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How to Delete Drafts on TikTok (A Complete 3-Step Guide)

As a social media marketing expert with over 5 years of experience driving engagement on TikTok, I often get asked: how do you delete drafts on TikTok?

It‘s a common question since saving drafts is a popular feature on the platform. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through how to delete TikTok drafts in just 3 simple steps.

Whether you have one unfinished draft or 100, this guide will teach you how to easily delete drafts and keep your TikTok profile tidy. I‘ll also answer some frequently asked questions about TikTok drafts that I‘ve encountered during my work as a TikTok marketing guru.

So let‘s dive in! I‘m excited to share my insider knowledge to help you master deleting drafts on TikTok.

A Quick Introduction to TikTok Drafts

But first, what exactly are drafts on TikTok?

TikTok allows you to save any video as a draft before posting it publicly. Drafts are unfinished videos that are private and only visible to you in your profile.

Saving videos as drafts is helpful for:

  • Saving a work-in-progress video to finish later
  • Privately storing video ideas you aren‘t ready to share
  • Having a place to experiment with video concepts risk-free

However, it‘s easy for drafts to build up over time. Too many unused drafts can make your TikTok profile feel cluttered and unorganized.

That‘s where knowing how to delete drafts comes in handy!

Step-by-Step: How To Delete TikTok Drafts

Without further ado, here is my complete walkthrough on how to delete drafts on TikTok:

Step 1: Access Your Drafts Page

First, you need to access your drafts page in the TikTok app:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the "Me" tab on the bottom right corner to go to your profile page.
  3. Scroll down your profile page and tap on the "Drafts" tile.

This will open up your drafts page, where you can view, edit, and delete any existing drafts.

TikTok profile drafts page

Tapping "Drafts" on your TikTok profile will open your drafts page

Step 2: Select the Draft(s) to Delete

Once you‘re viewing your list of drafts, it‘s time to choose which ones to delete:

  1. Tap the "Select" button in the upper right corner of the screen. This puts your drafts into "Select" mode.
  2. Tap on the drafts you want to delete to select them. A white check mark on a red background will appear on selected drafts.
  3. You can select multiple drafts to mass delete them at once. The number on the "Delete" button will update to show how many drafts are selected.

For example, I might select my unfinished draft about making pancakes as well as my draft with new dance move ideas to delete both at the same time.

Selecting multiple TikTok drafts

You can select multiple drafts to delete at the same time

Step 3: Confirm Deletion

The last step is to confirm that you want to delete the selected draft(s):

  1. Tap the red "Delete" button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. A popup will appear asking "Delete selected draft(s)?" – tap "Delete" to confirm.
  3. Your selected drafts will be deleted from TikTok right away.

That‘s all there is to it! With these 3 simple steps you can easily delete drafts and keep your TikTok profile organized.

Deleting drafts on TikTok

Confirm deletion of the selected drafts by tapping the red "Delete" button

Now let‘s get into some frequently asked questions about managing drafts on TikTok.

FAQs About TikTok Drafts

Here are answers to some of the most common questions about deleting drafts and using the TikTok draft feature:

Do your drafts delete if you delete the TikTok app?

Yes, deleting the TikTok app from your device will delete all saved drafts. According to TikTok, any drafts or unfinished videos will be discarded if you uninstall the app.

So if you want a quick way to delete all drafts at once, removing TikTok from your phone will erase them all irrevocably. Just be certain you don‘t have any drafts you want to keep before deleting the app!

Can you edit drafts on TikTok?

Yes, TikTok allows you to edit your drafts before posting them. To edit a draft:

  • Tap the draft you want to edit from your drafts page
  • On the edit screen you can tweak the caption, sounds, filters, and more
  • Tap "Back" to add stickers, text, or other creative enhancements
  • Tap "Continue Shooting" to record additional footage to append to the draft

So feel free to edit your drafts as much as needed until they are ready to be shared on your profile!

Are TikTok drafts private?

Absolutely – drafts on TikTok are private and only you can view them. Other users are unable to see your drafts on your profile or anywhere else on TikTok.

TikTok confirms this, stating "Only you can see your drafts". Drafts are a private space to experiment with video ideas not ready for an audience. You have total control over when a draft graduates to become a public TikTok video.

Final Tips for Managing TikTok Drafts

As a TikTok marketing expert, here are my top tips for keeping drafts organized:

  • Review old drafts regularly and delete ones you no longer need. This keeps your drafts page uncluttered.

  • Use descriptive titles for drafts to remember what each one contains at a glance.

  • Limit drafts to only store those you realistically intend to finish. Too many unfinished drafts are frustrating.

  • Back up favorite drafts you want to save by downloading to your camera roll.

  • Edit drafts to prepare them for posting when you‘re ready to share them publicly.


That wraps up this complete guide on how to delete drafts on TikTok! To recap:

  1. Go to your TikTok drafts page
  2. Select the draft(s) you want to delete
  3. Confirm deletion

Deleting the TikTok app entirely will also erase any saved drafts. And you don‘t have to worry about others seeing your drafts before you‘re ready to share them.

I hope these tips help you keep your TikTok drafts organized and streamlined for posting amazing videos! Let me know if you have any other TikTok questions.

Further Reading

How to Use TikTok Drafts: A Complete Guide

Step-by-Step Guide to Posting Your First TikTok Video

How to Delete Your TikTok Account – A Step-by-Step Guide