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Decoding Spiritual Meaning When Cockroaches Attack Dreams

Cockroaches are universally hated. Their clinging antennae, erratic movements and ability to seemingly spread mass filth and bacteria at alarming speeds evoke innate feelings of disgust across human cultures.

Given this reaction, it’s little wonder that spiritually, cockroaches manifesting unannounced in one’s dreams point to contamination and impending loss by demonic oppression, sin, and negative spiritual forces.

Polluting Presences Seeking Legal Rights

As deliverance minister Joshua Orekhie warns regarding the deeper meaning of cockroaches in dreams, what people loathe naturally in the physical has a counterpart in the spirit realm:

"Seeing cockroaches in the dream shows that the environment has been infested with unclean spirits and it reveals Environmental Witchcraft…"

The goal of demonic spirits deploying this kind of dream invasion? To infect areas of blessing and progress with spiritual "vermin" – giving dark forces inroads to steal, kill and destroy according to John 10:10.

But why use cockroaches specifically? And how should believers respond to repel this kind of nocturnal attack against their homes, health and overall welfare?

Decoding Dream Symbolism in Scripture

As creatures associated universally with corruption and filth, cockroaches in dreams can be better understood through scriptural decrees God makes against other repulsive vermin.

Recall in Exodus 8, Moses’ rod turns the second Egyptian plague into a blanket infestation of foulsome frogs covering the land – even overrunning Pharaoh’s palace bed!

The key source of the contamination? Unclean demonic spirits emanating from the occult-polluted Nile River, bringing the plague as a judgement. The symbolism of the frogs representing this impure spiritual presence is clear.

In Joel 1 and 2, the Prophet deploys the metaphor of destructive marching locust swarms to describe God‘s judgement on the Southern Kingdom of Judah for their leadership‘s idolatrous disobedience.

These insects completely devour fields, crops and vineyards – stripping the landscape bare. The severe famine that follows leads even animals to cry out in distress. Why locusts? As destructive infiltrators, their subtype points to invasion and loss.

Flies get their turn representing Beelzebub, or “Lord of the Flies” in Matthew 12:24, showcasing the symbology of buzzing insects tied to Satan’s kingdom.

While the Israelitesjourneying in the wilderness complain about manna in Numbers 11:4-6, remembering the “free fish” gained in Egypt. But their murmuring displeases God who sends venomous serpents among them as judgement for ingratitude.

The key takeaway here and elsewhere in scripture? When God permits demonic spirits to manifest as insect swarms, vermin, serpents or creatures associated with corruption like frogs – it’s a sign of displeased judgement and the lifting of protective covering.

Cockroach Dreams as Prophetic Warning

While school psychologists may explain away dreams as the subconscious spilling out accumulated anxiety and stress, spiritual leaders contend noxious pests and verminspeak to burgeoning hazard.

“Seeing a cockroach in a dream indicates a threatening ruin or death in a family,” warns Arabic dream interpreter Imaam Muhammad Bin Sireen in his seminal work on Oneirology.

For Pakistani Islamic scholar Allama Muhammad Iqbal, “Catching a cockroach in a dream signifies forthcoming danger”. Both point to loss.

This is likely why Evangelist Joshua Orekhie talks of cockroaches not just as physical infiltrators you need to aggressively flush out through cleaning them up. But as spiritual invaders requiring dedicated spiritual counterattack:

“Through prayer of deliverance and through spiritual warfare, you can overcome the spirit of loss. And cockroaches represent loss."

Orekhie contends people who continually experience this kind of dream often come under forms of financial lack, sickness, job loss, marital problems or sudden reversal of fortune in rapid successionafter previously being blessed or seeing progress in those areas of life.

It’s almost like a spiritual switch occurs enabling demonic theft after protective walls come down.

But here’s the key question: Why are demonic spirits permitted to trespass utilizing a universally detested harbinger?

Gaining Legal Rights Through Cultural Symbolism

While psychological theories analyze dreams through the lens of unconscious thoughts, feelings and accumulated neural baggage–biblical dream interpreters operate under different paradigms:

  1. Dreams from the Holy Spirit communicating revelation
  2. Dreams powered by human soul thoughts, worries etc.
  3. Dreams fuelled by demonic spirits pursuant to an agenda

That third category is key here regarding cockroaches and other noxious pests repeatedly showing up on someone’s nocturnal cinema screen through environmental spiritual wickedness.

It ties back to the legal rights hyperdimensional forces appear to require before encroaching on human affairs through occult means like dreams and manifestations.

Joshua labels roach dreams as clear evidence of illegal demonic environmental contamination targeting someone’s life or household.

This he says, stems from New Age concepts around thought forms and visualization giving mystics and occultists ability to weaponize their imagination. Joshua notes biblical evidence in his teaching against occult infiltration through environmental witchcraft or what others call territorial spirits.

But what establishes the legal precedent for spirits of loss, pollution and contamination to trespass utilizing universally despised roaches – even to believers?

It stems from embedded cultural meaning and symbology.

Across almost ALL world cultures:

  • Cockroaches represent disease, sticking around the muck and mire
  • They grow best in darkness, polution and unclean areas few others can tolerate
  • Hard to eradicate and quick to multiply, they overtake their surroundings

This universal social repugnance regarding cockroaches seems tied the deepest levels of human consciousness and cultural memory. Which also makes them spiritually powerful demonic shorthand for oppression.

Seeing cockroaches clustered around food in dreams invokes visceral feelings of disgust and violation. It signals ”bugs“ fouling sources of provision, just like flies tainting ointment as written in Ecclesiastes 10:1.

Which takes us back to WHY this manifests more against those moving into spiritual blessing (or seeking to reclaim lost fortune).

The Terrible Loss After Spiritual Attack Through Dreams

Believers firmly established in spiritual authority and environmental consecration through obedience seem less afflicted by vain imaginations empowering occult attacks (2 Corinthians 10:5-6).

Their minds are renewed, their homes dedicated fully to God, with minimal footholds for satanic invasion. Manifestations like insect plagues can’t operate devoid of legal precedent.

But for those currently growing into greater spiritual witness through a season of uncommon blessing and favor – that very surge of visible Kingdom advancement ironically leaves them more prone to demonic retaliation.

Often through environmental witchcraft polluting their homes, bodies or other spheres of blessing and influence through micro violations of spiritual covering.

Which is why in the heightened days of deliverance minister Cesar Castellanos Cañelles accelerating rise, establishing one of Colombia’s largest churches from his living room decades ago…he faced this kind of attack:

“One night, my wife and I saw in a dream that our room was filled with cockroaches. We prayed and declared that it was NOT going to affect our family in Jesus name.” – Cesar Castellanos, in Dream and You Will Win the World

What the Castellanos family recognized is that demonic environmental assault through visions of contamination surged as their ministry power increased. They had to rebuke the invasion in Jesus’ name since ignorance fuels access rights.

Orekhie too tells of families, business leaders and ministry gifts experiencing that same rapid loss sequence right after entering overflow seasons of financial prosperity, career growth or church expansion after seeing roaches in dreams. It’s like a contract allowing organized spiritual theft against their blessing – facilitated through disgusting insects clearly representing contamination in cultural consciousness.

But here’s the good news. Unlike people or circumstances – which God can permit or ordain to change..demonic powers have no independent authority of movement without given legal rights.

Banishing cockroaches and the spiritual forces they represent simply requires revoking all access – and invoking God‘s protection through activated faith instead.

Overturning Demonic "Foreclosures" on Blessing

Seeing demonic environmental contamination in dreams is them throwing down a spiritual gauntlet against your advancement. But just like David running towards Goliath, we already have guaranteed victory through Christ.

This reality is why Joshua teaches forcefully praying for the oppressive spiritual power behind the roaches to literally DIE IN JESUS’ NAME after such dreams.

Binding their projection of loss and forbidding every plantation of darkness working against your home, office or sanctuary where God‘s blessings enter your life neutralizes the invasion.

Vigorously applying Psalm 91 out loud, unleashes angelic reinforcement and intervention against further demonic assignment. Declaring no weapon formed against us shall prosper causes divine immunity even when walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

This verbal counterattack accompanied by anointing oil applied to key doorposts, forehead and contested areas drives back the contamination – sealing breaches. The Holy Spirit‘s purifying presence through anointing repels demons as Christ cures leprous houses in Leviticus 14.

Comprehensive Bible teacher Derek Prince also advises invoking the protective Blood of Jesus like the Israelites smearing blood over doors to repel the destroyer in Exodus 12. Through the eternal power of Calvary, we overcome the accuser.

Along with cleaning your home using holy water as part of deliverance prayers for ongoing safety. Transformation pastor Guillermo Maldonado even recommends playing worship music daily to establish an uplifting spiritual climate.

Finally, destroying every idolatrous foothold within your control remains key. Be it soul ties, media pollution through shows celebrating greed, deception or lust all provide legal rights to unclean spirits.

Repentance paired with renewed vision dispels darkness. The consistent pursuit of personal holiness, honesty and purity compels demons flee while collapsing policies that previously gave them license to infect dreams.

Should Believers Ever Welcome Prophetic Roaches?

Some commentators speak of prophetic symbolism suggesting giant cockroaches in a dream describe overcoming struggle or hardship through perseverance and determination for ultimate victory.

Roach meat being consumed reluctantly out of desperation in dreams denoting powerful medicine. Since the world‘s most resilient insects can survive practically anything outside nuclear explosions, eating roaches becomes transforming spiritual medicine imparting unshakable survival ability.

Given cultural aversion, this speaks to embracing extreme brokenness and humiliation preceding supernatural breakthrough. But positive or mystical roach symbolism remains the outlier. Far more prevalent are negative spiritual connotations…which again makes sense given their repulsive physical image.

Seeing cockroaches clustered around the rooms and furnishings within your home in dreams amounts to a legal notice of pending spiritual foreclosure by forces of darkness on your blessings, provisions, peace and advancement.

It requires urgent counteraction through prayer, declarations, consecration and holiness to break their claim. But by leveraging Christ’s finished work, no weapon can truly prosper against a child of God!

The pollution plaguing Pharoh’s Egypt had to cease when Moses cried out to Heaven. Your victory awaits too by invoking Jesus’ name and heavenly host to evict the infestation!