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Dealing with Entitled Parents: A Passionate Gamer‘s Perspective

Renowned psychiatrist Dr. K recently offered his advice for managing relationships with entitled parents—those who disregard personal boundaries and autonomy. As a passionate gamer familiar with entitled parent behaviors that restrict gaming, I resonated with Dr. K’s methods for improving communication through empathy, inquiry, and boundary setting.

In this guide, I leverage my perspective as an experienced gamer to provide specific entitled parent scenarios, statistics, and emotional impact related to limiting gaming interests. I share communication tactics for earning more freedom and overcoming resultant esteem issues. My hope is that this advice empowers fellow passionate gamers to transform dynamics with parents by leading with insight and emotional intelligence.

What Gaming Entitlement Looks Like

Growing up, I experienced various entitled parent behaviors aimed at constraining my gaming pursuits:

Demanding Access

I’d save up birthday money to buy a new console, only to have it commandeered indefinitely by parents or siblings. Gaming devices were viewed as communal property in my family, not personal items I had full autonomy over.

Limiting Play Time

House rules restricted gaming to one hour per day during weeknights only. Weekend binges were prohibited. This was demoralizing given my friends gamed liberally without such constraints.

I’d have to ration playtime across devices. If I binged on console on Monday, I couldn’t play mobile games later despite using my own phone. Time limits felt arbitrary and failed to account for gaming being my primary hobby.

Throwing Out Collections

One traumatic incident was coming home to find my parents had tossed my beloved Pokémon card collection while I was at summer camp. Hundreds of cards gathered over years gone. This demonstrated utter disregard for my interests.

Multiplayer Rage

Attempting to participate in multiplayer games elicited rage if it impacted the home WiFi connection. Parents would storm in demanding I exit games because streaming video lagged in the other room. This severed treasured social connections and torpedoed rankings.

Sabotaging Esports Aspirations

I began competing in high school esports tournaments and dreamed of going pro. But entitlement reared when parents demanded I quit to focus solely on college prep. They dangled tuition payments to coerce compliance.

Years spent cultivating esports skills never mattered because gaming couldn’t be viewed as a “real” career. Their unilateral life path mapping left lasting disillusionment.

By the Numbers: Parental Control Around Gaming

Studies quantify how pervasive entitled behaviors are when youth identify as passionate gamers:

  • 72% of parents enforce time limits on gaming
  • 65% of parents restrict which games can be played based on content
  • 60% use removal of devices/games as a punishment
  • 32% won‘t allow gaming to interfere with aspects like homework
  • 24% prohibit online gameplay with other people

This data reveals an epidemic of entitled parenting within gaming households where reasonable autonomy should exist. The end result leaves passionate gamers feeling psychologically constrained rather than encouraged.

The Emotional Damage of Gaming Entitlement

What gets lost for entitled parents is how vital gaming is for an enthusiast’s identity, community, and emotional well-being. When a parent sabotages these core elements of life, it inflicts deep wounds including:


Gaming is far more than just a hobby—it’s a meticulously crafted extension of self. Passionate gamers devote endless hours mastering game worlds, unlocking achievements, and collecting artifacts. Having that purposefully destroyed cuts profoundly.


Bewilderment compounds pain when entitled parents once encouraged gaming interests only to punitively turn against them later. Their internal inconsistencies induce whiplash.

Eroding Self-Efficacy

When parents glibly dismiss gaming skills cultivated over thousands of hours, it ruptures youth confidence. Recovery requires rebuilding shattered self-efficacy.

Stunting Social Bonds

Getting cut off from gaming friends disparages real social connections formed around mutual play. Loneliness and isolation result when entitled parents fail recognizing gaming’s bonding benefits.


All the above factors coalesce into genuine clinical risks factors for anxiety or depression when gaming passions get routinely invalidated. Parents underestimate gaming’s significance because they don’t share the interest—a failure of perspective and empathy.

Setting Boundaries Around Gaming

Restoring autonomy amidst gaming entitlement depends on clear boundary setting regarding time, access, privacy, expenses, and friend interactions. For example:

Negotiating Game Time Allotments

Rather than accepting arbitrary limits from parents, collaboratively track average daily use then discuss establishing mutually agreed upon reasonable limits. Get parents thinking about balancing personal responsibilities alongside gaming social needs.

Joint Rules for Accessing Devices

Compromise by giving parents necessary oversight to manage household demand for consoles/computers while preserving some exclusivity of personal devices. Calendaring usage turns shared gaming resources into teachable moments around cooperation.

Attending Gaming Events

Make an evidence-based case for gaming’s community participation opportunities by showing parents event schedules alongside commitments to keep academic obligations on track.

Pushing Back on Content Restrictions

Thoughtfully challenge rules limiting which games can be played by having an open dialogue about ethics, media tropes, and appreciating gaming’s narrative complexity rather than fearfully symptom focusing.

Sample Dialogue Exchanges

Parent: “You play too many games. I may just take that thing away to focus you on school.”

Child: “I know we disagree over gaming time. But completely removing something meaningful doesn’t feel like the right solution. I’m open to compromising if we can talk through fair rules respected by both of us.”

Parent: “You know I don’t like violent war games under my roof.”

Child: “I appreciate you wanting me exposed more positively. And this game involves so much strategic thinking versus mindless violence. If we played co-op, you’d see more of that side versus what worries you.”

Overcoming Gaming Baggage

The residual effects of entitled parenting can leave passionate gamers saddled with years of baggage even once independence is obtained. Common issues include:

Hesitance Displaying Gaming Interests

After being shamed enough by parents, some gamers conceal their gaming lifestyle from coworkers or partners fearing judgement. This prevents proudly owning an identity source of joy.

Wariness Sharing Gaming World Details

Having gaming stories, inside jokes or gaming gear dismissed so flippantly by parents makes passionate gamers wary of opening up about this realm vulnerable to ridicule from outsiders.

Apprehension of Becoming a Gaming Parent

Those scarred by entitled parents struggle imagining a childhood where gaming gets encouraged not critiqued, leaving apprehensive about parenting future gamers.

Healing Gaming Pain

Recovering from entitled parent damage involves processing residual hurts, reconnecting with innate enthusiasm for gaming by surrounding self with positive peer communities, speaking vulnerably with parents about impacts from limitations, and seeking counseling to work through trust issues if necessary.

Owning a gaming passion shouldn’t instill shame but rather cultivate confidence. We all deserve freedom becoming our boldest gamer selves.

In Summary

Entitled parents struggle seeing gaming as more than childish distraction. But passionate gamers dwell richly in these interactive worlds—making entitlement enormously damaging psychologically. Healing happens by restoring personal agency through empathy, boundary setting and open communication. Protect gaming interests by illuminating lived experiences authentically for tentative parents.