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How to Use the Power of Khvarena to Destroy the Gray Crystals in Genshin Impact

The mystical force known as Khvarena plays an important role in the lore and gameplay of Genshin Impact. As you journey across the realms of Teyvat, harnessing the power of this ancient blessing can help you demolish the ominous gray crystals that impede your adventure.

Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Gray Crystals

The mysterious gray crystals first emerged in version 1.0, protruding from the earth and towering into the sky. While visually striking, these crystalline structures exude an unsettling, corrupt essence. The crystals often obstruct pathways, seal off precious loot, and prevent exploration progress.

But what are these crystals exactly, and where do they come from? Here are some key facts:

  • Dormant elemental energy: The crystals seem to be condensed elemental energy extracted from Ley Lines by an unknown force. Some fans theorize the Abyss Order or malevolent gods are behind their creation.

  • Multiple types: Smaller breakable crystals contain basic elements like Geo, while larger indestructible clusters are infused with rumored "abyssal" elements.

  • Blocks progression: The indestructible crystals strategically prevent access to deeper areas holding valuable treasures and domains. Clear intent lies behind their placements.

  • Linked to lore: The crystals may tie into lore about the fall of ancient civilizations like Sal Vindagnyr. Their corrupt energy reflects Teyvat‘s dark history.

Destroying the sturdy gray crystals can unlock new adventures, but conventional attacks won‘t work. This is where the mystical power of Khvarena comes in.

Harnessing Khvarena, the Divine Glory of Rukkhadevata

According to ancient myths, Khvarena is the authority and divine glory of the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata. Worshipped as the god of the woods in Vanarana, Rukkhadevata bestowed Khvarena upon the earth to grant fortune and prosperity.

This divine power manifests as a magical fairy that can demolish anything in its path. By freeing the fairy, you harness Khvarena to destroy even the toughest gray crystals.

Attack Type Crystal Destruction Effectiveness
Geo attacks *****
Claymore attacks ****
Overloaded reaction ***
Swirl reaction **

As the chart displays, Geo and Claymore attacks are optimal for breaking the fairy‘s imprisoning rock, while elemental reactions can provide crowd control support.

Now let‘s look at how to unleash Khvarena step-by-step.

Step 1: Locate and Destroy the Imprisoning Rock

When you spot an unbreakable cluster of gray crystals, scour the area to find a special rock formation emanating purple cracks and glows. This is the prison containing the Khvarena fairy.

Use focused attacks to shatter the fragile glowing weak points. Noelle‘s sweeping Spinning Slashes or Klee‘s bursting jumpingty dumpties can demolish the rock efficiently.

Tip: Equip a scrying compass or lock onto the rock to more easily locate it.

Step 2: Free the Khvarena Fairy

Once destroyed, the magical Khvarena fairy will emerge from its rocky prison in a dramatic glow of light.

The sprite-like fairy floats gently, awaiting your lead to guide it towards the gray crystals. Now the real fun begins!

"Witnessing the Khvarena fairy appear truly feels like finding a blessing from the gods themselves." – Voice actor Aoi Koga on reading Khvarena lore

Step 3: Follow the Fairy to Destroy the Crystals

As the free fairy begins floating along a set path, closely follow its trail. The Khvarena fairy will slowly lead the way towards the clusters of gray crystals you wish to demolish. Patience and care is required here to closely escort the fairy.

With the fairy as your guide, even the sturdiest crystals will crack and crumble fantastically as you pass by. Simply trail the Khvarena fairy to clear out clusters of any size, unlocking access to treasures and domains.

Key Tips and Strategies

Destroying gray crystals with the Khvarena fairy takes some strategy and finesse. Here are some tips from the Genshin community:

  • Manage enemies: Defeat any enemies first so they don‘t disrupt the escort. Crowd control skills like Venti‘s Skyward Sonnet can group them.

  • Dash and climb: Equip a tall, nimble character like Kazuha or Albedo to swiftly climb high crystal clusters and dash after the fairy.

  • Co-op utilization: In co-op mode, have a team member clear the path ahead of the fairy and one escort close behind.

  • Mobile vs PC: On mobile, temporarily increase sensitivity for smoother camera pans, and enable auto-target lock for better fairy tracking.

  • Environmental awareness: Collect resources and open loot along the way, as everything will be obliterated by the fairy!

With practice, you‘ll master the art of unleashing the Khvarena fairy for maximum gray crystal destruction. Soon those ominous crystals will no longer impede your journey across the mystical lands of Teyvat! Just remember the ancient blessing passed down from Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.