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How to Delete Your OnlyFans Account

OnlyFans exploded onto the social media scene in 2016 and has quickly become one of the premier platforms for creators to monetize exclusive content. However, as an experienced social media marketing expert, I‘ve worked with many OnlyFans creators who have decided they eventually want to delete their OnlyFans account entirely.

Deleting your OnlyFans account is not as simple as other platforms. The option is purposefully hidden deep in your account settings. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll leverage my expertise to walk you through how to permanently delete your OnlyFans account and address common questions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Your OnlyFans Account

Many creators feel anxious about deleting their OnlyFans account. They worry about letting down subscribers or losing access to hard-earned money and data.

Based on my experience, following this step-by-step process will allow you to smoothly delete your OnlyFans account:

Access Your Account Settings

The first step is accessing your OnlyFans account settings, which is where the account deletion option lies hidden.

  • On the OnlyFans website or mobile app, tap the profile icon on the bottom navigation bar. This opens your account menu.
  • Select "Settings" from the menu which will open your account settings page.

Navigate to Your Account Page

Once in your settings, you need to navigate to the Account page.

  • On the left sidebar, select the "Account" tab.
  • This page manages all your account details, security, connected accounts, etc.

Locate the Delete Account Option

Now comes the tricky part – finding the hidden "Delete Account" option.

  • Scroll down to the very bottom of the Account page settings.
  • Under "Account Management", you‘ll find the delete account option.

Pro Tip: If you can‘t find the delete option, try accessing your account on a different device like mobile or desktop.

Enter the Account Deletion Verification Code

As a security measure, OnlyFans will send a verification code to your email to confirm you want to delete your account.

  • Check your email inbox for the 6-digit verification code.
  • Accurately enter the code into the prompted field.
  • You can request a new code if needed via the "reload code" link.

Confirm Account Deletion

This is your last chance to back out before permanently deleting your OnlyFans account.

  • If you‘re fully committed, click the red "Delete Account" button after entering the correct verification code.
  • Your OnlyFans account will then be immediately and irreversibly deleted.

Once completed, you‘ll receive a final confirmation email that your account deletion went through successfully. With that, your OnlyFans account is permanently gone.

What Happens When Your OnlyFans Account is Deleted?

Permanently deleting your OnlyFans account completely removes your presence and data from their platform. Here‘s precisely what happens:

  • Account Wiped – All account details, content, messages, and materials are erased from OnlyFans servers. This cannot be recovered.

  • Subscriptions Cancelled – Any active subscriber subscriptions associated with your account are automatically disabled and canceled.

  • No More Charges – Your saved payment information is deleted so you will not get charged for any future subscription renewals.

  • Loss of Verified Badge – If you were OnlyFans verified, you‘ll lose the verified status and badge when your account is deleted.

  • Subscribers Lose Access – Your subscribers will no longer be able to view any past content or interact with your account. Make sure to warn them.

  • Creators Lose Data – You‘ll lose access to subscriber lists, messages, and materials. I advise creators to download anything they want to keep beforehand.

According to OnlyFans support docs, account deletion is meant to be permanent and irrecoverable. Proceed with caution before clicking that "Delete Account" button.

OnlyFans Account Deletion Timeline

With zero active subscribers, your OnlyFans account will be deleted instantly after entering the verification code and selecting “Delete Account”. No waiting period.

However, the timeline is different if you currently have active paying subscribers:

  • OnlyFans will not allow full account deletion until those active subscriptions naturally expire over time.

  • This serves to protect your subscribers‘ paid access to your content during their subscription period.

  • Once all active subscriptions end, OnlyFans will then delete your account. This could take days or weeks depending on renewal dates.

According to OnlyFans, creators cannot manually delete their account when subscribers are active. As a workaround, creators can message subscribers informing them of the upcoming account deletion so subscribers can begin downloading content they want to save and cancel any renewals. This can help speed up the account deletion process.

Will You Get Charged After Deleting OnlyFans Account?

A common concern is getting unexpectedly charged even after deleting your OnlyFans account.

The good news is you will not get charged any additional fees after successfully deleting your OnlyFans account according to their FAQ:

  • When your account is deleted, your saved payment information is also permanently erased from OnlyFans servers.

  • With your payment details removed, any upcoming subscription renewals associated with your deleted account will fail and not go through.

However, I still recommend creators manually cancel any active subscriptions themselves before deleting their account. This guarantees no surprise renewal charges slip through.

Can You Remake a Deleted OnlyFans Account?

Fortunately, it is possible to recreate a brand new OnlyFans account even if you previously deleted your old one.

According to OnlyFans customer service, you‘ll be able to sign up for a new account using the same (or different) email, social media account, etc. as your prior deleted account.

After signing up, just confirm your email to regain access to OnlyFans. Do keep in mind that your old subscriber list and content will not carry over to your new account. You start fresh.

Do You Get a Refund After Deleting OnlyFans?

Unfortunately, you will not get any type of monetary refund after deleting your OnlyFans account according to their Terms of Service:

For Subscribers

  • Any subscriber charges or subscriptions made before deleting your account are non-refundable.

  • This includes partial months after cancellation. OnlyFans will retain fees paid to date.

For Creators

  • You will not receive payouts for any remaining subscription revenue once your account is deleted.

  • OnlyFans will hold onto any unpaid earnings not withdrawn when your account was closed.

I strongly advise creators withdraw any available account earnings before deleting OnlyFans so they aren‘t forfeited.

5 Pro Tips When Deleting Your OnlyFans

Drawing from my experience in social media marketing, follow these pro tips when deleting your OnlyFans account:

1. Download Content You Want to Keep

  • Before deleting, download any content, messages, materials, or data you may want future access to.

  • You lose access after account deletion.

2. Warn Your Subscribers

  • Let your subscribers know you’ll be deleting your account so they can download content.

  • Recommend they cancel renewals to avoid being charged in the future.

3. Cancel Active Subscriptions

  • Manually cancel any active subscriptions to avoid surprise charges down the line.

4. Withdraw Earnings

  • Be sure to withdraw any available earnings from your account balance before deletion.

5. Try Different Devices

  • If you can‘t find the delete option, try accessing your account settings on another device like mobile or desktop.

Should You Delete Your OnlyFans Account?

Deciding whether to delete your OnlyFans account is an incredibly personal decision that depends on your specific situation and goals. There are valid reasons both for keeping and deleting an account.

Potential Reasons to Delete Your OnlyFans Account

  • You feel you‘ve outgrown the platform or want to move on to other ventures.
  • You‘re seeking to protect your privacy and permanently remove content.
  • You want to revamp your brand with a fresh start on a new OnlyFans account.
  • You need to delete due to safety, relationship, career, or other personal reasons.

Potential Reasons to Keep Your OnlyFans Account

  • You still have a passion for creating content and engaging your subscriber community.
  • You want to maximize revenue from your existing subscribers and content.
  • You hope to regain motivation after a break and don‘t want to lose progress.
  • You feel loyal to your fans who have supported your OnlyFans career.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal circumstance. There is no universally right or wrong answer; it‘s what feels aligned with your goals and values.

If deleting your account feels right for you at this stage, use the steps in this guide to smoothly and permanently delete your OnlyFans account.

In Closing

I hope this comprehensive OnlyFans account deletion guide from a social media marketing perspective provides clarity and value.

Deleting your OnlyFans account is a major decision – be 100% confident before proceeding as the process is irreversible. Take time to download anything you want to retain and inform your subscribers beforehand.

While OnlyFans makes account deletion challenging, know it is possible if you use the right settings and steps. Feel free to reach out if you have any other OnlyFans account questions!