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Where to Find Deekin the Lunatic in Tower of Fantasy

The vibrant open world of Tower of Fantasy hosts a menagerie of formidable foes for players to test their mettle against. From towering giants to mechanical abominations, many epic battles await those brave enough to search them out. One particularly chaotic adversary is the hammer-wielding lunatic Deekin. By tracking down and defeating this unbalanced mini-boss, you can earn exclusive loot as well as bragging rights. This guide provides expert tips on locating Deekin’s lair and strategizing for success against the manic menace within.

Who is Deekin the Lunatic?

"Deekin exemplifies chaotic neutral boss design – completely unpredictable with high damage potential," says venerable Tower of Fantasy guide writer Bellond Amandus. "Getting the drop on him requires proper planning and positioning."

This large, heavy-set humanoid enemy is distinguishable by the massive sledgehammer they relentlessly lug around. As the name suggests, Deekin attacks in a frenzied, deranged manner – aggressively slamming their oversized weapon at anyone bold enough to draw near.

Despite such clumsy strikes, seasoned player Dania Oni explains Deekin‘s deceptive danger: "That hammer may look cumbersome, but Deekin wields it with lethal speed once provoked. Many ambitious newcomers lulled by his sluggish pacing have met a quick demise face-tanking his heavy hits. Tread lightly!"

Having wandered the wilds surrounding Astra Shelter after escaping confinement, the unhinged Deekin has made the nearby Small Stronghold his current sanctuary. He can be found pacing around the fort‘s perimeter, lying in wait amongst the gangs of Hyena mercenaries and highwaymen who also gather there.

[Photo of Deekin mid-hammer swing]

Deekin the Lunatic prepares to crush any foolish enough to cross his path

Pinpointing the Mad Mercenary‘s Location

To find the volatile vagrant’s chosen bastion, open your Aida world map and set a course northeast of Astra Shelter in Banges Province. Your target location – the Small Stronghold – lies just south of frosty Mount Bukkvass and westward on the road from Log Hill. See below for the precise coordinates:

[Map screenshot showing location + coordinates]

Upon arrival at the grounds of this inconspicuous hillside fortification, you’ll spot crumbling ramparts and parapets suggesting its age. The numerous torch-bearing sentries and armed lookouts posted around its perimeter also make the outpost‘s current occupation clear. Now it‘s time to locate Deekin himself somewhere amidst this hive of highwaymen.

Veteran player Elaine Rimark suggests sticking to the high ground while scouting the interior: “There’s plenty of nooks for ambushes at ground level – and Deekin loves surprising overly eager hunters. Evaluate safely from one of the watchtower roosts instead, then strategically engage once you spot him.”

Eventually you should pick out the hulking form of Deekin pacing along a section of the upper battlements. Pinpointing his position early allows coordinating the attack appropriately.

Battling the Chaotic Hammer-Wielder

Once committed to battle, brace for chaotic intensity as Deekin swiftly takes the offensive. He’ll aggressively swing his hammer outward in wide arcs while steadily advancing in hopes of cornering his prey. Veteran player Pollus Caeso recounts "Deekin also utilizes area-of-effect smash down moves which are heavily telegraphed but devastating if caught unaware."

Indeed, the mini-boss tends to rear back before each ground smash – giving a brief window to evade the impending shockwave. Exploiting attack tells like these while maintaining a safe distance is key to wearing Deekin down.

Without obvious elemental weaknesses to target, defeating Deekin requires channeling raw damage output through weapons or abilities. Frontier guide author Amara Seylum suggests having a combat rating exceeding 8000 before attempting solo confrontation. "Otherwise utilizing allies and coordinated strikes to divide his erratic focus is advised".

Ideally engage Deekin utilizing high mobility to kite his advances while unleashing controlled barrage. Weapons like Samir’s Echo or Crow’s dual pistols excel here through unleashing elementally-imbued volcanos. Alternatively, clases like Shiro’s Aerial Ace or King’s Relic Form bypass his grounded smash waves through airborne maneuverability.

[Infographic of Deekin‘s attack patterns]

After depleting his mammoth health pool, Deekin finally collapses – granting you well-earned rights to loot his supply cache. More importantly, vanquishing Tower of Fantasy’s crazed hammer crusader also unlocks a gold trophy "Deekin the Lunatic" achievement as lasting proof of your moxie overcoming chaos.

Claiming Your Spoils

Beyond prestige and treasures, what other incentives exist for overcoming this unhinged foe? Locating and defeating the mad mercenary Deekin marks incremental progress towards completing numerous regional missions themed around liberating Small Stronghold from its motley occupiers. Completing these quest chains earns additional resources and gear to empower your adventures across Aida.

While Deekin himself drops no rare materials, farming the various Hyena enemies swarming the fort does yield useful ascension and weapon materials. Scouring the bandit hideouts and provision stockpiles scattered around the area can also uncover artifacts and gear blueprints unavailable elsewhere. Just be ready to regularly fend off Deekin’s sledgehammer once your skirmishes inevitably rouse him from his aimless patrols!

For other rewarding puzzle challenges in Tower of Fantasy, check out my definitive guide on conquering tricky Earthphyte formations. And stay tuned for more tips from SwitchUp’s panel of elite Frontier guides on tracking down Aida’s most exclusive trophies and coveted loot.

Now It’s Your Turn!

Have you already braved battling the notorious Deekin since starting your Tower of Fantasy journey? Share your own war stories and boss-hunting strategies in the comments below!