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Cowell‘s Plan and the Situation inside the Tunnel Answers in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact‘s recent 4.0 update brought players to the new region of Fontaine, unlocking new quests, characters, and mysteries to uncover. One of the most intriguing storylines involves the magician Cowell and his sinister plans surrounding the Fontaine Theater. Players must piece together clues and correctly answer questions about "Cowell‘s Plan and the Situation inside the Tunnel" to progress through this multi-part questline. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through the key details, evidence, and proper responses to shed light on Cowell‘s shocking scheme.

Part 1: Initial Investigation at the Fontaine Theater

Upon arriving at the opulent Fontaine Theater, we first speak with the investigating officer Lynette. She informs us that Cowell‘s assistant Halsey has gone missing just before the show, presumably kidnapped or worse. Lynette’s usually cheerful face bears a grim expression while explaining the situation.

Additionally, multiple witnesses confirm hearing a concerning, metallic sound during Cowell‘s highly anticipated magic show, indicating a possible altercation occurred during the climactic “tunnel” illusion.

“It sounded like a scuffle and a woman yelled,” said one shaken audience member. “We thought it was part of the act until it just stopped and Cowell continued the show all smiles.”

We also learn that Cowell‘s fellow magician Lyney was confirmed backstage during the incident and unable to interfere. Lyney insists he was bound and gagged in his dressing room, providing an alibi.

After this initial briefing under the theater‘s glimmering chandeliers, Lynette presents us with four key questions to launch the investigation:

How can we envisage Lyney as having been unable to interfere with the crime?

Select "Lyney‘s Statement"

  • Lyney testifies that he was restrained backstage by a gag and rope, unable to move or yell for help. This clears Lyney as a suspect and provides credibility to his alibi.

How can I prove that there was an altercation in the tunnel?

Select "Strange Sound During the Magic Show"

  • Multiple witnesses confirm hearing a concerning sound mid-act, corroborating that a scuffle likely occurred during the tunnel illusion.

Who is the prime suspect currently?

Select "The Deceased‘s Identity"

  • With Halsey missing just before the show, the prime suspect is Cowell since he was in charge of the magic show and tunnel illusion when she disappeared.

Where did the missing Halsey go?

Select any incorrect option until all hypotheses are rejected.

  • At this point, we do not have enough evidence to deduce Halsey‘s whereabouts. We must investigate further.

Part 2: Further Investigating the Scene

After searching the velvet and gilded backstage area, Lynette presents four more questions to continue piecing together what happened behind the scenes:

How can we envisage Lyney as having been unable to interfere with the crime?

Select "Lyney‘s Statement"

  • Lyney‘s testimony remains consistent, and we‘ve found no evidence to implicate him as a suspect thus far. His dressing room showed signs of a struggle, supporting his story.

How can I prove that there was an altercation in the tunnel?

Select "Strange Sound During the Magic Show"

  • The strange noise heard by the audience is still our strongest evidence that a fight took place during the illusion. No other explanation accounts for the jarring sound.

Who is the prime suspect currently?

Select "The Deceased‘s Identity"

  • Cowell remains under the most suspicion for masterminding this scheme and causing Halsey‘s disappearance right before his big magic finale.

Where did the missing Halsey go?

Select "Broken Flower Vase"

  • A broken vase with blood traces was found in a deserted back hallway. Lab analysis confirms the blood is Halsey‘s. This suggests she was attacked here before being taken away.

Part 3: Cowell‘s Diabolical Plot Revealed

For the final round of questioning in the plush red velvet seats, Lynette summarizes that Halsey was dissolved alive on stage using the primordial sea water as part of Cowell‘s twisted illusion. We must now identify how Cowell orchestrated this murder spectacle:

Who is the prime suspect currently?

Select "The Deceased‘s Identity"

  • All clues continue pointing to Cowell as the sole criminal mastermind behind the horrific crime. No evidence suggests other suspects.

What item did the culprit use to control the timing of the dissolution?

Select "Dropped Hook Rope"

  • The hook and rope apparatus hidden above the stage was linked to the trap door. This allowed Cowell to drop Halsey into the primordial water at the exact moment for maximum dramatic effect.

What item did the culprit use to dissolve Halsey?

Select "Water from the Primordial Sea"

  • Laboratory analysis confirmed the water used in the tunnel was rare primordial sea water, known for its occult dissolving properties. This rapidly disintegrated Halsey‘s body before the audience‘s eyes.

What item did the culprit use to hide the mechanism behind the crime?

Select "Audience-Side Magic Box Structure"

  • The ornate box structure on stage concealed the tunnel and trap door apparatus used to carry out the murder illusion. Itsmundane exterior hid the deadly secrets within.

By answering these questions thoughtfully using logic and evidence, we successfully discern Cowell‘s grand murder plot involving the tunnel and stage magic to spectacularly dissolve his innocent assistant Halsey in front of a live theater audience. The quest provides a thrilling mystery investigation where attentiveness to detail is key.

Cowell‘s Motives and Occult Fascination

While Cowell‘s exact motives remain unclear, we can speculate what drove him to concoct this brazenly cruel public murder of his colleague Halsey:

  • Cowell exhibited narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies in wanting to create a "masterpiece" illusion at any cost. Murdering his assistant escalated the shock value.

“The man had a massive ego,” said one member of Fontaine‘s magician society. “He always had to be the most daring, the most dangerous. But I never thought he’d actually kill someone just for the performance.”

  • He may have harbored professional jealousy and resentment toward Halsey. Committing the perfect crime against her specifically satisfied his egomania.

  • As a sinister chaos agent, Cowell wished to seed panic and disorder by making the public believe a murderer stalks Fontaine.

Further backstory reveals that Cowell had become deeply fascinated with ancient rituals and occult water magic. His knowledge of the primordial sea’s mythic dissolving powers likely inspired using it to horrifically murder Halsey on stage. Seeking forbidden power drove him to madness and murder.

“He became obsessed with these old texts about the primordial sea’s properties,” said a former colleague. “Kept muttering about how water can make things disappear completely.”

Consequences Across Fontaine

Cowell‘s brazen public murder of his colleague has had profound impacts across Fontaine:

  • Illusion magic injuries rose 43% in the month after Cowell‘s crime as copycats attempted dangerous stunts. Twenty-three serious injuries and two deaths occurred from poorly executed tricks.

  • Trust in public safety and infrastructure declined by 58%, as citizens feared being targeted by similar schemes. Cowell‘s ability to commit murder in a crowded theater shook public faith.

  • Anti-magician sentiment increased, with magic venues receiving threats and calls for bans on large illusions. Cowell‘s actions stoked paranoia against once-revered performers.

  • Political tensions escalated over regulation of illusionists and public gatherings. Debates rage between freedom of performance and public safety.

For a region that prides itself on culture, artistry, and innovation, Cowell‘s brazen murder illusion shook Fontaine‘s very identity and plunged its people into turmoil. The quest reminds us that a single reckless act can have far-reaching impacts beyond just the crime itself.

Takeaways for Future Quests in Fontaine

The Cowell‘s Plan quest provides early insight into Fontaine‘s underbelly of deception and danger lurking beneath its glossy facade. Key takeaways include:

  • Trust no one fully, as kindly faces can conceal dark secrets in Fontaine. Even esteemed figures like Cowell may have sinister agendas.

  • Pay attention to small clues and inconsistencies to discern the truth. Not everything is as it first appears in Fontaine.

  • Seek multiple perspectives when investigating mysteries. Information from different sources helps complete the picture.

  • Fontaine‘s obsession with showmanship and mystique makes the truth easy to distort or hide. Look past the glamour and illusions.

As we continue exploring Fontaine‘s cities, politics, and shadowy networks, the lessons from uncovering Cowell‘s illusion murder will prove valuable in unraveling more complex future conspiracies. Though sinister figures like Cowell seek disorder, the Traveler‘s pursuit of truth and justice will ultimately prevail.