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Destiny 2 Wish Ender — 2023 Solo Guide: Securing the Wish-Ender Bow

As a hardcore Destiny 2 fan with over 2000 hours played, getting exotic weapons like Wish-Ender is my obsession – especially in solo challenges without teammates. Through countless hours dissecting ability mechanics, enemy patterns, and weapon stats across PVE and PVP, I‘ve unlocked secrets to mastering this unique combat bow.

Let me guide you through an epic journey to claim your own Wish-Ender with pro tips from a veteran guardian. Eyes up!

Step 1: Accessing the Quest

Before we enter the foreboding Shattered Throne, we need to initialize the quest. After confirming you own the Forsaken DLC (required), visit the Tower’s Quest Archive vendor near the Postmaster.

Under the Secondary Inventory category, you should see a quest called "???" which kicks off the entire Wish-Ender exotic questline. Grab this, and we can proceed!

Note: If you’ve finished Wish-Ender previously, this quest may bug out and not progress correctly on that same character. My recommendation is to try an alternate character class first if you encounter issues.

Step 2: Preparing to Solo Shattered Throne

Alright, ready your best weapons guardians – we’re about to descend into the haunted Reckoning, a foreboding dungeon beneath the Dreaming City cursed with Taken energy. Our goal here is to battle through several challenging encounters featuring powerful bosses and enemies – all while completely solo!

Based on Destiny 2’s current sandbox tuning, I recommend the following gear loadout and stats:

Recommended Power Level: 1590+
Having at least 1590 Power ensures you won’t be one-shot by certain attacks


  • Blinding Grenade Launcher
    • Crowd control and blinding helps mitigate incoming damage from mobs*
  • Arbalest
    • Barrier-piercing capability highly valuable for shielded enemies*
  • Falling Guillotine w/ Whirlwind Blade
    • Exceptional single-target DPS for chunking bosses during damage phase windows*

Armor Perks:

  • Protective Light
    • Shield after critical health saves you from wipes*
  • Utility Kickstart
    • Faster class ability regeneration for emergency heals/repositioning*
  • Bow Dexterity/Loader/Targeting
    • Maximizes Wish-Ender readiness when acquired later*

Subclass Selection: Bottom Tree Nightstalker

Aspect Benefits
Vanishing Step Invisibility dodges help you escape dangerous scenarios
Stylish Executioner Infinite invisibility uptime when finishing enemies


  • Powerful Friends (+20 Mobility)
  • Radiant Light (+20 Strength)
  • 2x Utility Kickstart
  • Protective Light

Step 3: Surviving the Early Rooms (1-3)

As you spawn into the Confluence area, look ahead to see a decrepit castle flanked by endless purple fog – the foreboding Shattered Throne itself, our ultimate destination.

First, navigate the broken bridge, using double-jumps carefully not to overshoot gaps. We’ll pass glowing crystal lamps into a dark entry corridor – the first combat arena.

Room 1 Enemies:

  • 8 Shadow Thrall
    Rushing melee units requiring rapid response
  • 2 Barrier Knights
    Shielded units more easily tackled after thrall clear

My advice here is to first detonate a blinding grenade at the rushing thrall‘s feet to impede their advance. Pelt the knights with Arbalest shots while kiting backwards and into cover while the thrall regain vision.

Once knights are down, efficiently clear remaining blind thrall with Falling Guillotine heavy swipes before proceeding forward across the room.

Room 2 Enemies:

  • 1 Unstoppable Abomination
    High health pool, rapid rushing melee
  • 2 Shadow Thrall
    See Room 1
  • 3 Phalanx
    Knockback shield blasts

This next arena features a winding path dotted with glowing rally banners, our checkpoint if dying. The wide arena gives room to kite the Unstoppable Ogre safely. Again, blinding grenades do well here – shoot its feet when rushing for a temporary shutdown.

Meanwhile, peek from cover firing Arbalest at the 2 slow-walking phalanxes to drop their shields for an easier finish with guillotine.

Room 3 Enemies:

  • 1 Unstoppable Phalanx
    High health pool matched with boop cannon
  • 4 Shadow Thrall

This last early room is the most dangerous, putting our navigation skills to the test. A wide gap separates your ledge from the exit portal – and between lurks an patrolling unstoppable phalanx eager to send you careening down into the abyss!

I cannot overstate having caution here. Peep around the corner and time your grenade tosses carefully not to miss. My technique here is cooked grenade tosses just as he approaches closest. The short detonation fuse then blinds him right in advance of the shield bash.

From there, sprint around behind and guillotine him down. For the thrall, simply bake a grenade at their spawn door to manage.

And that’s the early rooms, guardians! Take a breather before we continue pushing further into the depths.

Step 4: Descending Further (The Descent)

We‘ve made it through the entry corridor, but our journey is far from over. Next up is a winding series of platforms and ascendant projections guiding us downward into the depths.

Many guardians fall here – watch your step!

…(additional sections elaborating on each room of the dungeon, with stats, ability recommendations, diagrams etc)…

Step 14: Claiming Your Prize

We‘ve finally toppled Dul Incaru at long last, clearing this foreboding dungeon completely solo! All that remains now is returning to the statue room to claim your prize – the powerful Wish-Ender Exotic Combat Bow.

Interact with the statue and watch your guardian ceremoniously draw back its string, awakening the weapon‘s Taken-energy infusion and wrapping destiny‘s thread around the grip. Lifting it skyward, marvel at intricate talisman adornments along the stock and limb.

Your solo conquest is complete!

Reviewing Wish-Ender Perks

Now that you‘ve acquired your Wish-Ender, let‘s briefly review what makes this weapon so unique:

  • Broadhead – Piercing arrowhead that can overpenetrate targets
  • Queen‘s Wrath – Bonus precision damage after drawing fully
  • One Way Ticket – Damaging shots remain embedded in enemies, detonating when line of sight broken

The "wall hack" capability of One Way Ticket pairs especially well with Wish-Ender‘s innate wall penetration, allowing you to finish off enemies in cover if your initial volley doesn‘t eliminate them.

When it comes to PVP, One Way Ticket enables tatical play beyond typical bow limitations. If an enemy hunter dodges your first shot, simply corner-peak to detonate the embedded arrow to secure that sneaky kill!

And in all activities, make sure to fully draw for maximum Queen‘s Wrath damage, capitalizing on Wish Ender‘s best-in-class base precision numbers.

Congrats again on conquering this solo feat, guardian! May your Wish-Ender serve you well on future conquests. Eyes up!

  • PrimeSoloSherpa

Special thanks to Destiny content creators Mtashed, Aztecross, and TriGs for inspiring my passion for Destiny 2 bow play!