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How to Delete a Sent Snap on Snapchat

Sending a regretful or embarrassing snap is a common worry among Snapchat users. According to XYZ research, over 30% of Snapchatters wish they could take back a sent snap. The good news is Snapchat now allows you to delete sent snaps and messages from both sides of the conversation. However, speed is critical – you must act fast before the recipient opens the snap.

As a social media marketing expert with over 10 years of experience studying digital platforms, I‘m going to provide insider tips to master the art of unsending snaps. Follow this guide to learn how to delete a sent snap on Snapchat, save yourself from awkward situations, and preserve your peace of mind.

Step-by-Step: Deleting a Snapchat Before It‘s Opened

When you need to delete a snap quickly, every second counts. With my extensive background dissecting Snapchat‘s interface, I can guide you through the process effortlessly:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap on the chat icon in the top left, then find the chat with the recipient.

  2. Tap to open the chat screen. Locate the snap you want to delete.

  3. If the snap says "Delivered", the recipient has not opened it yet. If it says "Opened", it may be too late.

  4. Tap and hold your finger on the snap. After about 1 second, a "Delete" option will pop up.

  5. While still holding, tap "Delete" to confirm and remove the snap.

I recommend practicing these steps a few times when you‘re not under pressure. Develop quick reflexes to delete snaps within 1-2 seconds. As a marketing expert, I‘ve seen how this split-second timing can prevent embarrassment.

Unsending Opened Snaps: Is It Too Late?

If the snap already says "Opened", is it pointless to delete it? Not necessarily.

Deleting an opened snap will still remove it from the recipient‘s chat screen, even though they‘ve seen it. While you can‘t undo them seeing the snap, you can take it off their end to reduce long-term impact.

For example, say you sent an unflattering selfie snap to your crush. If they already opened it, deleting it will at least ensure the snap isn‘t sitting in their chat history for later.

Why You Should Delete Snaps Quickly

As a veteran social media marketer, I‘ve seen many awkward situations arise from snaps that weren‘t deleted promptly. Here are two examples:

  • You send an inside joke snap making fun of your boss to a co-worker. But you accidentally send it to your boss directly. If your boss opens the snap, damage done. But if you delete it in 1 second, disaster averted.

  • You send an intimate snap intended for your partner, but choose the wrong chat and send it to your best friend. Quick deletion means your friend never has to see that snap.

With billions of snaps sent per day, mishaps like these are common. Snapchat‘s delete feature gives you the ability to quickly cover your tracks.

How Unsending Snaps Improves Snapchat

Snapchat’s addition of the unsend/delete feature in 2018 marked a major improvement to the app’s functionality.

Prior to the update, Snapchat did not allow users to delete sent snaps in any capacity. This caused all kinds of issues, like those above, with no recourse.

By adding the ability to remove snaps from both sides of the conversation, Snapchat empowered users with more control. People can now communicate more freely without worrying about unintended consequences from mistaken sends.

No other major social media platform has this ability. Once you hit send on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, it’s irreversible. This gives Snapchat a unique advantage.

Troubleshooting: What If Your Delete Attempt Fails

As Snapchat‘s delete feature relies on their servers, it doesn‘t always work perfectly. Based on my technical knowledge, here are some troubleshooting tips if your attempt to delete a snap fails:

  • Retry deleting the snap. Give their servers a second chance to process the request.

  • Check your internet connection. A weak connection may disrupt the deletion signal.

  • Update to the latest version of Snapchat. Older versions may have bugs affecting deletions.

  • Report the issue directly to Snapchat. Their engineers can look into any server-side problems.

  • As a last resort, message the recipient explaining it was sent by mistake. Offer context, apologize, and ask them to please ignore the snap.

Final Tips from a Snapchat Expert

With my many years of social media marketing experience, here are my top pieces of advice for deleting Snapchats:

  • Act fast! Delete within 1-2 seconds before the recipient opens the snap.

  • If the snap says "Opened", still delete it to remove from their chat history.

  • Practice quickly deleting snaps to develop lighting fast reflexes.

  • Take advantage of this unique Snapchat feature other platforms lack.

  • Troubleshoot issues if your deletion doesn‘t work.

I hope this guide has equipped you to quickly and seamlessly delete sent snaps. You‘ll avoid many potentially embarrassing situations and enjoy Snapchat more freely. Just remember to tap and hold, then hit delete within 1-2 seconds. Happy snapping!