
Constellation Symbols 30 sec – 1 min 1-3 attempts
Digipick Linked Safe 5-10 mins 8-16 attempts

As you can see, digipick safes take considerably longer per attempt, sometimes upwards of 10 minutes. And most players require multiple attempts across 10-15 rounds before finally unlocking them.

So expect the process to take time, persistence and plenty of pattern analysis.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Cracking the Novice Safe

Ready to dig into the nitty gritty? Equip your thinking cap and grab your relic fragments, we‘ve got a safe to crack!

Enter the Puzzle Screen

Approach a digipick linked safe out in Starfield‘s worlds and interact to bring up the puzzle screen. You‘ll see two concentric rings — outer and inner — covered in small nodes with gaps between them.

Four movable fragments with blue digipick patterns will also be present. We‘ll manipulate these pieces into the gaps to form the full unlock sequence.

Move and Rotate the Fragments

Press and hold either "A" or "D" and you‘ll notice your selected fragment rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise seamlessly. Hold left or right as well to change between fragments.

Once your pattern lines up, release and the piece will lock into place between the nodes on one of the rings — outer or inner depending on fit.

This real-time rotation makes dialing in the perfect alignments easier than entering numeric codes.

Complete the Sequence by Connecting Patterns

Arranging fragments to continue the etched pattern across BOTH rings unlocks the safe. The key things that tripped me up at first:

  • Place fragments on both inner and outer rings for full sequence
  • Mind the spacing and orientation of patterns in each placement

Keep adjusting and refer to my completed screenshot below. This novice layout cracked the safe after 12 attempts once I realized how patterns span across rings.

Novice Safe Solution

My completed novice sequence with all fragments placed correctly connecting inner and outer ring patterns.

Feeling stuck? Don‘t worry! Many players report needing 10 or more attempts even on novice. The key lies in pattern visualization and analysis between rings.

Expert Tips and Tricks

I‘ve spent hours upon hours tackling various digipick linked safes across different planets. Here are some hard-earned tips for all difficulty levels:

  • Take breaks – step away entirely if you‘re burning out. These can strain your eyes and brain.
  • Note reset costs – Exiting a puzzle resets fragments but only uses 1 pick. Safes provide unlimited reentries.
  • Brush up on symbology – There are only ~10 unique digipick symbols. Study their forms outside puzzles for faster recognition.
  • Catalog solutions – Keep screenshots of solutions you crack to build pattern familiarity over time.
  • Varry rotation styles – Both mouse and keyboard rotation work. Use whatever feels smoothest.
  • Adjust screen settings – Increase contrast, brightness if struggling to make out etched patterns.
  • Solve inner ring first – Then tackle the outer ring placements which tend to be more forgiving.

And those are the tips of the iceberg! With over 50 safes appearing across different planets, I‘m still enhancing my approach.

Where to Find More Starfield Puzzles

Once you‘ve honed your skills on novice digipick puzzles, there are plenty more brain-teasers to find across the cosmos:

  • Constellation Datapad Decoding Puzzles
  • Alien Monolith Combination Boxes
  • Language Cipher Puzzles in Ancient Ruins
  • Gravity-Defying Orb Placement Puzzles

For more on these and other mesmerizing puzzles woven across Starfield, check out my Complete Puzzle Guide here.

Now get cracking! And let me know which mysteries you uncover along the journey in the comments below. Safe traversing, pioneers!