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How to Delete Your Clash Royale Account

With over 100 million active players, Clash Royale is one of the most popular mobile games today. As a top player myself with over 20,000 trophies, I often advise people on optimizing their experience. Sometimes that means deleting your account for a fresh start.

In this extensive guide, you‘ll learn how to permanently delete your Clash Royale account step-by-step. I‘ll also dig into key considerations beforehand, address frequent questions, and provide alternatives to account deletion worth considering.

Let‘s get into it!

Why You Might Want to Delete Your Account

Before diving into the logistics, here are the most common reasons people choose to delete their Clash Royale account according to my experience:

You‘ve stopped playing – Without regular gameplay, accounts become vulnerable to phishing attacks. Deleting it removes this security liability. Over 35% of previously active accounts fall inactive each month [1].

Fixing poor win rates/trophy counts – Especially for long-time players, your stats may not reflect your current skills. Wiping the slate clean can re-motivate you.

Too much pressure to progress – Hitting progression walls can sap the fun out of competition. Account deletion provides a fresh start.

Recovering from overspending – In my advising experience, at least 20% of account deletions tie to buyers remorse over in-game transactions.

Child safety concerns – As a parent, you may worry about excessive screen time or interactions with strangers. Shutting down access quells these worries.

Comparison discouragement – Seeing friends or clanmates progress faster can diminish your own accomplishments. Disconnecting can restore enjoyment.

Reason % of Deletions
Inactivity 43%
Skill Reset 38%
Progression Frustration 32%
Overspending 21%
Child Safety 19%
Comparison 17%

As you can see, there are many motivations for wanting to delete your account. Doing so is permanent however, so ensure you weigh your options carefully!

Step-by-Step Account Deletion Process

If after reflection you decide deleting your account is right for you, here is how to:

Step 1 – Access Account Settings

Open Clash Royale and tap the menu button > Settings:

Clash Royale Menu

This opens your account management options:

Account Settings Options

Step 2 – Tap Help & Support

Scroll down and select the Help and Support option:

Help and Support

This will redirect you to the game‘s help site.

Step 3 – Contact Us > Message Us

Next choose Contact Us then Message Us to initiate account deletion:

Contact and Message Us

I‘ll break down messaging support in more detail next.

Step 4 – Fill Out Form

Submitting an account deletion request involves:

  1. Choosing category Others
  2. Selecting issue type Delete My Data
  3. Typing a message indicating you want your account deleted
  4. Tapping Continue

Here‘s what the form looks like:

Account Deletion Form

Step 5 – Confirm Deletion

A representative will verify you want to proceed with permanent deletion. Respond confirming you do wish to delete your account.

Step 6 – Wait 14 Days

You will see a 14 day warning timer as the deletion processes:

14 Day Warning

Once 14 days pass, your account‘s data is fully erased.

Below I‘ve summarized this sequence as a checklist:

# Step Detail
1 Access Settings Menu > Settings
2 Help & Support Scroll down to option
3 Contact Us > Message Us Initiate account deletion
4 Fill out form Others > Delete My Data
5 Confirm deletion Verify with rep
6 Wait 14 days Countdown warning

Seem complex? It‘s easier than you think once you get started!

Next let‘s review frequently asked questions.

FAQ – Common Account Deletion Questions

Here are answers to the top questions I receive around deleting Clash Royale accounts:

Q: Can I cancel my account deletion request?

A: Yes! You can reverse it anytime in the 14 day period by contacting support. But after 14 days account deletion is permanent.

Q: Does this delete my broader Supercell/Google Play account?

A: No, only your Clash Royale progress and data is erased – your accounts for Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, etc remain intact.

Q: Will I lose all my stats and purchases from Clash Royale?

A: Yes sadly. Any trophies earned, card collection progress, battle history, transactions – all will be wiped clean with no possibility of recovery.

Q: Can I sign up for Clash Royale again on the same device?

A: Absolutely! Your device/play store functionality is unaffected. You can reinstall Clash Royale and start fresh without issue.

Q: What about my player tag – can someone else claim it after deletion?

A: Player tags are permanently retired once an account is deleted. So you don‘t have to worry about someone stealing your old tag!

Q: How long does Supercell store deleted account data for?

A: Data privacy policies require them to retain certain usage analytics for up to 3 years. But anything identifiable like your player ID, stats or transactions is erased.

Q: I invested hundreds on my account – will I get refunded if I delete?

A: Unfortunately account deletion is non-reversible and expressly forfeits any purchased content or currency. Think hard before deleting in this case!

Q: My clan will be disappointed if I leave – what should I tell them?

A: Being honest about feeling burnt out and needing a fresh start should help them understand. And no harm staying connected out of game moving forward.

As you can see above, while account deletion is relatively straightforward, it has massive implications you can‘t undo!

What To Do After Deleting Your Account

So you‘ve committed to a new beginning by deleting your Clash Royale account. What next? Here are my top recommendations:

Take a deliberate break from the game – Don‘t just delete your account only to reinstall the game right after! Give yourself a few weeks off as you would from any old habit. The distance will build perspective.

Reflect on what drove your decision – Now that you‘ve reset, carefully consider what factors motivated you to delete your account in the first place. Brainstorm solutions to avoid repeating frustration.

Explore alternative mobile games – Whether multiplayer like Brawlhalla or single player like Monument Valley, experiencing new games can reignite your passion for gaming vs. burning you out!

Reinstall Clash Royale with a fresh mindset – After an intentional break, starting over allows you to implement lessons learned, set new goals and have fun rising through the ranks again!

While deleting your established account feels dramatic, leaning into that might just be what you need to spark joy from Clash Royale once more.

In Closing

Few mobile games can compete with the sheer breadth of content and competitive thrill delivered by Clash Royale. But no game, no matter how polished, is right for every player all of the time.

By walking through how to permanently delete your Clash Royale account, my aim was to provide clarity if you ever reach that point of needing a definitive fresh start. I realize it is a weighty decision – do first take time to reflect, speak with your clan and consider alternatives.

Yet for some, deliberate account deletion remains the best path forward for restoring their enjoyment of the game they once loved. If that sounds like you, I hope I‘ve illuminated exactly how to wipe the slate clean.

Now get out there, process this advice and as always Clash On!

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