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Craig Golias Height, Weight, and Age: Inside the Stats and Life of Bodybuilding‘s Biggest Man

At 6‘3" and fluctuating between a staggering 325 to 350 pounds of shredded muscle, Craig Golias has undoubtedly earned the title as one of the largest and most imposing figures in the bodybuilding world today.

But how did Golias grow to such mammoth proportions, becoming a pillar of mass so huge that he makes even other giants look small?

As a bodybuilding analyst and coach for over 15 years, I‘ve seen many massive men in this sport. But none compare to the sheer enormity that is Craig Golias.

In this comprehensive deep dive into the stats, career, training, diet, and psychology behind Bodybuilding‘s Biggest Man, you‘ll discover the complete untold story of how Golias became a veritable giant.

By the Numbers: Golias‘ Mind-Blowing Statistics

Let‘s start by breaking down Golias‘ key statistics:

  • Full Name: Craig Golias
  • Birthdate: February 7, 1984 (currently 38 years old)
  • Height: 6‘3" (190 cm) without shoes
  • Weight: Fluctuates between 325 lbs (147 kg) to 350 lbs (158 kg)
  • Competition Weight: As heavy as 340 lbs when competing
  • Offseason Weight: Reportedly hits 370 lbs in offseason bulking
  • Body Fat %: Approximately 4-5% even at over 300 lbs
  • Neck Size: Over 25 inches
  • Waist Size: Approximately 35 inches at the navel
  • Nationality: American, born in Cincinnati, Ohio

These stats alone separate Golias from nearly every other bodybuilder alive. But they become even more mind-blowing when you consider that he began as a 150 lb skinny kid!

Golias proudly gained over 200 lbs of bulk since starting bodybuilding – more than the entire body weight of most people on the planet.

Now weighing over double or triple his original weight well into his 30s, Golias represents the outer limits of muscular size attainment.

The Making of a Mass Monster: Golias‘ Bodybuilding Origins

So how did Golias go from average to absolute giant? Here is a brief history of his bodybuilding career:

  • Began training at age 18 after graduating high school in 2002. He was 150 lbs at only 5‘9" – below average.

  • After hitting a plateau at 190 lbs several years in, he began aggressively "bulking" – deliberately overeating to gain weight/muscle. This was when size increase accelerated.

  • Golias moved up to 230 lbs relatively lean. Then in his mid-20s, he started utilizing heavy steroid cycling under medical supervision to become a pro bodybuilder.

  • His weight rapidly climbed into the 260s and 270s. He began a mass phase that would continue for over a decade, aided by his excellent steroid-friendly genetics.

  • Golias hit 320 lbs by around age 30, qualifying him as an IFBB pro bodybuilder. He continued exploiting all-out mass gaining techniques.

  • In his early 30s, Golias reached 340-350 lbs shredded through extraordinary eating, drug stacks, and 2-3 hour daily training.

  • Today at 38, he sustains a level of mass unheard of for his 6‘3" height while maintaining conditioning. He is worshipped online as the mass monster archetype.

Clearly this was no accidental journey – Craig Golias strategically sculpted his physique over 15+ years to become the biggest man in bodybuilding, with the stats to back it up.

Feeding the Beast: The Colossal Diet That Built Golias

Packing on over 200 pounds of mass since his early days obviously required a tremendous dietary effort from Golias. According to his interviews, here‘s an inside look at the outrageous amount of food it takes to become quite literally the world‘s biggest bodybuilder:

  • During offseason bulking, Golias consumes over 6,000 calories per day – more than triple the average man‘s intake.

  • His macros are precisely tracked: 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight (400-500 g protein), moderate fats (100-150 g), and the remainder in complex carbs like oats, rice, and potatoes to drive mass gains.

  • Golias doesn‘t rely solely on whole foods to hit his macros. He strategically uses weight gainers, protein shakes and amino acids to boost calories and protein above levels achievable through food alone.

  • A sample bulking day may include: 1 dozen whole eggs, 2 lbs chicken breast, 1 lb red meat, 1.5 lbs fish, 1 lb nuts, 4 cups rice, 2 cups oatmeal, 4 cups pasta, 2 cans tuna, 3 protein shakes, pre/post workout aminos, healthy fats like olive oil, and 8+ fruits/veggies.

  • His pre-workout shake alone consists of 2 cups oats, 2 scoops whey, peanut butter, banana, olive oil and more – nearly 2,000 calories! This superfeeds his muscles before crushing each workout.

  • Golias strategically uses insulin and compounds that increase appetite to escalate his capacity for consuming thousands of calories above baseline. His chemical assistance is a huge asset in achieving such extremes.

As you can see, becoming the largest professional bodybuilder requires eating like one too. The sheer amount and precision of Golias‘ nutrition far exceeds what 99.9% of trainees could hope to consume through willpower alone.

The Grueling Regimen Behind the Mass: Golias‘ Insane Training

Of course, all the eating in the world wouldn‘t build Golias to his trademark massive proportions without intense training to stimulate growth. Here‘s an inside look at the grueling workouts that enabled his world record size:

  • Golias trains each muscle group 1-2 times per week for optimal volume and frequency. This includes 2 total weekly sessions for smaller muscles, up to 4 sessions for larger body parts.

  • His sessions last 60-90 minutes each, focusing on heavy, basic strength training exercises like barbell bench press, squats, deadlifts, and weighted chin-ups.

  • He performs high volume – often over 20 work sets per muscle group in a single session. Sets are taken to deep muscular fatigue and pumped execution.

  • Golias incorporates advanced techniques like drop sets, supersets, rest pause sets, static holds and partial reps. These wring every ounce of stimulation from each workout.

  • He customizes his program over time to target weak points and bring up lagging body parts, ensuring full balanced development despite being so massive already.

  • Golias actually lives in the gym he owns to have 24/7 access. He optimizes every factor for facilitating his quest for ultimate mass.

The bottom line is that Golias leaves absolutely nothing to chance in his training. He leverages every tool and technique developed over decades in bodybuilding to force his physique to levels previously deemed unattainable.

Inside the Mind of a Giant: The Psychology Behind Golias‘ Extreme Body

In analyzing the mentality behind Bodybuilding‘s Biggest Man, a complex picture emerges. What internal drive motivates Golias to take his physique to such exaggerated proportions year after year?

In his Generation Iron interview, Golias admits to struggling with "bigorexia" – the obsessive desire to continually gain more muscle mass at any cost.

This condition fuels an extreme "more is better" mentality when it comes to size. It may stem partly from past insecurities about being skinny, but develops into body image issues at the other end of the spectrum.

Bigorexia likely contributes to some of Golias‘ more controversial practices – utilizing dangerously heavy drug stacks, forcing food intake, training through severe pain and injury.

For Golias, satisfaction remains elusive – he feels compelled to be bigger than anyone else, and no amount of mass seems to suffice. This endless drive has produced both positive and negative repercussions.

On one hand, it granted him the incentive to achieve what others considered impossible. But on the other, it extracts severe costs for his long-term health and avoids addressing potential underlying issues driving his obsession with size.

Ultimately, Golias represents an extreme mindset highlighting both the potential and dark side of the human quest for physical optimization. His example provides lessons for balancing drive with wisdom.

Conclusion: Lessons from Bodybuilding‘s Biggest Man

In exploring every aspect behind Craig Golias‘ development into the world‘s largest professional bodybuilder, several conclusions clearly emerge:

  • With enough work ethic, strategic eating, drugs, and genetics, the human body can reach proportions previously unthinkable. But there are always costs for taking any endeavor to its extreme.

  • Psychological issues like bigorexia often drive men to bodybuilding extremes. But self-awareness and balance are vital to avoid losing objectivity.

  • Detailed tracking of nutrition, training, and drug protocols enables elite achievements – but moderation and health must also be considered.

  • Regardless of supplementation, most individuals have genetic limits far below Craig‘s. Attempting to mimic his regimen without respecting personal potential and risks invites danger.

  • Craig‘s personality represents merely one approach. His level of single-minded dedication exceeds what most can or should attempt to replicate. Following one‘s own path brings the greatest fulfillment.

The gigantic but controversial figure of Craig Golias provides a fascinating case study in the psychology and methodology behind maximizing muscular size. He has pushed the boundaries of mass monsters to new heights through relentless drive.

Love him or hate him – you simply cannot ignore him. Golias has cemented his name in history as quite possibly the largest, most shredded bodybuilder who ever lived. His legacy will inspire, shock and amaze for generations to come.