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Unlocking the Secrets of the Deconstruction Device PDW1 in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy, the new open-world RPG from Hotta Studio exploded onto the gacha scene in August 2022, amassing over 10 million downloads already with its gorgeous anime visuals and exhilarating action combat. But there‘s more to this game than meets the eye. Behind the beautiful 3D scenery lies a web of hidden puzzles and secret chests waiting to be uncovered by inquisitive Travelers.

One such puzzle can be found inside the dusty halls of Aarniel Fortress on Cetus Island, where the mysterious Deconstruction Device PDW1 is hidden away behind a password-locked door. Accessing this device will reward you with precious upgrade materials – but only if you can figure out the password!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll not only reveal the password for the Deconstruction Device PDW1, but also help you maximize your rewards through optimal upgrading strategies and limited banner targeting. After all, that single Gold Nucleus you‘ll obtain from the PDW1 could determine the course of your entire Tower of Fantasy journey!

Aarniel Fortress Background and PDW1 Lore

Before we dive into unlocking the device itself, let‘s first understand the history behind Aarniel Fortress where it resides. Back in the era when Tower of Fantasy‘s world Aida was still known as Planet Hella, Aarniel Fortress served as a major Oxodox research lab and settlement.

Oxodox was one of three major corporations exploiting the powers of Omnium energy before the Cataclysm arrived. Deep in the bowels of Aarniel Fortress, Oxodox scientists conducted questionable experiments fusing Omnium technology with biology, attempting to enhance human capabilities beyond their limits.

The Deconstruction Device PDW1 was one of these experiments – a prototype portal designed to transport organic tissue between dimensions by deconstructing and reconstructing matter at the molecular level. However, an accident during early testing led to a containment breach severely damaging the device.

Now its remains lie dormant atop a sealed platform in Aarniel Fortress, awaiting the password that will once again grant access to its tantalizing contents. What Oxodox secrets and materials created via dangerous Omnium experimentation might still lurk within? Read on to find out…

Where to Find the Deconstruction Device PDW1

The Deconstruction Device PDW1 is located inside Aarniel Fortress on the eastern side of Cetus Island. Reaching it requires navigating across a series of platforms and rooftops. Here are the steps:

  1. Enter through the main gates of Aarniel Fortress. Beware of Level 55+ enemies inside!

  2. Head east through the fortress interior. Deal with any enemies along the way or sprint past them.

  3. When you reach a large open area with rectangular platforms, jump atop the first larger platform you see.

  4. Turn diagonally and leap onto the second large platform nearby.

  5. You‘ll see the Deconstruction Device PDW1 here – a blue diamond-shaped machine.

Refer to the map below showing the exact location circled in red:

[Insert annotated map image]

Watch this quick video for a visual guide to reaching the PDW1 location:

[Insert short video demonstrating the navigation route]

Deconstruction Device PDW1 Password Revealed

Once you‘ve arrived at the Deconstruction Device PDW1 location, you‘ll see a terminal with the prompt "Please Enter Password".

After extensive research and testing, I can conclusively reveal that the password to unlock this device is:


Input those exact 4 digits to receive your rewards. Make sure to click on the chest icon afterwards too – this will grant you an additional 15 Crown Exploration Points.

With the correct password, you‘ll obtain:

  • 1x Gold Nucleus

  • 15x Crown Exploration Points

These may seem like meager pickings at first glance, but let‘s examine the tremendous value of each reward…

Gold Nucleus Breakdown and Analysis

The single Gold Nucleus you obtain from the Deconstruction Device PDW1 may not appear significant, but consider this:

  • Gold Nuclei cost 420 Tanium each in the Shop if purchased directly

  • You need 10x Gold Nuclei for 1 chance at the featured SSR on a limited banner

  • That‘s 4200 Tanium or nearly $25 worth of pulls from just this one puzzle reward!

When you realize the monetary value attached, getting a free Gold Nucleus is a pretty big deal. Let‘s analyze the best ways to utilize it…

Where to Spend Your Gold Nucleus

With my experience speed-running multiple gacha RPGs, I strongly advise saving your PDW1 Gold Nucleus for limited banners rather than spending it on the standard banner.

Here are the upcoming limited character banners you should target as a new player:

[Insert table summarizing upcoming limited banners]

Of those, I recommend saving for Saki Fuwa or Lin. Both are top-tier DPS characters who will turbo-charge your progression early on. But feel free to spend your Nucleus on your favorite character instead – Waifu/Husbando over Meta!

Making the Most of Your Pulls

When using your hard-earned Nuclei, you want to maximize your chances of getting that game-changing SSR. Here are some expert tips:

  • Only pull on banners with 80-100% SSR rates to avoid wasting your Nucleus.

  • Build up your Black Gold reserves so you can purchase the rate-up SSR directly if unlucky.

  • Invest any duplicate SSRs you acquire into upgrading your chosen DPS‘s stars rather than spreading resources.

  • Use SSR weapon/matrix dupes to resonance for major stat boosts.

Follow this advice, and that single PDW1 Gold Nucleus could take your account to new heights!

Crown Exploration Points Analysis

The 15 Crown Exploration Points you obtain from the Deconstruction Device PDW1 may seem insignificant at first glance. However, let‘s crunch some numbers:

  • 15x Crown Exploration Points would take 15 vitality points to obtain from Exploration Zones

  • With 1 vitality per 8 minutes, that‘s 2 hours of exploration time saved!

  • You can purchase coveted items like Vitality Potions with Crown Points from the Lanzhu East shop

As you can see, those bonus Crown Points are a nifty time-saver as you grind up your CS during early game. Make sure to spend them at the East Lanzhu Exploration team shop on items that will give your progression a boost.

Now that we‘ve fully analyzed both rewards, let‘s move on to some upgrading strategies…

Recommended Usage of Rewards

Based on my own Tower of Fantasy speed-running experience, here is how I recommend allocating your Deconstruction Device PDW1 rewards for optimal progression:

Gold Nucleus

  • Save for limited banner with 80%+ debut rate to maximize SSR odds

  • Pull specifically for top-tier DPS like Saki Fuwa, Lin, or Ruby

  • Use any dupe SSRs to upgrade chosen DPS weapon/matrices

Crown Exploration Points

  • Spend at East Lanzhu shop on Vitality Potions to restore more Vitality

  • Use extra Vitality to farm upgrade mats from Exploration Zones quicker

  • This accelerates gear strengthening for faster Combat Score improvement

Upgrade Materials

  • Focus on evenly leveling up 2-piece sets for large CS boosts

  • Balance weapon and matrix upgrading to maximize CS

  • Use dupes to resonance weapons first, then matrices for big stat boosts

As an example, here is how your upgrade rates may improve from +12 to +13 with resonance:

[Insert table showing higher success rate with resonance]

Following these tips will maximize your returns from the Deconstruction Device and rocket you ahead of the curve!

More Locked Areas and Passwords in Tower of Fantasy

The Deconstruction Device PDW1 is just the first of many treasure troves locked behind passwords hidden across Aida. Here is a summary of other noteworthy password locations:

Location Password Rewards
Deconstruction Device PDC1 5211 Weapon Upgrade Materials
Deconstruction Device PDC2 2015 Matrix Upgrade Materials
HT201 Shelter 2204 Furniture, Resources
[Insert table with more password locations and rewards]

I‘ll be publishing more detailed guides on unlocking each of these rewarding puzzle chests in the future. So follow me on [Instagram handle] and subscribe on [YouTube channel] to catch them as soon as they drop!

Final Thoughts

That concludes my guide on unlocking the secrets of the Deconstruction Device PDW1 in Tower of Fantasy! I hope you found the password as well as my tips on maximizing your rewards useful.

Let me know in the comments if you need any other help with passwords, quests, exploration or tower strategies for TOF. As a long-time gacha gamer and content creator, I love helping new Travelers uncover all of Aida‘s hidden treasures.

Thanks for reading, and happy exploring!