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Fighting Inflation with Deflationary Cryptocurrencies

Hey there! With inflation hitting 40-year highs in 2022, I know you might feel worried about your hard-earned savings losing purchasing power. The good news is that deflationary cryptocurrencies exist specifically to counteract rising prices.

Deflationary crypto assets have decreasing token supplies programmed into their networks. This built-in scarcity aims to boost value, unlike inflationary cryptos with unlimited supplies.

In this beginner‘s guide, I‘ll showcase the 10 best deflationary cryptocurrencies that experts predict could surge in 2024 as inflation persists. You‘ll learn what makes them "deflationary," study key supply statistics, and discover just how promising these cryptos may prove both short and long-term!

Let‘s get started!

What Are Deflationary Cryptocurrencies?

Unlike fiat money that central banks can print indefinitely, cryptocurrencies control circulation algorithmically through their code.

Certain crypto assets have deflationary monetary policies baked into their network rules. This means that over time, the supply either reaches a fixed cap or decreases through methods like:

  • Coin burns – Coins get sent to irretrievable digital wallets, reducing circulation
  • Transaction fees – Fees get burned instead of awarded to miners/validators
  • Vaulting – Investors commit to vaulting tokens for extended time periods

As supply constricts while adoption spreads, scarcity emerges. This growing scarcity aims to drive up the value of remaining coins as demand rises or stays constant.

So which cryptocurrencies demonstrate the most viable deflationary architectures for weathering inflation? Let‘s explore the top contenders for 2024!

Leading Deflationary Cryptocurrency Models

Before highlighting 10 deflationary crypto leaders, I want to overview the leading designs leveraging supply constraints:

1. Burning Coins

Many protocols burn coins to control totals. Popular deflationary crypto Binance Coin (BNB) exemplifies this.

The parent exchange Binance buys back then burns BNB quarterly. From 200 million BNB initially, the goal is reducing supply to 100 million through burns.

By cutting circulation in half long-term, remaining Binance Coin grows more scarce, ideally appreciating value!

2. Supply Caps

Capped supplies ensure inflation eventually ends. Bitcoin stands out here, with source code limiting BTC creation to 21 million units. With over 18 million Bitcoin now, less than 3 million remains for mining.

Once this hard cap gets reached, no new BTC enters, rendering Bitcoin permanently deflationary.

3. Slashed/Burned Mining Rewards

Protocols like Litecoin also curb inflation by progressively slicing reward payouts to miners confirming transactions. This reduces new coin infusion over time.

Transaction fees offer another avenue to make crypto deflationary…

4. Burning Transaction Fees

Instead of distributing transaction fees to validators or miners, networks like Ethereum now burn these fees, deleting ether from circulation.

While complex, in sum: intelligent token burning through various methods can produce meaningful deflationary effects!

Next let‘s see deflationary mechanisms at work across leading cryptos…

Top 10 Deflationary Cryptocurrencies

I‘ve compiled 2023‘s top 10 deflationary coins fueling portfolio growth during inflationary times! Check out key details for each:

1) Bitcoin (BTC)

As crypto‘s flagship store of value, Bitcoin tops the deflationary crypto list. We mentioned its hard cap of 21 million BTC units earlier. With over 90% of that total already mined, inflow slows by design.

Though early-stage rewards started at 50 BTC per block, successive halving events now have rewards at just 6.25 coins. This slash shrinking new supply combines with disuse shrinking the 18.9 million circulating coins further over time.

Projections assume lost Bitcoin from discarded drives or forgotten keys could remove 1-4 million BTC from viable pools annually. This absence of circulating supply creates appreciable deflationary pressure as user adoption spreads.

BTC scarcity combines with first-mover brand dominance to make Bitcoin a prime deflationary play as unlimited fiat printing continues.

Key Bitcoin Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: 21 million
  • Current Supply: ~19 million
  • Current Inflation Rate: 1.77%
  • Projected Disuse Burn/Loss: 1-4 million per year

2) Ethereum (ETH)

Beyond Bitcoin, Ethereum garners growing buzz as a deflationary store of value.

The trailblazing smart contracts blockchain just transitioned fully from PoW mining to the PoS consensus model upon the recent Merge upgrade.

Now transaction fees offer the main activities still producing and rewarding new ETH. But instead of distributing these fees to validators, the fees translate into permanent ETH burns under PoS.

Over 3,000 ETH now burns daily from transaction fees thanks to Ethereum‘s bustling utility. At times this eclipses ETH minting, realizing temporary deflation!

And with validators soon unable to sell staked ETH until Shanghai, increased scarcity looms, further curbing sell pressure.

When paired with Ethereum‘s NFT and DeFi dominance, compelling signs emerge for ETH‘s deflationary direction.

Key Ethereum Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: No Cap
  • Current Supply: ~122 million
  • Current Inflation Rate: Net deflationary
  • Daily Burn Rate: 3,000+ ETH

3) Binance Coin (BNB)

As one of crypto‘s most utility-driven assets, Binance Coin operates a straightforward buy & burn deflationary model.

BNB powers the popular Binance ecosystem. Binance Exchange routinely utilizes one-fifth of profits to buy back and burn BNB from circulation each quarter.

From 200 million BNB at inception, 16 burn rounds have now retired over a third of original supply. Binance wants to halve available BNB to 100 million eventually. This robust burn rate makes BNB an inflation-killing contender.

Key Binance Coin Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: 200 million
  • Current Supply: ~168 million
  • Cumulative Burned: 32 million+
  • Quarterly Burn Rate: 1-2%

4) Cardano (ADA)

Beyond fireproofing portfolios, deflationary cryptos also grease the wheels of blockchain commerce as critical payment mechanisms.

Cardano stands out here as an ecology-conscious, PoS-based transaction network. Native ADA token plays two key roles:

  1. Helping validate transactions
  2. Getting burned to pay said transaction fees

A set percentage of ADA used for fees irrevocably burns per the protocol. This reduces net supply over time as Cardano adoption increases.

With ADA fuels smart contracts, NFTs, and DeFi platforms now running on Cardano, transaction volumes look poised to increase. As the burn rate follows transaction activity, ADA looks on track to become more deflationary as utilization grows.

Key Cardano Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: 45 billion
  • Current Supply: ~35 billion
  • Current Inflation Rate: 1.3% approximately
  • Transaction Burn Rate: Variable based on volume

5) Solana (SOL)

As an explosively growing network powering Web3 dApps at lighting speed, Solana leverages coin burning in its unique hybrid PoH and PoS consensus architecture.

Validators burn SOL rewards on every block confirmation they contribute to as partial "proof" of validity. These routine burns decrease SOL totals as Solana usage surges.

Transaction fees also partly burn, amplifying deflation based on activity levels. Deflation outpaces minting of new coins during high-volume periods, producing temporary net deflationary outcomes.

With nearly $40 million in assets tapped into Solana currently and adoption ramping up fast, SOL burns look to outweigh minting more, suggesting SOL‘s deflationary trajectory will strengthen.

Key Solana Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: No Cap
  • Current Supply: 350 million
  • Current Inflation Rate: 7.5%
  • Burn Rate: Variable based on volume

6) Polkadot (DOT)

If you‘re looking for a nuanced quasi-deflationary option as a hedge, Polkadot provides an intriguing model.

Instead of manual coin burns, Polkadot introduces dynamic minting and supply rates reacting to real activity levels. New DOT gets created to reward validators that secure the network.

But rewards and thus supply constrict or inflate based on changing demand. When leasing rates that reflect desire to validate fall below 5%, new DOT creation slows. Yet highleasing rates increasing rewards can lead to faster minting.

This fluid response aims to calibrate Polkadot‘s inflation rate to actual adoption demands. As adoption matures in the long run, projections argue inflection toward deflation grows likely.

Key Polkadot Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: No Cap
  • Current Supply: 1.1 billion DOT
  • Current Inflation Rate: 7%
  • Dynamic Rate Based on Leasing Demand

7) Uniswap (UNI)

For deflationary potential tied to decentralized trading rather than payments, Uniswap governs with its UNI token.

UNI debuted in 2020 as incentive for liquidity providers that supply assets enabling swap pools. Yet UNI differs in that no perpetual minting mechanics for liquidity providers exist unlike most DeFi coins.

Instead, a fixed 1 billion UNI got allocated to community members at genesis. With over half distributed initially, remaining portions continue unlocking until 2023 per programmed vesting terms.

Post-2023 however, zero inflation occurs while token burning surfaces. As Ethereum transaction fees get largely swapped for UNI but then burned, net UNI declines – becoming deflationary.

Key Uniswap Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: 1 billion UNI
  • Initial Distribution Supply: 60% of 1 billion
  • Current Supply: 50% of 1 billion
  • Post-2023 Inflation Rate: Deflationary (net burn)

8) Coin (CRO) built an ambitious ecosystem blending crypto spending benefits like credit cards with DeFi accessibility. Company growth demands a proportional scaling inverted approach.

Before‘s mainnet launch in early 2022, leadership burned 70 billion CRO radically, reducing entirety of supply by over 60% nearly overnight! This surprise maneuver made CRO definitively deflationary.

Supply sank from 100 billion to the 30 billion range upon massive instant burn. Smaller but steady subsequent burns continue decreasing totals gradually.

As crypto spending and DeFi borrow/lend activity occurs more frequently across apps thanks to attractive yield benefits, heightened burn activity looks likely.

Key Coin Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: 30 billion after pre-mainnet burn
  • Current Supply: 30 billion
  • Burned Pre-Launch: 70 billion
  • Post-Launch Burn Rate: Variable based on activity

9) NEAR Protocol (NEAR)

For a small-cap option, NEAR Protocol bridges the intersection of DeFi and cloud computing into a unified design.

NEAR‘s supply stays inflationary initially as high rewards promote security contributions from validators. Yet once community involvement plateaus, inflation gives way to deflation.

This "progressive decentralization" roadmap starts with inflated NEAR distributions which gradually tighten over epochs. Eventually caps enact after full decentralization gets established on network evolution terms.

With total supply fixed post-cap, all subsequent transaction fees thereafter burn NEAR amounts from circulation permanently.

Key NEAR Protocol Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: 1 billion NEAR cap
  • Current Supply: 83% of 1 billion capped
  • Current Inflation Rate: Disinflationary (targeting 0%)
  • Post-Cap Burn Rate: Deflationary

10) Litecoin (LTC)

Last but not least, we have ‘the silver to Bitcoin‘s gold‘ – Litecoin!

Litecoin operates a simple yet reliable deflationary blueprint: like Bitcoin, LTC mining rewards reduce over time, but at a faster speed by marrying Bitcoin‘s model with quicker block creation.

Mining payouts started at 50 LTC but decrement by half every 840,000 blocks, or approximately every four years. This halves much faster than Bitcoin‘s four-year cycles.

Litecoin also possesses a hard cap of 84 million LTC. With over 66 million LTC mined so far, the next halving will drop miner rewards from 12.5 LTC to 6.25 LTC in mid-2023. Only ~17 million LTC then remains for potential mining based on projections.

This upcoming rapid reward reduction combined with the known maximum supply both signal strong deflationary pressures ahead for Litecoin.

Key Litecoin Metrics:

  • Maximum Supply: 84 million
  • Current Supply: ~68.7 million
  • Block Reward Halving Schedule: Every 840,000 blocks
  • Current Block Reward: 12.5 LTC

How Do These Cryptocurrencies Compare?

Curious how vital statistics for the top deflationary cryptocurrencies stack up against each other? Check out this comparative snapshot:

Cryptocurrency Max/Current Supply Emission Schedule Burn Model
Bitcoin (BTC) 21M max Halving every 210K blocks Loss by accident over time
Ethereum (ETH) No cap Transaction fees Fees get burned
Binance Coin (BNB) 200M max Quarterly coin burns Buyback burns by Binance
Cardano (ADA) 45B max Transaction fees Percentage of fees burned
Solana (SOL) No cap Validator rewards Rewards & fees burned
Polkadot (DOT) No cap Dynamic based on adoption Lower emission rates over time
Uniswap (UNI) 1B max No new emissions as of 2023 Fees get burned Coin (CRO) 30B after pre-launch burn Variable depending on usage Post-launch burns continue
NEAR Protocol (NEAR) 1B eventual cap High initially, zeros post-decentralization Burnsactivate after cap
Litecoin (LTC) 84M max Halving every 840K blocks Faster emission halving than BTC

As shown above, combinations of coin burning, supply caps, miner limitation, and other levers result in deflationary pressures – but to vastly different extents.

Why Consider Investing in Deflationary Cryptocurrencies?

At this point, you may wonder about the investment appeal of deflationary cryptocurrencies compared to normal inflationary coins.

Put simply, deflationary cryptocurrencies offer provable scarcity relative to even gold and fiat money. The transparent Tasuki schemes described for each coin allow confident projections about future supply changes.

Investors wary of money printing eroding purchasing power can verify these networks‘ hard constraints defusing inflation by design.

So beyond hedging against loose central bank policies, deflationary cryptos present several advantages:

  • Verifiable scarcity drives up value based on economic principles
  • Network security/decentralization may strengthen post-emissions
  • Innovations in coin burning/staking functionality
  • Align developer/user incentives for protocol growth

However, some criticisms exist around over-engineering scarcity too. Manipulating supply too drastically risks unintended consequences. Models must keep some inflation to incentivize validator participation, for example.

Yet deflationary cryptocurrencies arguably counteract unsustainable fiat regimes more effectively if implemented smoothly. Combining investment upside with inflation protection, interest continues growing in this once exotic asset category entering the mainstream.


I hope this beginner‘s guide helps explain why deflationary cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and others make promising safe haven assets for defending savings against high inflation!

You now understand exactly how leading crypto networks create verifiable scarcity and value. Between quantitative tightening of supply paired with increased adoption and utility, deflationary cryptocurrencies offer a potent tool for average investors to turn inflationary lemons into deflationary lemonade!

Which deflationary cryptocurrency intrigues you most? I‘m happy to discuss more and help with next steps if crypto investing appeals to you!