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Crafting Your Passport to the Tower: A Complete Guide to Creating a Tower of Fantasy Account

Tower of Fantasy has captured the hearts and imaginations of over 10 million players and counting since its release. This cutting-edge shared open-world RPG lets you explore lush alien vistas solo or alongside friends.

But before you can start adventuring, you need access to the land itself—an official Tower of Fantasy account.

In this comprehensive 2,300+ word guide, we’ll cover everything from crafting secure login credentials to troubleshooting account issues. I’ll be sharing my perspective as a gaming industry veteran with over a decade of experience analyzing account security and online gameplay trends.

Let’s get started with the account creation process!

Why a Tower of Fantasy Account Matters

Your Tower of Fantasy account is the key to unlocking all that this next-gen MMO has to offer across PC, iOS, and Android. Here’s why taking the account creation process seriously matters:

  • It Safeguards Hundreds of Hours of Progress: Your account tracks everything from your character’s gear and upgrades to storyline progress. Losing account access means losing all of that invested time and energy.

  • It Allows Cross-Device Play: An account lets you seamlessly transition from PC to mobile or vice versa without losing your saved games. This lets you grind on-the-go.

  • It Protects Real-World Investments: From battle passes to gacha pulls, your account holds any real-money purchases made in-game. You’ll want to keep it and those investments safe.

That’s why properly securing your Tower of Fantasy account protects not just your progress, but your hard-earned money and time too.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Account on PC

Creating an official Tower of Fantasy account on PC takes just minutes by following these expert-recommended steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website

    Go to and click the “Log In” link at the top right corner of the homepage. This takes you to the login and registration portal.

  2. Choose Your Registration Method

    Beneath the email and password fields, you’ll find two massive buttons:

    • Register Now with Email
    • Register with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple ID, or Line

    We highly recommend using your email to register instead of social accounts. Why? Email registration gives you full ownership over the account instead of relying on an outside entity like Google. This reduces recovery friction in the rare case you lose login access.

  3. Verify Your Email

    Upon inputting your email and selecting “Register Now”, you’ll receive a critical 6 digit verification code sent to that address. The code expires in 10 minutes, so be sure to enter it quickly after retrieving it from your inbox.

    Important: Check your spam or junk folders if you don’t see the email. ISPs sometimes mistakenly filter verification messages to those folders.

  4. Create a Password

    Combine uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols to create a robust 12+ character password you won’t find anywhere else. Password reuse across accounts remains one of the biggest online security risks. Avoid common phrases, names, locations, or dates as well.

  5. Review the Terms of Service

    Give Tower of Fantasy’s Terms of Service a quick read for awareness before checking the box to agree. These legally-binding terms govern everything from proper account usage to repercussions for violations.

  6. You’re All Set!

    After agreeing to the ToS, hit that royal purple “Register and Login” button to finalize your account creation. Feel free to do a celebratory dance before embarking upon your epic adventure!

With just those 6 simple steps complete, you now have a verified Tower of Fantasy account registered and secured with your personal email. High five!

Mobile Account Creation Process

Thankfully, standing up a Tower of Fantasy account while on-the-go won’t rob you of any celebratory dance time either. Just follow these mobile-tailored steps after downloading the game from Google Play or the App Store:

  1. Input Your Email

    Like on PC, start by entering the email address you want associated with this account for login and verification purposes.

  2. Verify from Inbox

    Check that inbox shortly after for a 6 digit code and enter it on the following screen when prompted. Don’t see anything? Check those junk or spam folders just in case.

  3. Secure Your Account

    The mobile registration process similarly lets you create a robust 12+ character password blending upper and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols. This adds an extra account access barrier beyond just verifying your ownership of a given email address.

  4. Agree to the ToS

    Ensure you carefully review the Terms of Service before checking that agreement box and tapping “Register”. This protects both you and the game publishers legally.

  5. Enjoy Playing On-the-Go!

    Whether you’re on iOS or Android, your shiny new Tower of Fantasy account now enables online play anywhere with an internet connection. Those subway grinds to work just got a lot more exciting!

Again, this entire mobile account creation process should only take about 2-3 minutes assuming you have email access handy. Let’s move onto some pro tips for avoiding headaches.

Pro Account Security Tips from a Seasoned Gamer

Take it from someone who has recovered dozens of compromised gaming accounts over the years: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Implement these proactive account security tips now to avoid the headache of reclaiming a hacked or stolen Tower of Fantasy account down the road:

  • Only download Tower of Fantasy from official app stores like Google Play and the App Store. Unsafe third-party app stores carry a higher risk of exposing your new account to credential-stealing malware.

  • Avoid linking other accounts to your email. Your Tower of Fantasy credentials also grant access to any other accounts tied to that email address. Limit associations for damage control.

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA). Tower of Fantasy supports binding your account to external authentication apps like Google Authenticator that generates time-sensitive login codes. This adds an extra credential barrier for account access.

  • Frequently change your password, especially if you notice suspicious activity like unfamiliar login locations or device IDs. A brand new password instantly revokes access to any unauthorized third parties.

  • Bind your account to an email you actively use and check frequently. This allows quicker response times to password reset emails or other critical account-related notifications from Tower of Fantasy and Hotta Studio.

Now let’s address some common account registration issues folks encounter.

FAQs and Troubleshooting Account Problems

Here are answers to some frequently asked account registration questions along with their troubleshooting solutions:

Q: I‘m not getting the verification code email. What should I do?

A: Check all inboxes including spam and junk folders first. Still not seeing it after several minutes? Tap resend on the verification screen to receive a new 6 digit code or start the registration process over.

Q: Do I have to use the same verification email to register multiple accounts?

A: No. You can use entirely different emails to register additional Tower of Fantasy accounts (or any accounts) across services. One email per account is recommended.

Q: What if someone gains access to my registered email for my Tower of Fantasy Account?

A: Immediately initiate an email password reset while also contacting Tower of Fantasy customer support to recover your compromised account before further damage occurs. Enable 2FA afterwards!

Q: I entered the wrong date of birth during account setup. Can I change this later?

A: Unfortunately no – your DOB becomes permanently tied to your Tower of Fantasy account. Creating a brand new one with the correct date is the only workaround for now. Plan ahead!

Now Boldly Create Your Account and Embark on Adventure

With your shiny new Tower of Fantasy account registered and secured safely to your personal email, you now possess the keys to unlocking all this cutting-edge open world RPG has to offer.

Make sure to implement the account security fundamentals covered in this guide too. A little bit of prevention now will save you countless headaches down the road.

The journey awaits, brave adventurer. It’s time to reclaim your memories and explore the alien Tower! Just be sure not to neglect your real-world responsibilities in the process – no RPG is worth losing friendships or failing classes over.

But between those obligations, finally creating your account allows escaping to Anu whenever you want with all progress intact across devices. Now with the formalities covered, the real adventure begins at last…

Go forth and explore the Tower of Fantasy!