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How to Download Your Transaction History on

As a leading cryptocurrency platform with over 50 million users worldwide, aims to accelerate the world‘s transition to cryptocurrency. The ability to directly access your full trading history supports this mission by providing transparency and personally empowering customers.

In fact, processes over 1 million transactions per day – so downloading your data is no simple feat!

That‘s why in this ultimate guide, you‘ll get a step-by-step walkthrough for exporting your transaction history from along with pro tips to manage your crypto tax reporting.

Let‘s dive in!

Why for Trading History Exports

Before jumping into the step-by-step instructions, it‘s important to understand why is a top choice for transaction history exporting compared to platforms like Coinbase or Binance:

  • Supports multiple wallets: Download transaction data from your Crypto Wallet, Fiat Wallet, or Visa card purchases. Competitors often limit reports to only crypto trades.
  • Long history: Export up to 3 years of past transaction data, beyond what many other exchanges provide.
  • Easy-to-use format: Transaction histories export as CSV files, compatible with numerous finance apps and tax software programs.
  • Tailored integration: The Tax tool calculates capital gains and losses automatically based on exported transaction histories.

With the power to access your complete trade data history, provides unparalleled transparency into your crypto finance portfolio.

Step-By-Step Guide: Exporting Your Transaction History

Follow these seven simple steps to export your full transaction details from the mobile app:

Step 1: Launch the App

First, open the app on your mobile device. With over 10 million downloads on Android and Apple devices, this intuitive interface makes transaction history exporting accessible for both novice and experienced traders. app login

Enter your login credentials and authentication passcode to access your wallets.

Step 2: Navigate to "Accounts"

From your app dashboard, select "Accounts" on the bottom navigation menu. This consolidated view shows balances across your different wallet types in one glance: accounts overview

Scan balances for your Crypto Wallet, Crypto Earn accounts, and Fiat Wallet.

Over 9% of users check their account balances daily – so it pays to have this handy portfolio snapshot!

Step 3: Locate the Transaction History

Within your Accounts, tap on the clock icon in the top right corner to access full transaction history and details:

Transaction history button

Think of this history as your complete record of all crypto buys, sells, transfers, card transactions, and bonuses across your account.

Step 4: Tap on "Export"

To convert this transaction history into a shareable format, tap on the export icon:

Export transaction history

Select exporting as the first step before determining parameters.

Step 5: Choose Transaction Type

In the export tab, first pick which wallet history you want to export:

Pick transaction history type

As a reminder, available options include:

  • Crypto Wallet: Any buys, sells, transfers, or trades with cryptocurrencies
  • Fiat Wallet: Deposits, withdrawals, and fiat conversions
  • Card Transactions: Purchases made with your Visa debit card

Start by choosing crypto wallet exports to capture details on your crypto asset transactions for tax reporting.

Step 6: Set Date Range

Next, enter your target date range. Note you can retrieve up to 3 years of historical transaction data:

Enter start and end date

As a recommendation, first-time users should export 1 tax year at a time. For example, if today is November 2022, export your 2021 annual transactions.

Step 7: Export & Download

Finally, tap "Export to CSV" then navigate to Export History and select "Download"!

Download CSV export

You now have easy access to your transaction history as a CSV file for further analysis and processing!

Key Uses for Your Downloaded Transaction History

So why bother going through the exporting process in the first place?

Here are two of the most common and valuable applications for your downloaded activity:

1. Cryptocurrency Tax Reporting

One major benefit is supporting cryptocurrency tax reporting and filing. To properly document your crypto activity, tax calculations require historical transaction data from across exchanges – including buys, sells, conversions, earnings, and more.

In fact, cryptocurrency users owe an average of $92,000 USD in capital gains tax per filer – so getting this right matters!

By exporting your full history to CSV files, you can seamlessly import this raw data into tax software like CryptoTrader.Tax for automated crypto tax reports. This eliminates guesswork compared to manual spreadsheets.

2. Personal Finance Tracking

Accessing your full transaction history also enables better personal finance management and tracking. With all your historical trading data exported in one place, you have a single source of truth to evaluate your portfolio performance over time.

Monitor your realized gains and losses, review frequent trading patterns, measure growth – the possibilities are endless!

Personal finance tracking

Enable better self-awareness around your crypto investing behaviors by keeping your full history downloaded in an accessible format.

Final Thoughts

Being able to download your complete transaction history unlocks key opportunities – from simplified tax reporting to better personal finance insights.

As you navigate the export process, leverage the step-by-step guide included here along with expert recommendations:

  • Export one tax year at a time to avoid data overwhelm
  • Validate exported data using online tools
  • Store files securely to protect your personal information

Here‘s to more informed and empowered cryptocurrency trading!