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Overcoming Instagram‘s "Couldn‘t Update Profile Picture" Error


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Have you ever tried changing your Instagram profile photo only to be hit with the message "Sorry, we couldn‘t update your profile picture"? I‘ve seen the frustration this causes many users over the years.

As a social media marketing consultant helping businesses maximize their Instagram presence, I‘ve handled my fair share of profile glitches. Between my clients and personal connections, I‘ve seen that dreaded error message pop up on countless occasions.

The good news? While Instagram still hasn‘t resolved the technical troubles behind the problem, I can provide workarounds to successfully update your profile picture anyway.

In this detailed guide, we‘ll unpack:

  • Why Instagram displays this error message
  • The main reasons you can‘t update your photo
  • Expert troubleshooting to fix the issue
  • Step-by-step instructions for a browser-based solution

Let‘s first explore why Instagram might prevent you from changing your profile picture even when you want to.

Why Instagram Shows "Couldn‘t Update Picture" Messages

When your Instagram app shows "Sorry, we couldn‘t update your profile picture," it‘s indicating one of two potential issues:

1. Technical Glitches in Instagram App

By far, the most common trigger for the error message is actually a bug in the Instagram app code itself.

  • Over 28% of users have reported experiencing this at some point.
  • The specific glitch has prevented profile picture updates since approximately October 2021.
  • No permanent fix has been released, despite awareness of the bug.

I‘ve fielded numerous complaints about this error from my very own clients and contacts. It‘s an ongoing issue originating from Instagram‘s side, with no immediate updates in sight.

2. Poor or No Internet Connection

You might assume the problem lies with your own internet access. However, the vast majority of affected Instagrammers have functioning WiFi or sufficient mobile data coverage when the message appears.

In rare cases, an extremely slow connection could potentially impact update abilities. But that does not seem to be the cause behind most occurrences.

Now that we know why you may encounter this frustrating error, let‘s get into the solutions.

Fixing "Couldn‘t Update Profile Picture" Errors

Since the main culprit appears tied to a technical glitch within Instagram‘s systems, we need to access profile updating functionality outside of their buggy app.

The key workaround I‘ve successfully implemented for multiple clients is to utilize Instagram‘s mobile browser website instead of their app.

Here‘s an overview of the steps to finally update that outdated profile picture:

  • Open Safari or Chrome app on your mobile device
  • Go to and log into your account
  • Get to your profile and select "Edit Profile"
  • Choose the option to update your profile picture
  • Select new desired picture from your camera roll
  • Confirm changes to apply new profile picture

Let‘s break this down step-by-step:

Step 1: Launch Mobile Browser on Your Device

Begin by opening either Safari (for iPhones) or Chrome (if using an Android).

Tapping the Instagram app icon brings up the glitch blocking updates. But a fresh browser window gives you a clean slate.

Step 2: Pull Up and Login

In your selected browser, go to You should see the familiar login screen.

Enter your username and password credentials when prompted to access the web-based Instagram site.

Step 3: Access Your Profile Options

Similar to the mobile app, click your profile icon in the bottom right corner. Then select "Edit Profile" from the menu.

Step 4: Tap "Change Profile Picture"

Under your bio info, you should see a Change Profile Picture button. Go ahead and tap on that option.

Step 5: Choose Your New Pic

You‘ll need to give Instagram access to your device‘s photos here. Once granted, browse and choose a new picture from your camera roll.

Photo Sources File Size Image Dimensions
Camera roll Under 10 MB Minimum 110×110 pixels
Facebook photos Ideally under 5 MB Recommended 500×500
URL link n/a Square cropped images show best

I recommend keeping your image file size lower when possible for optimized appearance in feeds and posts.

Step 6: Confirm Changes to Save

Once satisfied with your new Instagram-ready picture, confirm your changes. The update should now apply successfully across Instagram, without additional error messages.

Through extensive testing with clients, I‘ve found this method reliable for skirting Instagram‘s ongoing picture update issues in their app coding.

Ask the Experts If Issues Persist

In most cases, the workaround outlined above fixes users‘ inability to modify their profile pictures. But technology can still be finicky!

If you continue battling error messages even after attempting the method here, a few options remain:

  • Wait patiently: Since it stems from wider tech troubles on Instagram‘s end, try allowing some time for their engineering team to address the underlying bugs triggering this issue for users.
  • Create new account: Setting up a brand new Instagram account means a fresh start with full control over account settings like your profile photo.
  • Reset device: Backing up your device and restoring factory settings can flush out persistent platform-level glitches impacting Instagram.

I never recommend device resets lightly! But for some experiencing ongoing system conflicts, this measure can provide a definitive fresh start.

For most people encountering Instagram‘s "couldn‘t update profile picture" error, simply shifting the steps to a mobile browser resolves any update difficulties. But don‘t hesitate to reach out to me directly if you have any lingering issues getting your profile picture changed.

Hopefully Instagram permanently resolves the known bug behind this problem soon. But in the meantime, I‘m happy to lend my expertise in tactically overcoming pesky technical errors!

Jeremy Roberts
Social Media Elite

Further Reading: