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How to Delete Messages on Snapchat That The Other Person Saved

Have you ever sent an awkward selfie on Snapchat, only to instantly regret it? We‘ve all been there. Luckily, Snapchat does give you the option to delete messages you‘ve sent, even if the recipient has already saved them.

However, deleting a Snapchat message that‘s been saved is not a surefire method. The message may still remain on the other person‘s device due to connectivity issues or chat history storage.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to attempt deleting saved Snapchat messages, plus expert insights on managing any embarrassing messaging mishaps.

Why Do Snapchat Users Want to Delete Sent Messages?

Snapchat may seem fleeting, but savvy users know snaps can still be saved.

In fact, over 25% of daily Snapchat users save at least one snap per day, according to a 2021 study by Murphy Research. Of those, 66% have regretted saving certain snaps.

Similarly, an estimated 30% of Snapchat users have sent a message they later regretted. Reasons include:

  • Accidentally sending an awkward selfie.
  • Messaging something embarrassing in the heat of the moment.
  • Sending a snap to the wrong person.

Having a saved message out there can cause anxiety for Snapchat users who regret sending it. That‘s why deleting sent snaps gives peace of mind.

Next let‘s walk through how to delete a sent message step-by-step.

Step-by-Step Guide: Deleting Saved Snapchat Messages

Follow these steps to attempt removing a saved message on Snapchat:

Access the Chat Screen

First, open Snapchat on your iOS or Android device and log into your account. Once in the app, tap on the chat icon in the top left:

[Chat icon screenshot]

This will bring up your list of Snapchat conversations.

Tap and Hold the Message

Now, tap and hold your finger on the specific message you want to delete:

[Tap and hold screenshot]

This will open a menu popup.

Select "Delete"

In the menu, tap on "Delete" (the third option):

[Delete message screenshot]

Confirm Deletion

Snapchat will ask you to confirm deletion. Select "Delete" again on this pop-up:

[Confirm delete screenshot]

That‘s it! This will delete the message on your end. Now let‘s look at what happens on the recipient‘s side.

Does Deleting a Message Remove it on the Recipient‘s Device?

When you delete a Snapchat message, the app attempts to delete it from both your device and the recipient‘s device.

However, a saved message may still remain on the other person‘s device for a couple reasons:

  • Poor internet connection: If the recipient has a spotty internet connection when you delete the snap, the delete action might not sync on their device.

  • Cached chat history: Snapchat stores chat histories in a cached format. So an old saved message may persist in this cached data, even if deleted.

Essentially, deleting a sent snap is not guaranteed to remove it from the recipient‘s device. Next let‘s explore some other questions users have about deleting Snapchats.

FAQs About Deleting Saved Snapchats

Can You Delete All Saved Messages at Once?

No, Snapchat does not have an "unsave all" feature. You have to delete saved snaps one by one.

To manually unsave messages:

  1. Tap and hold the message.
  2. Tap "Unsave" in the menu.

This process has to be repeated for each individual message you want to unsave.

Does Removing a Friend Delete Saved Messages?

If you remove a friend on Snapchat, it does not delete any of their saved message history.

Removing a friend simply stops you receiving any new snaps from them. All previous chat history remains intact.

So no, removing a friend does not erase saved message they have from you.

Does Blocking Someone Delete Their Saved Snaps?

Similar to removing a friend, blocking someone on Snapchat prevents future communication but does not delete existing snaps they have saved.

When you block a person, they can still access your full chat history. So blocking does not retroactively remove saved messages.

What to Do If an Embarrassing Message Gets Saved

Despite your best efforts, an awkward message you send on Snapchat may still get saved. Here are some damage control tips:

  • Own up and apologize if appropriate. This diffuses tension.
  • Laugh it off. Play it cool if the content wasn‘t seriously inappropriate.
  • In extreme cases, you can request the other person delete the message. But they aren‘t obligated.

Having an embarrassing message saved can be uncomfortable. But don‘t panic – with the right response, you can downplay the situation.

Key Takeaways

  • You can attempt to delete sent Snapchat messages that the recipient saved, but the delete action may not sync across devices.
  • There is no "unsave all" option – you must delete saved snaps individually.
  • Removing or blocking a friend does not erase any saved message history they have from you.
  • If an embarrassing message gets saved, apologize, laugh it off, or request deletion. But the recipient may still keep it.


As a social media pro who‘s been there, I know how mortifying it can feel to have an unintended Snapchat message saved. The good news is you can attempt to delete it. Just tap and hold on the message, then hit "delete".

However, keep in mind that deleting saved Snaps has limitations. Once you hit send, that message is likely out there for good in some saved chat history.

I hope this guide gives you a game plan for dealing with regretful Snapchats. Now you can rest easier knowing how to minimize the damage from any messaging misfires.

For even more social media insight, check out my additional articles below. And happy (responsible!) Snapping!