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How to Delete Your Genshin Impact Account: A Comprehensive 2022 Guide

As an avid Genshin Impact player with over 2000 hours invested, I understand the complex love-hate relationship we develop with the endless grind of artifact farming and abyss clearing.

There comes a point when we need a clean break from Teyvat – a chance to permanently delete our accounts and get a fresh start. However, account deletion is irreversible and should not be taken lightly.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share my insider tips as a gaming industry analyst on how to safely delete your Genshin Impact account.

Should You Delete Your Genshin Impact Account?

Before starting the account deletion process, introspect why you wish to take this drastic step. Here are some common reasons players look to delete their accounts:

You feel addicted and want to quit completely: Genshin Impact is deliberately designed to trigger dopamine responses and encourage addictive behavior. If it is negatively impacting your life, deleting your account might be the wake-up call you need.

Starting fresh after a long break: Returning after 6+ months feels overwhelming. Wiping the slate clean and starting over can rekindle the joy of exploring Teyvat.

Rerolling for a new main: Dissatisfied with your pulls and progress? Deleting your account will let you reroll more easily for your dream character.

Fixing account issues: Deletion can be an option if you are facing unresolvable account bugs, hacks or bans.

Taking a permanent break: Are you bored of the repetitive grind? Deleting your account makes it harder to relapse if you lack self-control.

But don‘t rush into account deletion in a moment of frustration. Consider if you may change your mind later – this action is irreversible. Analyze the pros and cons carefully beforehand.

Overview of the Account Deletion Process

Here is a quick summary of how account deletion works in Genshin Impact as of Version 3.3:

  • Deletion permanently erases all account data. Characters, weapons, artifacts – everything will be wiped out.

  • You need to wait 30 days after requesting deletion before your account is removed.

  • Items bought with real money like Primogems are not refunded.

  • After 30 days, your account will automatically be deleted if you don‘t cancel the request.

  • You can directly request account deletion from in-game Account Settings.

Let‘s look at the step-by-step process now.

Step-by-Step Guide to Delete Your Account

Follow these steps to permanently erase your Genshin Impact account:

Step 1: Log Into Your Account

First, log into your account in-game or via the miHoYo website.

To log in via the game:

  • Launch Genshin Impact on your device.
  • Tap the profile icon -> Account -> Log in

To log in via miHoYo site:

Tip: Take screenshots of your characters and stats for memories before deletion.

Step 2: Navigate to Account Settings

Once logged in, access the account settings menu:

Via in-game:

  • Tap profile picture -> Account -> Account Settings

Via miHoYo site:

  • Click "Account Settings" in the left sidebar

Step 3: Select Delete Account

Scroll down and click on the "Delete Account" option at the bottom of the Account Settings menu.

Delete account option in Genshin Impact

Step 4: Verify Your Identity

You will need to verify your identity via email or phone verification code:

  • Email: Enter 6-digit code sent to your registered email.

  • Phone: Enter 6-digit code sent via SMS to registered number.

This ensures the account owner is requesting deletion.

Step 5: Confirm Deletion

Read the warning message carefully on the pop-up:

  • All account data will be lost permanently
  • No refunds for purchases like Primogems
  • Account will be deleted after 30 days if request not canceled

Click "Confirm" if you agree and want to continue with account deletion.

Step 6: Wait 30 Days

Your account will remain intact for 30 days after confirming deletion request. You can still cancel the request by simply logging in within this period.

If you do nothing, your account will automatically be deleted permanently on the 31st day. You will also be removed from all friend lists.

And that completes the Genshin Impact account deletion process!

What Exactly Happens When Your Account Is Deleted?

To set proper expectations, let‘s analyze what exactly occurs when your account is deleted after 30 days:

  • Total loss of account data: Your entire account history and hundreds of hours of progress will be wiped out completely.

  • No refunds for purchases: All money spent on Primogems, Welkin, Battle Pass is forfeited.

  • Reputation reset to zero: Achievements, namecards, reputation levels – everything is reset.

  • Removal from friend lists: Your profile will show as "Traveler" in co-op and friend lists.

  • Username freed up: Your in-game username will become available for others to take.

Let‘s compare account deletion vs. starting over with a new account:

Delete Account New Account
Progress/Characters All reset Starts from 0
Primogems/Purchase History Permanently lost Intact
Co-op/Friend List Removed Separate list
Spiral Abyss Reset Unplayed
Username Freed up after deletion Keep old one

So in summary, deletion erases your entire existence and allows a fresh start, while a new account lets you keep your purchases and co-op history separate.

Answers to FAQs on Genshin Account Deletion

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions on deleting your account:

Can you recover a deleted Genshin account?

No, there is absolutely no way to recover a deleted account. All data is permanently erased from miHoYo‘s servers.

Can you delete only parts of your account data?

Unfortunately, no. You can only delete the entire account. Partial or selective deletion is not possible.

What is the latest possible time to cancel deletion?

You can log in and cancel the deletion request up until the last minute before the 30-day countdown completes.

Can I reuse my old username after deletion?

Yes, your old username should eventually get freed up after a few months for anyone to claim.

What happens if I restart after deleting my account?

You can start a brand new account after deleting your previous one with no penalties or bans. It will be a completely fresh start.

Before You Delete: Alternatives to Consider

Don‘t rush into permanently deleting your account. First consider these less extreme alternatives:

  • Take a temporary break: Step away from the game for a few weeks or months to refresh your interest.

  • Focus on new goals: Shift your focus to a different aspect like teapot building or lore hunting.

  • Build new characters: Invest resources into neglected characters for a change of pace.

  • Create a secondary account: Make an alt account to replay early content.

  • Sell your account: You can sell whale accounts to collectors and recover some of your investment.

  • Pass it to a friend: Gift your account to a friend interested in playing rather than deleting it.

So explore these options before resorting to permanent account deletion. A fresh break and shift in mindset can give you a renewed perspective on Genshin Impact.

In Conclusion

I hope this comprehensive guide shed light on the intricacies of Genshin account deletion and equipped you to make an informed decision. The key takeaways are:

  • Deletion is irreversible, so be 100% sure before initiating the process.

  • Confirm what exactly gets deleted to avoid surprises.

  • Explore alternatives like taking a break before permanent deletion.

  • Follow the step-by-step guide properly to avoid any issues.

While saying farewell to your Teyvat journey can be bittersweet, deletion also represents a new beginning free of prior constraints. So introspect deeply on what feels right for you, and then follow through fully once you decide.

Let me know if you have any other specific questions in the comments below!